
2019-07-12 13:39发布

直立平衡车包括,直立还,速度环,和CCD循迹设计。 定时器产生中断,第1毫秒进行加速剂陀螺仪AD采样,第2毫秒进行角度融合,PWM控制输出,第3毫秒进行直立速度融合,第4ms进行CCD循迹方向控制。
Copyright:Electronic innovation laboratory
Description: the software of Freescale Carle photoelectric vertical design ****************************************/ #include "includes.h" #include "math.h" #include "HAL_GPIO.h" #define STATIC_ADC_RESULT_X 0//390 #define STATIC_ADC_RESULT_Y 0//408 //函数声明 void init_gpio(void);//小灯初始化 void init_offset(); //开机初始化 void bianmaqi(void);//编码器函数声明 void SpeedControl(void);//速度控制 void SpeedControlOutput(void);//速度平滑输出 void DirectionControl();//方向控制 void DirectionControlOutput();//方向控制平滑输出 void MotorOutput() ;//电机输出函数声明 extern uint8 IntegrationTime ; //曝光时间 extern void StartIntegration(void); //曝光函数 /*********************************************************************************/ void delay(void); int16 adc_get_ave(ADCx, uint8, uint16);//函数声明 int16 adc_result_to_velocity(int16);//函数声明 float pwm1,pwm2; float P; float d; /*********************CCD的参数定义********************************/ uint8 AtemP ; uint8 Pixel[128]; uint8 send_data_cnt = 0; uint8 *pixel_pt; volatile uint8 k; uint8 TIME0flag_5ms;//时间标志位 uint8 TIME0flag_10ms; uint8 TIME0flag_15ms; uint8 TIME0flag_20ms; uint8 TIME1flag_20ms; uint8 TIME1flag_1ms; extern uint8 TimerFlag20ms; /* 曝光时间,单位ms */ //unsigned char IntegrationTime = 10; /******************************************************/ int count2=0; //不同中断片段 void main(void) { sysinit ();//时钟初始化 init_gpio();//IO口初始化 LPLD_ADC_Init(ADC0, MODE_10, CONV_SING); void LCD_Init(void);//液晶5110初始化 delay(); LPLD_PIT_Init(PIT0, 1000, pit_isr0);//进入中断 LPLD_FTM0_PWM_Init(10000);//pwm初始化 LPLD_FTM1_PWM_Init(100);//此通道专用于舵机控制 LPLD_FTM1_PWM_Open(0,0);//PTA8 LPLD_FTM0_PWM_Open(0,0);//PTC1 LPLD_FTM0_PWM_Open(1,0);//PTC2 LPLD_FTM0_PWM_Open(2,0);//PTC3 LPLD_FTM0_PWM_Open(3,0);//PTC4 FTM1_QUAD_Iint(); //正交解码初始化 用于编码器 FTM2_QUAD_Iint(); //正交解码初始化 用于编码器 CCD_init1();//CCD初始化 pixel_pt = Pixel;//指针指向数组,将数组全部清零 for(k=0; k<128+10; k++) { *pixel_pt++ = 0; } while(1) { /**************************CCD程序**发送给上位机***************************************************************/ if(TIME1flag_20ms == 1) { TIME1flag_20ms = 0 ; /* Sampling CCD data */ ImageCapture(Pixel); /* Calculate Integration Time */ CalculateIntegrationTime(); if(++send_data_cnt >= 5) { send_data_cnt = 0; SendImageData(Pixel); } /********** 计算黑线位置 **********/ CCD_handle(); //CCD处理。。。 Delay_us(100000); // Delay_us(100000);可以显示 有点闪 LCD_clear(); Delay_us(100000); // Delay_us(100000);可以显示 有点闪 LCD_write_english_string(24,0,"LANDZO"); LCD_write_english_string(24,1,"tangwenkai"); //LCD_Write_Num(0,0,a,4); //LCD_Write_Num(0,1,b,4); //LCD_Write_Num(0,2,s2,4); printf("mid_line[2]=%d ",mid_line[2]); printf("mid_line[3]=%d ",mid_line[3]); printf("Left=%d ",Left_point); printf("Right=%d ",Right_point); } } } /*******************************************进入中断处理程序***********************************************/ void pit_isr0() { static int event_count; //不同中断片段 g_nSpeedControlPeriod ++; SpeedControlOutput();//速度平滑控制输出 g_nDirectionControlPeriod ++; DirectionControlOutput();//方向控制平滑输出 /***************************************线性CCD自适应曝光******************************/ static unsigned char TimerCnt20ms = 0; static unsigned char TimerCnt10ms =0; uint8 integration_piont; TIME1flag_1ms = 1 ; TimerCnt20ms++; TimerCnt10ms++; count2++; /* 根据曝光时间计算20ms周期内的曝光点*/ integration_piont = 20- IntegrationTime; //20 if(integration_piont >= 2) { /* 曝光时间小于2则不进行再曝光 */ if(integration_piont == TimerCnt20ms) StartIntegration(); ///曝光开始 } if(TimerCnt20ms >= 20) { TimerCnt20ms = 0; TIME1flag_20ms = 1; } if(event_count >= 5) //电极脉冲计数器读取与清除 { event_count = 0 ; bianmaqi(); //编码器读取脉冲 } else if(event_count == 1) //启动AD转换 20次模拟量采集取平均值 { Adc0_Result=adc_get_ave(ADC0, 10, 20); //取得PTA7引脚AD值 加速计 Adc1_Result=adc_get_ave(ADC0, 9, 20); //取得PTB1引脚AD值 陀螺仪 Adc2_Result=LPLD_ADC_SE_Get(ADC0, 12);//20); //取得PTB2引脚AD值 陀螺仪//用于转向陀螺仪 } else if(event_count == 2) //车模直立控制 (角度计算、直立控制计算、电机PWM输出) { // float fDeltaValue; // angle_acc=(Adc0_Result-461)*1.31;//477//471//467 //457//459//481//476 //427 //411//410//0.2894;//0.2894;//465//464//458//450//0.2941; // if(angle_acc>90) angle_acc=90; //防止加速度计角度溢出 // if(angle_acc<-90)angle_acc=-90; // // vr=(Adc1_Result-513)*-1.8;//519//517//515 //510 // 507 //514//508//503//504//510//504//470//478//476//471//487//568 //570//590//622//590 //626 //610//616//610//605//600//615//602//539//588 //585 //-2 // angle1=angle_gyro; // fDeltaValue=(angle_acc-angle1)/1; //0.035 //0.03 //0.05 //0.008 //0.015 // // angle_gyro+=(vr+fDeltaValue)/200; //0.005 // // // // // // P=1450; //1780... // 1380 1200;//1200 //900 //130 // d=15; // //17 //10.58 //9.95//9.8 //25 //5.45 //10.85 //18.85 //22.95 //21.95 // // // // // //17 //10.58 //9.95//9.8 //25 //5.45 //10.85 //18.85 //22.95 //21.95 // // // pwm1=P*angle1+d*vr; // MotorOutput();//电机输出 // // SDS_OutData[0]=(Adc0_Result-STATIC_ADC_RESULT_X); // SDS_OutData[1]=(Adc1_Result-STATIC_ADC_RESULT_X);//Adc0_Result // SDS_OutData[2]=(angle1-STATIC_ADC_RESULT_X); // SDS_OutData[3]=( Adc2_Result-STATIC_ADC_RESULT_X);//Adc1_Result // // SDS_OutPut_Data(&SDS_OutData[0]); // } else if(event_count == 3 ) //车模速度控制(PID调节,每秒调节10次) { // static int SpeedControlCount; //0~19计数,在0片段进行PID调节 // SpeedControlCount ++; // // if(SpeedControlCount >= 20) // { // SpeedControl(); // // SpeedControlCount = 0; // g_nSpeedControlPeriod = 0; // } // } else if(event_count == 4) //车模方向控制 { // static int DirectionControlCount; // DirectionControlCount ++; // //aocao();//用于CCD // // // // // // if(DirectionControlCount >= 2) // { // DirectionControl(); // DirectionControlCount = 0; // g_nDirectionControlPeriod = 0; // } } event_count ++; } /*******************************电机输出函数*********************************************************/ void MotorOutput(void) { g_fLeftMotorOut = pwm1- g_fSpeedControlOut+ g_fDirectionControlOut ;//直立速度和方向 g_fRightMotorOut = pwm1- g_fSpeedControlOut- g_fDirectionControlOut; if(g_fLeftMotorOut>6000)g_fLeftMotorOut=6000; if(g_fLeftMotorOut<-6000)g_fLeftMotorOut=-6000; if(g_fRightMotorOut>6000) g_fRightMotorOut=6000; if(g_fRightMotorOut<-6000) g_fRightMotorOut=-6000; if(g_fLeftMotorOut>=0) //左轮速度大于零 向前的话 { LPLD_FTM0_PWM_ChangeDuty(0,(int)(g_fLeftMotorOut)); //0左轮向前 LPLD_FTM0_PWM_ChangeDuty(1,0); } else if(g_fLeftMotorOut<0) { LPLD_FTM0_PWM_ChangeDuty(1,(int)(-g_fLeftMotorOut)); //1左轮向后 LPLD_FTM0_PWM_ChangeDuty(0,0); } if(g_fRightMotorOut>=0) { LPLD_FTM0_PWM_ChangeDuty(2,(int)(g_fRightMotorOut)); //2右轮向前 LPLD_FTM0_PWM_ChangeDuty(3,0); } else if(g_fRightMotorOut<0) { LPLD_FTM0_PWM_ChangeDuty(3,(int)(-g_fRightMotorOut)); //3右轮向后 LPLD_FTM0_PWM_ChangeDuty(2,0); } } void init_gpio() { // 配置 PTD8~PTD15 为GPIO功能,方向为输出 LPLD_GPIO_Init(PTD, 15, DIR_OUTPUT, OUTPUT_L, IRQC_DIS); LPLD_GPIO_Init(PTC, 0, DIR_OUTPUT, OUTPUT_H, IRQC_DIS); LPLD_GPIO_Init(PTA, 17, DIR_OUTPUT, OUTPUT_H, IRQC_DIS); LPLD_GPIO_Init(PTE, 26, DIR_OUTPUT, OUTPUT_H, IRQC_DIS); } //延时一段时间 void delay() { unsigned int i, n; for(i=0;i<10000;i++) { for(n=0;n<800;n++) { asm("nop"); } } } //取得平均AD值 int16 adc_get_ave(ADCx adc, uint8 channel, uint16 cnt) { uint32 tmp=0; uint8 i; for(i=cnt; i>0; i--) { tmp += LPLD_ADC_SE_Get(adc, channel); } tmp /= cnt; return (int16)tmp; } /*下面是CCD循迹代码,移植上届光电学长的。CCD是线阵,其本质就是根据采集到的黑白像素点的电压高低,来判断路径。为了确保准确存中点数据存了3次 ,每18ms更新一次。*/ //part of CCD design #include “includes.h” /********************“CCD定义*****************************************/
int Mid_line_average;
float CCD_center =64;
unsigned char Mid_line=64; //CCD提取中线
unsigned char Left_Flag,Right_Flag;
unsigned char left_flag[3]={0,0,0};
unsigned char right_flag[3]={0,0,0};
unsigned char mid_line[4] = { 0,0,0,0};
unsigned char PRE_left_point[4]={0,0,0,0};
unsigned char PRE_right_point[4]={0,0,0,0};
//unsigned char pre_Mid_line;
//unsigned int Mid_line_sum;
unsigned char farlength=0;//定义白 {MOD}区域的宽度,初始时为零 unsigned char Right_point;
unsigned char Left_point; unsigned char Left_num = 74;//这两个值可以看情况而定
unsigned char Right_num = 54; unsigned char pre_Right_point;
unsigned char pre_Left_point; unsigned int Threshold_Value; //赛道判别
unsigned char startline_Flag=0;
unsigned int stop_Flag=0;
unsigned char white=0;
unsigned char black=0; int Average=0;
unsigned int MIN_pixel,MAX_pixel; unsigned char pixel3_pt[128]; // 取阀值转换用 unsigned char pixel_pt2[128]; unsigned int Flag_Threshold = 0; //取阀值 unsigned char data_pixel[128]; /* 128个像素点的平均AD值 */
unsigned char PixelAverageValue; /* 128个像素点的平均电压值的10倍 */
unsigned char PixelAverageVoltage; uint8 CCDCompleteFlag=0; /***************************************************************
* 蓝宙电子工作室
* 函数名称:CCD_init
* 功能说明:CCD初始化
* 参数说明:
* 函数返回:无
* 修改时间:2012-10-20
* 备 注:
void CCD_init1(void)
LPLD_ADC_Init(ADC1, MODE_8, CONV_SING);//ADC1采集数据初始化。。。// adc_init(ADC1, AD6b) ; } /***************************************************************
* 蓝宙电子工作室
* 函数名称:StartIntegration
* 功能说明:CCD启动程序
* 参数说明:
* 函数返回:无
* 修改时间:2012-10-20
* 备 注:
void StartIntegration(void) { unsigned char i; SI_SetVal(); /* SI = 1 */ SamplingDelay(); CLK_SetVal(); /* CLK = 1 */ SamplingDelay(); SI_ClrVal(); /* SI = 0 */ SamplingDelay(); CLK_ClrVal(); /* CLK = 0 */ for(i=0; i<127; i++) { SamplingDelay(); SamplingDelay(); CLK_SetVal(); /* CLK = 1 */ SamplingDelay(); SamplingDelay(); CLK_ClrVal(); /* CLK = 0 */ } SamplingDelay(); SamplingDelay(); CLK_SetVal(); /* CLK = 1 */ SamplingDelay(); SamplingDelay(); CLK_ClrVal(); /* CLK = 0 */ } /***************************************************************
* 蓝宙电子工作室
* 函数名称:ImageCapture
* 功能说明:CCD采样程序
* 参数说明:* ImageData 采样数组
* 函数返回:无
* 修改时间:2012-10-20
* 备 注:
*ImageData = ad_once(ADC1, AD6a, ADC_8bit);
***************************************************************/ void ImageCapture(unsigned char * ImageData) { unsigned char i; extern uint8 AtemP ; SI_SetVal(); /* SI = 1 */ SamplingDelay(); CLK_SetVal(); /* CLK = 1 */ SamplingDelay(); SI_ClrVal(); /* SI = 0 */ SamplingDelay(); `这里写代码片`for(i = 0; i < 250; i++) { //更改250,让CCD的图像看上去比较平滑, SamplingDelay() ; //200ns //把该值改大或者改小达到自己满意的结果。 } *ImageData = LPLD_ADC_SE_Get(ADC1 , 5); //取得PTE1引脚的AD值。。//ad_once(ADC1, AD6b, ADC_8bit); ImageData ++ ; CLK_ClrVal(); /* CLK = 0 */ for(i=0; i<127; i++) { SamplingDelay(); SamplingDelay(); CLK_SetVal(); /* CLK = 1 */ SamplingDelay(); SamplingDelay(); *ImageData =LPLD_ADC_SE_Get(ADC1,5);// ad_once(ADC1, AD6b, ADC_8bit); ImageData ++ ; CLK_ClrVal(); /* CLK = 0 */ } SamplingDelay(); SamplingDelay(); CLK_SetVal(); /* CLK = 1 */ SamplingDelay(); SamplingDelay(); CLK_ClrVal(); /* CLK = 0 */ } /***************************************************************
* 蓝宙电子工作室
* 函数名称:CalculateIntegrationTime
* 功能说明:计算曝光时间
* 参数说明:
* 函数返回:无
* 修改时间:2012-10-20
* 备 注:
***************************************************************/ /* 曝光时间,单位ms */
uint8 IntegrationTime = 10; /* 128个像素点的平均电压值的10倍 */
uint8 PixelAverageVoltage; /* 设定目标平均电压值,实际电压的10倍 */
int16 TargetPixelAverageVoltage = 25; /* 设定目标平均电压值与实际值的偏差,实际电压的10倍 */
int16 PixelAverageVoltageError = 0; /* 设定目标平均电压值允许的偏差,实际电压的10倍 */
int16 TargetPixelAverageVoltageAllowError = 2; void CalculateIntegrationTime(void) { /* 计算128个像素点的平均AD值 */ PixelAverageValue = PixelAverage(128,Pixel); /* 计算128个像素点的平均电压值,实际值的10倍 */ PixelAverageVoltage = (unsigned char)((int)PixelAverageValue * 25 / 194); PixelAverageVoltageError = TargetPixelAverageVoltage - PixelAverageVoltage; if(PixelAverageVoltageError < -TargetPixelAverageVoltageAllowError) { PixelAverageVoltageError = 0- PixelAverageVoltageError ; PixelAverageVoltageError /= 2; if(PixelAverageVoltageError > 10 ) PixelAverageVoltageError = 10 ; IntegrationTime -= PixelAverageVoltageError; } if(PixelAverageVoltageError > TargetPixelAverageVoltageAllowError) { PixelAverageVoltageError /= 2; if(PixelAverageVoltageError > 10 ) PixelAverageVoltageError = 10 ; IntegrationTime += PixelAverageVoltageError; } if(IntegrationTime <= 1) IntegrationTime = 1; if(IntegrationTime >= 100) IntegrationTime = 100; }