EDUCATION: Number of years of education.
SOUTH: Indicator variable for Southern Region (1=Person lives in
South, 0=Person lives elsewhere).
SEX: Indicator variable for sex (1=Female, 0=Male).
EXPERIENCE: Number of years of work experience.
UNION: Indicator variable for union membership (1=Union member,
0=Not union member).
WAGE: Wage (dollars per hour).
AGE: Age (years).
RACE: Race (1=Other, 2=Hispanic, 3=White).
OCCUPATION: Occupational category (1=Management, 2=Sales, 3=Clerical, 4=Service, 5=Professional, 6=Other).
SECTOR: Sector (0=Other, 1=Manufacturing, 2=Construction).
MARR: Marital Status (0=Unmarried, 1=Married)
data_wage = pd.read_table(fil_out, skiprows=27, skipfooter =6, sep =' ', header=None)
data_wage.columns = name
# 去掉大部分分类变量看相关
pd.plotting.scatter_matrix(data_wage[d], color='steelblue')