
2019-07-13 06:07发布

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方法一:pstack pid
       pstack - print a stack trace of a running process SYNOPSIS
       pstack pid DESCRIPTION
       pstack  attaches  to  the active process named by the pid on the command line, and prints out an execution stack trace.  If ELF symbols exist in the binary (usually the case
       unless you have run strip(1)), then symbolic addresses are printed as well.        If the process is part of a thread group, then pstack will print out a stack trace for each of the threads in the group. SEE ALSO
       nm(1), ptrace(2), gdb(1) 方法二:gstack pid
       gstack - print a stack trace of a running process SYNOPSIS
       gstack pid DESCRIPTION
       gstack  attaches  to  the active process named by the pid on the command line, and prints out an execution stack trace.  If ELF symbols exist in the binary (usually the case
       unless you have run strip(1)), then symbolic addresses are printed as well.        If the process is part of a thread group, then gstack will print out a stack trace for each of the threads in the group. SEE ALSO
       nm(1), ptrace(2), gdb(1) 方法三:
使用gdb 然后attach 进程ID,然后再使用命令 thread apply all bt。 方法一和方法二一样,方法三可以查看更多的信息。 补充方法四:
对于c/c++程序,在命令行执行时(如:./caffe),也可以用"# pkill caffe"直接杀死该进程,然后运行./caffe的终端也会给出调用的栈信息。