
2019-07-13 06:50发布


前提:系统已经实现DNS(即使用ping www.baidu.com测试时能ping通)。 1.  在内核中添加以下选项: Networking  --->    [*] Networking support         Networking options  --->            <* > Packet socket                 //添加.配置CONFIG_PACKET           [ * ]     IP: DHCP support         //添加           [ * ] Network packet filtering (replaces ipchains)  --->    //添加,后面子选项可不选,配置CONFIG_NETFILTER 说明:若没选<* > Packet socket, [ * ] Network packet filtering (replaces ipchains)  --->选项,在执行udhcpc命令时出现如下错误: ~ # udhcpc udhcpc (v0.9.9-pre) started udhcpc[208]: udhcpc (v0.9.9-pre) started   FATAL: couldn't listen on socket, Address family not supported by protocol udhcpc[208]: FATAL: couldn't listen on socket, Address family not supported by protocol 2.  Busybox中添加以下选项: Networking Utilities  --->    udhcp Server/Client  --->         [] udhcp Server (udhcpd)       //在此不作服务端,故不选。生成udhcpd命令                                      [*] udhcp Client (udhcpc)       //生成udhcpc命令                                        [ ] Lease display utility (dumpleases)                                 [ ]   Log udhcp messages to syslog (instead of stdout)                 [ ]   Compile udhcp with noisy debugging messages busybox没编译相应选项,也可从网上下载相应文件,用arm-linux交叉编译得到udhcpd,udhcpc命令copyusr/sbin下就可以了。 我从 网上  下的udhcp_0.9.8cvs20050303.orig.tar.gz文件 解压后修改Makefile文件 19行添加CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-   注释12行的COMBINED_BINARY=1,否则不生成udhcpc命令。 3.  建相关配置文件 busyboxexamples/udhcp/copy  simple.script文件到开发板/usr/share/udhcpc/下,并重命名为default.scriptudhcp_0.9.8cvs20050303.orig.tar.gz中也有这样的文件。 [root@localhost root]# vi usr/share/udhcpc/default.script #!/bin/sh   # udhcpc script edited by Tim Riker   [ -z "$1" ] && echo "Error: should be called from udhcpc" && exit 1   RESOLV_CONF="/etc/resolv.conf" [ -n "$broadcast" ] && BROADCAST="broadcast $broadcast" [ -n "$subnet" ] && NETMASK="netmask $subnet"   case "$1" in         deconfig)                 /sbin/ifconfig $interface                 ;;           renew|bound)                 /sbin/ifconfig $interface $ip $BROADCAST $NETMASK                   if [ -n "$router" ] ; then                         echo "deleting routers"                         while route del default gw dev $interface ; do                                 :                         done                         for i in $router ; do                                 route add default gw $i dev $interface                         done                 fi                   echo -n > $RESOLV_CONF                 [ -n "$domain" ] && echo search $domain >> $RESOLV_CONF                 for i in $dns ; do                         echo adding dns $i                         echo nameserver $i >> $RESOLV_CONF                 done                 ;; esac   exit 0   4.  重启开发板,执行udhcpc就可自动获取IP地址了,以下是执行udhcpc的输出信息:   ~ # udhcpc udhcpc (v0.9.9-pre) started udhcpc[228]: udhcpc (v0.9.9-pre) started   Sending discover... udhcpc[228]: Sending discover...   Sending select for udhcpc[228]: Sending select for   Lease of obtained, lease time 86400 udhcpc[228]: Lease of obtained, lease time 86400   deleting routers route: SIOC[ADD|DEL]RT: No such process adding dns ~ # ping www.baidu.com PING www.a.shifen.com ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=52 time=1219.0 ms [1] + Stopped                    ping www.baidu.com   5.  如果是双网卡必须用参数指明 例:udhcpc  -i  eth1