
2019-04-15 12:07发布

PIC单片机的BCD码处理程序 #define PAGE    EJECT     TITLE   "BCD Arithmetic Routines : Ver 1.0" ;*******************************************************************
;                      BCD Arithmetic Routines
 LIST     columns=120, WRAP, L=0  include "17c42.h"  CBLOCK   0x20
  Lbyte, Hbyte
  R2, R1, R0             ;must maintain R2, R1, R0 sequence
  Num1, Num2
BCD     equ      Num1
Htemp   equ      Num1
Ltemp   equ      Num2
 ORG     0x0000
;                      BCD Arithmetic Test Program
 setf     Hbyte
 setf     Lbyte
;                               ; 16 bit binary num = 0xffff
 call    B2_BCD_Looped   ; after conversion the Decimal Num
;                               ; in R0, R1, R2 = 06,55,35
 setf     Hbyte
 setf     Lbyte
 call    B2_BCD_Straight ; same as above, but straight line code
 movlw    0x06
 movwf     R0
 movlw    0x55
 movwf     R1
 movlw    0x35
 movwf     R2              ; setf R0R1R2 = 65535
 call    BCDtoB          ; after conversion Hbyte = 0xff
;                               ; and Lbyte = 0xff
 movlw    0x99
 movwf     Num1
 movlw    0x99
 movwf     Num2            ; setf Num1 = Num2 = 0x99 (max BCD)
 call    BCDAdd          ; after addition, Num2 = 98
;                               ; and Num1 = 01 ( 99+99 = 198)
 movlw    0x63            ; setf Wreg = 63 hex
 call    BinBCD          ; after conversion, BCD = 99
;                               ; 63 hex = 99 decimal.
self    goto    self
;                  Binary To BCD Conversion Routine (8 bit)
;       This routine converts the 8 bit binary number in the W Reg
; to a 2 digit BCD number in location BCD( compacted BCD Code)
;       The least significant digit is returned in location LSD and
; the most significant digit is returned in location MSD.
;   Performance :
;               Program Memory  :  10
;               Clock Cycles    :  62  (worst case when W = 63 Hex )
;                                      ( i.e max Decimal number 99 )
 clrf     BCD
 addlw    -10
 btfss      _carry
 goto    swapBCD
 incf     BCD
 goto    again
 addlw    10
 swapf    BCD
 iorwf     BCD
;                Binary To BCD Conversion Routine (16 Bit)
;                       (LOOPED Version)
;      This routine converts a 16 Bit binary Number to a 5 Digit
; BCD Number.
;       The 16 bit binary number is input in locations Hbyte and
; Lbyte with the high byte in Hbyte.
;       The 5 digit BCD number is returned in R0, R1 and R2 with R0
; containing the MSD in its right most nibble.
;   Performance :
;               Program Memory  :  32
;               Clock Cycles    :  750
 bsf      _fs0
 bsf      _fs1            ; set fsr0 for no auto increment
 bcf      _carry
 clrf     count
 bsf      count,4         ; set count = 16
 clrf     R0
 clrf     R1
 clrf     R2
 rlcf     Lbyte
 rlcf     Hbyte
 rlcf     R2
 rlcf     R1
 rlcf     R0
 dcfsnz   count
 movlw    R2              ; load R2 as indirect address ptr
 movwf     fsr0
 call    adjBCD
 incf     fsr0
 call    adjBCD
 incf     fsr0
 call    adjBCD
 goto    loop16a
 movfp    indf0,wreg
 addlw    0x03
 btfsc      wreg,3          ; test if result > 7
 movwf     indf0
 movfp    indf0,wreg
 addlw    0x30
 btfsc      wreg,7          ; test if result > 7
 movwf     indf0           ; save as MSD
;                Binary To BCD Conversion Routine (16 Bit)
;                       (Partial Straight Line Version)
;      This routine converts a 16 Bit binary Number to a 5 Digit
; BCD Number.
;       The 16 bit binary number is input in locations Hbyte and
; Lbyte with the high byte in Hbyte.
;       The 5 digit BCD number is returned in R0, R1 and R2 with R0
; containing the MSD in its right most nibble.
;   Performance :
;               Program Memory  :  44
;               Clock Cycles    :  572
 bsf      _fs0
 bsf      _fs1            ; set fsr0 for no auto increment
 bcf      _carry
 clrf     count
 bsf      count,4         ; set count = 16
 clrf     R0
 clrf     R1
 clrf     R2
 rlcf     Lbyte
 rlcf     Hbyte
 rlcf     R2
 rlcf     R1
 rlcf     R0
 dcfsnz   count
 return                   ; DONE
 movlw    R2              ; load R2 as indirect address ptr
 movwf    fsr0
; adjustBCD
 movfp    indf0,wreg
 addlw    0x03
 btfsc    wreg,3          ; test if result > 7
 movwf    indf0
 movfp    indf0,wreg
 addlw    0x30
 btfsc    wreg,7          ; test if result > 7
 movwf    indf0           ; save as MSD
 incf     fsr0
; adjustBCD
 movfp    indf0,wreg
 addlw    0x03
 btfsc    wreg,3          ; test if result > 7
 movwf    indf0
 movfp    indf0,wreg
 addlw    0x30
 btfsc    wreg,7          ; test if result > 7
 movwf    indf0           ; save as MSD
 incf     fsr0
; adjustBCD
 movfp    indf0,wreg
 addlw    0x03
 btfsc    wreg,3          ; test if result > 7
 movwf    indf0
 movfp    indf0,wreg
 addlw    0x30
 btfsc    wreg,7          ; test if result > 7
 movwf    indf0           ; save as MSD
 goto    loop16b
;               BCD To Binary Conversion
;       This routine converts a 5 digit BCD number to a 16 bit binary
; number.
;       The input 5 digit BCD numbers are asumed to be in locations
; R0, R1 & R2 with R0 containing the MSD in its right most nibble.
;       The 16 bit binary number is output in registers Hbyte & Lbyte
; ( high byte & low byte repectively ).
;       The method used for conversion is :
;               input number X = abcde ( the 5 digit BCD number )
;       X = (R0,R1,R2) = abcde = 10[10[10[10a+b]+c]+d]+e
;   Performance :
;               Program Memory  :  30
;               Clock Cycles    :  112
 andlw    0x0f
 addwf     Lbyte
 btfsc      _carry
 incf     Hbyte
 bcf      _carry          ; multiply by 2
 rlcf     Lbyte,w
 movwf     Ltemp
 rlcf     Hbyte,w         ; (Htemp,Ltemp) = 2*N
 movwf     Htemp
 bcf      _carry          ; multiply by 2
 rlcf     Lbyte
 rlcf     Hbyte
 bcf      _carry          ; multiply by 2
 rlcf     Lbyte
 rlcf     Hbyte
 bcf      _carry          ; multiply by 2
 rlcf     Lbyte
 rlcf     Hbyte     ; (Hbyte,Lbyte) = 8*N
 movfp    Ltemp,wreg
 addwf     Lbyte
 movfp    Htemp,wreg
 addwfc    Hbyte
 return                     ; (Hbyte,Lbyte) = 10*N
 clrf     Hbyte
 movfp    R0,wreg
 andlw    0x0f
 movwf     Lbyte
 call    mpy10a          ; result = 10a+b
 swapf    R1,w
 call    mpy10b          ; result = 10[10a+b]
 movfp    R1,wreg
 call    mpy10b          ; result = 10[10[10a+b]+c]
 swapf    R2,w
 call    mpy10b          ; result = 10[10[10[10a+b]+c]+d]
 movfp    R2,wreg
 andlw    0x0f
 addwf     Lbyte
 btfsc      _carry
 incf     Hbyte           ; result = 10[10[10[10a+b]+c]+d]+e
 return                  ; BCD to binary conversion done
;                 Unsigned BCD Addition
;       This routine performs a 2 Digit Unsigned BCD Addition
; It is assumed that the two BCD numbers to be added are in
; locations Num1 & Num2. The result is the sum of Num1+Num2
; and is stored in location Num2 and the overflow carry is returned
; in location Num1
;   Performance :
;               Program Memory  :       5
;               Clock Cycles    :       5
 movfp    Num1,wreg
 addwf     Num2,w          ; perform binary addition
 daw     Num2      ; adjust for BCD addition
 clrf     Num1
 rlcf     Num1      ; set Num1 = carry bit