ncftpput -u ll -p ll -m -R -P 21 00/00/00/86/ D:upload.rar
NcFTPPut 3.2.0
ncftpput [flags] remote-host remote-dir local-files... (mode 1)
ncftpput -f login.cfg [flags] remote-dir local-files... (mode 2)
ncftpput -c remote-host remote-path-name < stdin (mode 3)
ncftpput -C remote-host local-path-name remote-path-name (mode 4)
-u XX Use username XX instead of anonymous.
-p XX Use password XX with the username.
-P XX Use port number XX instead of the default FTP service port (21).
-j XX Use account XX with the account (deprecated).
-d XX Use the file XX for debug logging.
-e XX Use the file XX for error logging.
-U XX Use value XX for the umask.
-t XX Timeout after XX seconds.
-a Use ASCII transfer type instead of binary.
-m Attempt to mkdir the dstdir before copying.
-v/-V Do (do not) use progress meters.
-f XX Read the file XX for host, user, and password information.
-h XX Connect to host XX. Useful for overriding host in -f config.file.
-c Read locally from stdin and write remotely to specified pathname.
-C Similar to -c, except a local pathname is specified.
-A Append to remote files instead of overwriting them.
-z/-Z Do (do not) try to resume uploads (default: -Z).
-T XX Upload into temporary files prefixed by XX.
-S XX Upload into temporary files suffixed by XX.
-DD Delete local file after successfully uploading it.
-b Run in background (submit job to "ncftpbatch" and run).
-bb Same as "-b" but queue only (do not run "ncftpbatch").
-E Use regular (PORT) data connections.
-F Use passive (PASV) data connections (default).
-y Try using "SITE UTIME" to preserve timestamps on remote host.
-B XX Try setting the SO_SNDBUF size to XX.
-r XX Redial XX times until connected.
-o XX Specify miscellaneous options (see documentation).
-W XX Send raw FTP command XX after logging in.
-X XX Send raw FTP command XX after each file transferred.
-Y XX Send raw FTP command XX before logging out.
-R Recursive mode; copy whole directory trees.
ncftpput -u gleason -p my.password /home/gleason stuff.txt
ncftpput -u gleason /home/gleason a.txt (prompt for pass)
ncftpput -a -u gleason -p my.password -m -U 007 /tmp/tmpdir a.txt
tar cvf - /home | ncftpput -u operator -c /backups/monday.tar
Library version: LibNcFTP 3.2.0 (August 5, 2006).
This is a freeware program by Mike Gleason (
This was built using LibNcFTP (