
2019-07-13 04:38发布

作者:gzshun. 原创作品,转载请标明出处!


以下的Makefile已经修改: # # # Makefile for the linux version of stupid-ftpd # # # CC=mips-linux-gnu-gcc -EL #修改 OBJS=ftpcommand.o ftpdconfig.o command.o ls.o stupid-ftpd.o DOBJS=ftpcommand.do ftpdconfig.do command.do ls.do stupid-ftpd.do POBJS=ftpcommand.po ftpdconfig.po command.po ls.po stupid-ftpd.po LIBS= CFLAGS=-O2 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -static #修改 DCFLAGS=-g -DDEBUG -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes PCFLAGS=-g -DDEBUG -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wcast-align -Wwrite-strings -Wconversion -Waggregate-return -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs EXEC=stupid-ftpd.Linux6 .SUFFIXES: .c .o .do .po all: $(OBJS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $(EXEC) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) debug: $(DOBJS) $(CC) $(DCFLAGS) -o $(EXEC) $(DOBJS) $(LIBS) pedantic: $(POBJS) $(CC) $(PCFLAGS) -o $(EXEC) $(POBJS) $(LIBS) clean: rm -f $(OBJS) $(DOBJS) $(POBJS) $(EXEC) *~ .c.o: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< .c.do: $(CC) $(DCFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< .c.po: $(CC) $(PCFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< install: install -m 755 -s ./stupid-ftpd /usr/local/bin/stupid-ftpd install -m 700 -d /etc/stupid-ftpd install -m 755 -d /usr/local/stupid-ftpd install -m 600 ./stupid-ftpd.conf /etc/stupid-ftpd/stupid-ftpd.conf


# # This is a config-file for stupid-ftpd # ------------------------------------ # # The standard path should be /etc/stupid-ftpd.conf # You can define other paths by using the "-f" option # when starting stupid-ftpd. # # # ATTENTION: 1) Remember, that the server is running with YOUR permissions. # It will fail to access other users directory, unless it is # root, but it also allows to access ALL YOUR directories, # which are deeper in a user's root-dir and YOU HAVE access to. # 2) To solve the problem, the best way is to define a group-ID # for stupid-ftpd. # Or if you aren't root: set the MAIN root (serverroot=) to # the highest directory depth which is possible. # 3) REMEMBER: DO NOT PUT THIS FILE in an accessible directory!!! # There are passwords defined here. The safest place is # outside the serverroot. # Server operation mode: # daemon - quiet in background # interactive - standard mode #mode=interactive #交互式的形式运行 mode=daemon #以守护进程的形式运行在后台 # chroot to #serverroot=/usr/home/cinek/tmp3/aaa serverroot=/mnt #将ftp的根目录设置为/mnt目录下,在windows打开该ftp,就能访问/mnt目录 # type of chroot # real - kernel chroot(), high security, but needs root privileges # virtual - no real chroot(), software side (virtual) chroot #changeroottype=real changeroottype=virtual # Port number for the FTP-Protocol #port=2121 port=21 #默认为ftp的端口号。 # Maximum users allowed to log in maxusers=10 # Message Of The Day (motd) # It will be displayed after the login procedure. #motd=/tmp/stupid-ftpd.motd # Message on quit # It will be displayed when quitting. #byemsg=/tmp/stupid-ftpd.bye # Log #log=/tmp/stupid-ftpd.log # User list: # Format: user= # user name # password or * for anonymous access # (internally appended to serverroot) # the user has access to the WHOLE SUBTREE, # if the server has access to it # maximal logins with this usertype # D - download # U - upload + making directories # O - overwrite existing files # M - allows multiple logins # E - allows erase operations # A - allows EVERYTHING(!) # # user ftp is mapped to user anonymous, don't forget this # # Examples: # user=user1 passx /tmp 2 D # - login: user1, passwd: passx, max login twice (different IPs!) # only download rights from directory /tmp # user=user2 passy /home/user2 0 DU # - login: user2, passwd: passy, no login count limit (different IPs!) # download+upload rights to directory /home/user2 # user=user3 passz /home/user3 5 DUOM # - login: user3, passwd: passz, max login count 5 (even from same IP) # download+upload+overwrite rights to directory /home/user3 # user=user4 passq /tmp 10 - # - login: user4, passwd: passq, max login count 10 (even from same IP) # look-only rights at directory /tmp # # SEE: ATTENTION remark on the top of this file !!! user=anonymous * / 5 A # Banned hosts # "*" and "?" are allowed here #ban=192.168.* #ban=localhost #ban=*.banme.com # Ban message (displayed to user who is banned) # Please don't use more than 70 characters. #banmsg=Go away ! # Login/password timeout login-timeout=120 # Timeout (while logged in) timeout=240

stupid-ftpd.Linux6 -f stupid-ftpd.conf
