【 声明:版权所有,欢迎转载,请勿用于商业用途。 联系信箱:feixiaoxing @163.com】 很长一段时间,nand flash都是嵌入式的标配产品。nand flash价格便宜,存储量大,适用于很多的场景。现在很普及的ssd,上面的存储模块其实也是由一块一块nand flash构成的。对于linux嵌入式来说,开始uboot的加载是硬件完成的,中期的kernel加载是由uboot中的nand flash驱动完成的,而后期的rootfs加载,这就要靠kernel自己来完成了。当然,这次还是以三星s3c芯片为例进行说明。 1、nand flash驱动在什么地方,可以从drviers/mtd/Makefile来看obj-y += chips/ lpddr/ maps/ devices/ nand/ onenand/ tests/ 2、nand在mtd下面,是作为一个单独目录保存的,这时应该查看nand下的Kconfigconfig MTD_NAND_S3C2410
tristate "NAND Flash support for Samsung S3C SoCs"
depends on ARCH_S3C24XX || ARCH_S3C64XX
This enables the NAND flash controller on the S3C24xx and S3C64xx
No board specific support is done by this driver, each board
must advertise a platform_device for the driver to attach.
config MTD_NAND_S3C2410_DEBUG
bool "Samsung S3C NAND driver debug"
depends on MTD_NAND_S3C2410
Enable debugging of the S3C NAND driver
bool "Samsung S3C NAND IDLE clock stop"
depends on MTD_NAND_S3C2410
default n
Stop the clock to the NAND controller when there is no chip
selected to save power. This will mean there is a small delay
when the is NAND chip selected or released, but will save
approximately 5mA of power when there is nothing happening.3、不难发现,MTD_NAND_S3C2410才是那个真正的macro,尝试在Makefile找文件obj-$(CONFIG_MTD_NAND_S3C2410) += s3c2410.o4、查看s3c2410.c文件,看看基本结构构成static struct platform_driver s3c24xx_nand_driver = {
.probe = s3c24xx_nand_probe,
.remove = s3c24xx_nand_remove,
.suspend = s3c24xx_nand_suspend,
.resume = s3c24xx_nand_resume,
.id_table = s3c24xx_driver_ids,
.driver = {
.name = "s3c24xx-nand",
.of_match_table = s3c24xx_nand_dt_ids,
5、继续分析s3c24xx_nand_probe函数 s3c2410_nand_init_chip(info, nmtd, sets);6、之所以从中摘出了s3c2410_nand_init_chip这个函数,是因为里面进行了函数注册类似的函数还有s3c2410_nand_update_chip函数 chip->write_buf = s3c2410_nand_write_buf;
chip->read_buf = s3c2410_nand_read_buf;
chip->select_chip = s3c2410_nand_select_chip;
chip->chip_delay = 50;
nand_set_controller_data(chip, nmtd);
chip->options = set->options;
chip->controller = &info->controller;
switch (info->cpu_type) {
case TYPE_S3C2410:
chip->IO_ADDR_W = regs + S3C2410_NFDATA;
info->sel_reg = regs + S3C2410_NFCONF;
info->sel_bit = S3C2410_NFCONF_nFCE;
chip->cmd_ctrl = s3c2410_nand_hwcontrol;
chip->dev_ready = s3c2410_nand_devready;
case TYPE_S3C2440:
chip->IO_ADDR_W = regs + S3C2440_NFDATA;
info->sel_reg = regs + S3C2440_NFCONT;
info->sel_bit = S3C2440_NFCONT_nFCE;
chip->cmd_ctrl = s3c2440_nand_hwcontrol;
chip->dev_ready = s3c2440_nand_devready;
chip->read_buf = s3c2440_nand_read_buf;
chip->write_buf = s3c2440_nand_write_buf;
case TYPE_S3C2412:
chip->IO_ADDR_W = regs + S3C2440_NFDATA;
info->sel_reg = regs + S3C2440_NFCONT;
info->sel_bit = S3C2412_NFCONT_nFCE0;
chip->cmd_ctrl = s3c2440_nand_hwcontrol;
chip->dev_ready = s3c2412_nand_devready;
if (readl(regs + S3C2410_NFCONF) & S3C2412_NFCONF_NANDBOOT)
dev_info(info->device, "System booted from NAND
}7、抓住了函数接口,就找到了基本逻辑。对于框架来说,它不关心你的代码如何实现。只要你按照它的接口写,就能让上层正常获得数据。platform、usb、pci这都是一种接口形式,具体实现还要按照各个具体功能模块来实现才行。 8、为什么我们都用s3c芯片进行举例因为它用的场景最多,学习资料最全,对于新手来说,这会少很多麻烦。 9、这个驱动依赖的kernel版本是什么 这里最有的代码都是按照最新4.16的版本进行分析的,大家可以直接查看这里的地址。