PIC32是Microchip推出的32 bit MCU,其内核是MIPS架构的,MIPS也是属于RISC指令集的,好像ARM的指令集还在RISC指令集中做了一些扩充,而MIPS应当是更加符合RISC的。PIC32性能应当比Cortex M3差不多,一般都具有图形显示接口和Ethernet接口,PIC32系列应当主推的就是通信产品市场。不过PIC32的使用是远不及ARM的产品流行,不知道是因为成本原因,还是因为本来生态就不够完善,或者是推出者的个性。如下介绍下PIC 32的开发IDE及其安装。
双击安装之,安装过程与前面的MPLAB X IDE的安装过程相同。安装完成后,需要在MPLAB X IDE中以插件的方式加入,步骤如下(可在安装目录下的Readme中找到):
To install these plug-ins into MPLAB X IDE, follow these steps:
1. From the MPLAB X IDE “Tools” menu, choose “Plugins”. A dialog box appears.
2. Select the “Downloaded” tab in the dialog box.
3. Click “Add Plugins…” and navigate to the directory paths listed previously
for each plug-in.
4. Select the plug-in file (that ends with “.nbm”) and click “Open”.
5. Ensure that the selected plug-in is listed and the “Install” box is checked.
6. Click “Install” and follow the on-screen directions.
完成后需要重启MPLAB X IDE才能生效。