[双语阅读]菲尔普斯承认吸食大麻 向公众致歉

2019-04-15 16:30发布

Phelps admits 'bad behavior' after cannabis pic             News of the World, a British newspaper publishes a photo which shows Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps is inhaling from a glass pipe which is generally used to smoke the drug.  Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps admitted Sunday that he had engaged in "regrettable" behavior and "demonstrated bad judgment" after a photo was published that appeared to show him smoking cannabis. A British newspaper, the News of the World, published the photo allegedly showing the multiple Olympic gold medal-winner inhaling from a glass pipe which is generally used to smoke the drug. "I engaged in behavior which was regrettable and demonstrated bad judgment," Phelps said in a statement. "I'm 23 years old, and despite the successes I have had in the pool, I acted in a youthful and inappropriate way, not in a manner that people have come to expect from me. "For this, I am sorry. I promise my fans and the public -- it will not happen again." The newspaper said the picture was taken on November 6, almost three months after Phelps won an historic eight gold medals at the Beijing Olympics, when he went to a party at the University of South Carolina. USA Swimming, the national governing body for the sport, said it was disappointed by Phelps' admission. "We are certainly disappointed in Michael's behavior. Our Olympic champions are role models who are looked up to by people of all ages, especially young athletes who have their own aspirations and dreams," USA Swimming said in a statement. "That said, we realize that none among us is perfect. We hope that Michael can learn from this incident and move forward in a positive way." The US Olympic Committee also expressed disappointment in the swimmer, who on January 22 was named the USOC's Sportsman of the Year for making Olympic history in Beijing by collecting the most golds won by any athlete at a single Games, giving him a career total of 14 golds. "We are disappointed in the behavior recently exhibited by Michael Phelps. "Michael is a role model, and he is well aware of the responsibilities and accountability that come with setting a positive example for others, particularly young people. In this instance, regrettably, he failed to fulfill those responsibilities," the USOC said. The photograph shows Phelps, wearing a white t-shirt and a baseball cap back to front, holding the pipe -- known as a bong -- to his lips and apparently inhaling. The tabloid quoted a partygoer as saying: "You could tell Michael had smoked before. He grabbed the bong and a lighter and knew exactly what to do." 近日,奥运游泳冠军迈克尔•菲尔普斯的一张貌似正吸食大麻的照片被曝光。上周日,菲尔普斯就此事致歉,坦称自己的行为“令人遗憾”,并称此事“反映出自己的判断力较差”。 这张照片由英国《世界新闻报》刊登,照片上,这位奥运夺金王正用一个玻璃烟管吸烟,而这种烟管通常被用来吸食大麻。 菲尔普斯在一份声明中称:“我做出了令人遗憾的不明智之举。” “今年我23岁,尽管我在泳池里取得了成功,可我的行为却很幼稚、不恰当,让大家失望了。” “对此我深感抱歉,在此我向所有的支持者和公众作出承诺,这种事情再也不会发生了。” 该报称,这张照片拍摄于去年11月6日,大约在北京奥运会的三个月后,当时菲尔普斯在南卡罗来纳大学参加一个派对。在北京奥运会上,菲尔普斯包揽八金,取得历史性战绩。 全美游泳管理中心美国游泳协会表示对菲尔普斯的行为深感失望。 美国游协在一份声明中称:“毫无疑问,我们对菲尔普斯的行为深感失望。我们的奥运冠军是众人尊敬的榜样,对于那些有志向和梦想的年轻运动员尤为重要。” “这让我们认识到我们并不完美。我们希望迈克尔能从此事中汲取教训,并以积极的方式取得进步。” 美国奥委会也表达了对这位游泳冠军的失望之情。今年1月22日,菲尔普斯凭借在北京奥运会上取得的骄人战绩当选美国奥委会“年度最佳运动员”。在北京奥运会上,菲尔普斯成为奥运会历史上单届获得金牌总数最多的运动员,这使他的奥运金牌总数达到14枚。 “我们对迈克尔•菲尔普斯最近的所作所为感到失望。” 美国奥委会称:“菲尔普斯是一个楷模人物,他很清楚自己应为其他人,尤其是年轻人,作出积极表率的责任和义务。但很遗憾在这件事中他没有履行好这种责任。” 照片中,菲尔普斯身穿白 {MOD}T恤,反戴棒球帽,手持烟管(水烟枪)罩在嘴上,看上去像在吸着什么。 该报援引一位社交常客的话说:“可以看出他以前也吸过。他手拿水烟枪和打火机,看起来很在行。