
2019-07-12 23:29发布

  部分源程序参考了华清远见的《嵌入式Linux C编程入门》(第2版)P231,实现的功能是单链表的插入和合并功能,Makefile是自己编写的,以便将几个子函数一起弄过来编译链接。   Makefile文件 OBJS = main.o init.o ListInsert.o printlist.o MergeList.o main : $(OBJS) gcc $(OBJS) -o main main.o : main.c include.h gcc -g -c main.c -o main.o init.o : init.c gcc -g -c init.c -o init.o ListInsert.o : ListInsert.c gcc -g -c {1}lt; -o $@ printlist.o : printlist.c gcc -g -c {1}lt; -o $@ MergeList.o : MergeList.c gcc -g -c {1}lt; -o $@ clean : rm main $(OBJS)
  main.c文件 #include"include.h" main() { struct STU e; LinkList La,Lb,Lc; printf(" -------------List Demo is running...------------- "); /*Init the first LinkList*/ init(&La); /*Insert the first element to the first LinkList*/ strcpy(e.name,"stu1"); strcpy(e.stuno,"100001"); e.age = 80; e.score = 1000; ListInsert(La,1,e); /*Insert the second element to the first LinkList*/ strcpy(e.name,"stu3"); strcpy(e.stuno,"100002"); e.age = 80; e.score = 1000; ListInsert(La,2,e); printlist(La); //print La getchar(); /*Init the second LinkList*/ init(&Lb); /*Insert the first element to the second LinkList*/ strcpy(e.name,"stu2"); strcpy(e.stuno,"100001"); e.age = 70; e.score = 1000; ListInsert(Lb,1,e); /*Insert the second element to the second LinkList*/ strcpy(e.name,"stu4"); strcpy(e.stuno,"100002"); e.age = 70; e.score = 1000; ListInsert(Lb,2,e); /*Insert the third element to the second LinkList*/ strcpy(e.name,"stu6"); strcpy(e.stuno,"100003"); e.age = 70; e.score = 1000; ListInsert(Lb,3,e); printlist(Lb); getchar(); /*Merge La and Lb*/ MergeList(La,Lb,&Lc); printlist(Lc); getchar(); }
  include.h文件 #include #include #include #include /*page 226*/ struct STU { char name[20]; char stuno[10]; int age; int score; }stu[50]; typedef struct STU ElemType; struct LNODE { ElemType data; struct LNODE *next; }; typedef struct LNODE LNode,*LinkList; int init(LinkList *L); int ListInsert(LinkList L,int i,ElemType e); int printlist(LinkList L); void MergeList(LinkList La,LinkList Lb,LinkList *Lc);
  init.c文件 #include"include.h" int init(LinkList *L) { (*L) = (LinkList)malloc(sizeof(LNode)); if(!L) exit(0); memset(&((*L)->data),0,sizeof(struct STU)); (*L)->next = NULL; return 1; }/*init*/
  ListInsert.c文件 #include"include.h" int ListInsert(LinkList L,int i,ElemType e) { LinkList p,s; int j; p = L;j = 0; while(p && j < i-1) { p = p->next; ++j; } if(!p || j > i-1) return 0; s = (LinkList)malloc(sizeof(LNode)); s->data = e; s->next = p->next; p->next = s; return 1; }   MergeList.c文件 #include"include.h" void MergeList(LinkList La,LinkList Lb,LinkList *Lc) { LinkList pa,pb,pc; pa = La->next;pb = Lb->next; *Lc = pc = La; while(pa && pb) { if(Less_EqualList(&pa->data,&pb->data)) { pc->next = pa; pc = pa; pa = pa->next; } else { pc->next = pb; pc = pb; pb = pb->next; } pc->next = pa ? pa : pb; free(La); free(Lb); } } int Less_EqualList(ElemType *e1,ElemType *e2) { if(strcmp(e1->name,e2->name) <= 0) return 1; else return 0; }
  printlist.c文件 #include"include.h" int printlist(LinkList L) { int i; LinkList p; p = L; printf("name stuno age score "); while(p->next) { p = p->next; printf("%-10s%s %d %d ",p->data.name,p->data.stuno,p->data.age,p->data.score); } printf(" "); }
然后下面每一个子函数都要include进去这个头文件,这下再根据依赖关系就可以写出一个简单的Makefile了。 make结果

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