在安装DSPBuilder时遇到了几个小问题,让我心绪颇有感触:版本一定要用对呀!!在本人安装的软件版本:QII11.0+DSPB11.0+Matlab2011b+Questa10.0(Modelsim的10.0版)+Win7系统由于DSPB在安装前必须要事先安装好QII11.0+Matlab2011b+Questa10.0(或者Modelsim的其他兼容版本,本人采用的Questasim)for the different versions of DSP Builder.首先先把DSPB的对应版本下载好,这个很关键!Table 1. DSP Builder Version History and Software Requirements
DSP Builder Version
Quartus® II Software Version
MATLAB / Simulink Version
Third-Party Synthesis / Simulator
11.111.1R2009b, R2010a, R2010b, R2011a R2011b
ModelSim® or ModelSim-Altera® simulator v6.6d
DSPBA: 64-bit & 32-bit MATLAB on Windows and Linux DSPB: 64-bit & 32-bit MATLAB on Windows and Linux Simulink Fixed Point is required to use the Advanced Blockset feature 11.011.0R2009b, R2010a, R2010b, R2011a
ModelSim or ModelSim-Altera simulator v6.6d
DSPBA: 64-bit MATLAB on Windows and Linux
DSPB: 64-bit MATLAB on Linux Simulink Fixed Point is required to use the Advanced Blockset feature10.110.1R2009a, R2009b, R2010a
ModelSim or ModelSim-Altera simulator v6.6c for DSP Builder 10.1
ModelSim or ModelSim-Altera simulator v6.6d for DSP Builder 10.1 SP1
Simulink Fixed Point is required to use the Advanced Blockset feature10.010.0R2008a, R2008b, R2009a
ModelSim or ModelSim-Altera simulator v6.5b to 6.5e
Simulink Fixed Point is required to use the Advanced Blockset feature9.19.1R2008a, R2008b, R2009a
ModelSim or ModelSim-Altera simulator v6.1g to 6.5b
Simulink Fixed Point is required to use the Advanced Blockset feature9.09.0R2007b, R2008a, R2008b, R2009a
ModelSim or ModelSim-Altera simulator v6.1d to 6.1g
Simulink Fixed Point is required to use the Advanced Blockset feature8.18.1R2007b, R2008a, R2008b
ModelSim or ModelSim-Altera simulator v6.1d to 6.1g
Simulink Fixed Point is required to use the Advanced Blockset feature8.08.0R2006a, R2006b, R2007a, R2007b
ModelSim or ModelSim-Altera simulator v6.1d to 6.1g
Simulink Fixed Point is required to use the Advanced Blockset feature7.27.2R14SP3, R2006a, R2006b, R2007a
ModelSim or ModelSim-Altera simulator v6.1d to 6.1g
-7.17.1R14SP3, R2006a, R2006b, R2007a
ModelSim or ModelSim-Altera simulator v6.1d to 6.1g