
2019-07-13 10:01发布

第一次用ARM DSP双核的板子(OMAPL138),对arm call dsp比较陌生,唯有官方源码,手上没有太多资料,只有从源码出发解读arm call dsp 流程。   ARM源文件 -arm_main.c :主要的ARM应用程序源代码。这些代码设置DSPLINK和CMEM,下载DSP应用程序,并通过MSGQ管理与DSP的通信。 -arm_interface.c/h:处理DSPLIB特殊函数数据的ARM应用程序源代码。这些代码处理从输入文件得到的输入数据,保存输出数据到输出文件,并且当处理过程结束时释放CMEM的缓存。 -arm_parse.c/h:处理文本文件的解析的ARM应用程序源代码。 -common_interface.h:ARM和DSP应用程序共同的头文件,包括通用的自定义类型和枚举类型。 -arm_makefile:GNU 为ARM应用程序生成的makefile文件,其中BIN:=call_dsplib定义了生成的ARM 应用程序文件名为call_dsplib.  DSP源文件 -dsp_main.c:DSP应用程序的主要源代码,包括对DSP/BIOS的静态设置结构体和动态TSK生成代码。 -dsp_interface.c/h:DSP应用程序源代码,包括DSPLINK和MSGQ的代码以及翻译DSPLIB函数调用ARM的请求。 -common_interface.h -dsplib_server.cmd:包括手动添加到生成TCF连接器命令文件。 -dsplib_server.tcf: DSP/BIOS的文本配置文件(TCF)。定义了DSP程序的配置(存储段等)。 -dsp_makefile:GUN为ARM应用程序生成的makefile文件,其中PROJNAME:=dsplib_server定义了DSP工程名,BIN:=$(PROJNAME).out定义了生成的DSP程序文件名为dsplib_server.out。

ARM应用程序源代码 arm_main.c if (CMEM_init() == -1) { printf("Failed to initialize CMEM. "); return -1; }  初始化CMEM(一套管理一块或多块连续物理内存的API以及函数库) 实现代码在 cmem.c中: int CMEM_init(void) { int flags; unsigned int version; __D("init: entered - ref_count %d, cmem_fd %d ", ref_count, cmem_fd); if (cmem_fd >= 0) { ref_count++; __D("init: /dev/cmem already opened, incremented ref_count %d ", ref_count); return 0; } cmem_fd = open("/dev/cmem", O_RDWR); if (cmem_fd == -1) { __E("init: Failed to open /dev/cmem: '%s' ", strerror(errno)); return -1; } ref_count++; __D("init: successfully opened /dev/cmem, matching driver version... "); version = CMEM_getVersion(); if ((version & 0xffff0000) != (CMEM_VERSION & 0xffff0000)) { __E("init: major version mismatch between interface and driver. "); __E(" needs driver version %#x, got %#x ", CMEM_VERSION, version); CMEM_exit(); return -1; } else if ((version & 0x0000ffff) < (CMEM_VERSION & 0x0000ffff)) { __E("init: minor version mismatch between interface and driver. "); __E(" needs driver minor version %#x or greater. " " got minor version %#x (full version %#x) ", CMEM_VERSION & 0x0000ffff, version & 0x0000ffff, version); CMEM_exit(); return -1; } __D("init: ... match good (%#x) ", version); flags = fcntl(cmem_fd, F_GETFD); if (flags != -1) { fcntl(cmem_fd, F_SETFD, flags | FD_CLOEXEC); } else { __E("init: fcntl(F_GETFD) failed: '%s' ", strerror(errno)); } __D("init: exiting, returning success "); return 0; } ②确定DSPLIB函数索引 index = get_fxnIndex(argv[1]); if (index < 0) { printf("Function name "%s" not recognized. Function names are case sensitive. ", argv[1]); return -1; } ③为DSP从输入文件读取参数和准备信息
parseStatus = parse_params(index, argv[2], ¶msARM, ¶msDSP); if (parseStatus < 0) { printf("Parameter parse failed in file %s. ", argv[2]); return -1; } ④初始化DSPLINK
if (LINKCFG_config.dspConfigs[Processor_ID]->dspObject->doDspCtrl == DSP_BootMode_NoBoot) { // strDspAddr(c_int00 address) and .args address are not required for // noboot mode. DSPLINK_shmBaseAddress address is not required to pass // because it is statically defined in linker command file of dsp side. // strDspAddr = "0x0"; strShmAddr = "0x0"; strArgsAddr = "0x0"; call_dsplib_dspAddr = strtoll(strDspAddr, NULL, 16); call_dsplib_shmAddr = strtoll(strDspAddr, NULL, 16); call_dsplib_argsAddr = strtoll(strDspAddr, NULL, 16); } printf("Initializing DSPLINK... ");
status = call_dsplib_init(); if (DSP_FAILED(status)) { LOCAL_dsplinkFail("call_dsplib_init() failed. Status = 0x%X ", status); } #ifdef DDSP_DEBUG // debug: allow JTAG connection to DSP before message is sent printf("DSPLIB server loaded and running. Press Enter to continue."); getchar(); #endif printf("Calling DSPLIB function... "); static int call_dsplib_init(void) { MSGQ_LocateAttrs syncLocateAttrs; Uint32 numArgs = 1; Char8* args[1] = { "123" }; // contents not used NOLOADER_ImageInfo imageInfo; DSP_STATUS status = DSP_SOK; // open DSPLINK status = PROC_setup(NULL); if (DSP_FAILED(status)) { LOCAL_dsplinkFail("PROC_setup() failed. Status = 0x%X ", status); } status = PROC_attach(Processor_ID, NULL); if (DSP_FAILED(status)) { LOCAL_dsplinkFail("PROC_attach() failed. Status = 0x%X ", status); } // create POOL and incoming MSGQ status = POOL_open(POOL_makePoolId(Processor_ID, Sample_POOL_ID), &SamplePoolAttrs); if (DSP_FAILED(status)) { LOCAL_dsplinkFail("POOL_open() failed. Status = 0x%X ", status); } status = MSGQ_open("dsplib_dsp2arm", &dsp2arm_msgq, NULL); if (DSP_FAILED(status)) { LOCAL_dsplinkFail("MSGQ_open() failed. Status = 0x%X ", status); } // set MSGQ error handler status = MSGQ_setErrorHandler(dsp2arm_msgq, POOL_makePoolId(Processor_ID, Sample_POOL_ID)); if (DSP_FAILED(status)) { LOCAL_dsplinkFail("MSGQ_setErrorHandler() failed. Status = 0x%X ", status); } // load and execute DSP code if (LINKCFG_config.dspConfigs[Processor_ID]->dspObject->doDspCtrl == DSP_BootMode_NoBoot) { imageInfo.dspRunAddr = call_dsplib_dspAddr; imageInfo.shmBaseAddr = call_dsplib_shmAddr; imageInfo.argsAddr = call_dsplib_argsAddr; imageInfo.argsSize = 50; status = PROC_load(Processor_ID, (Char8 *) &imageInfo, numArgs, args); } else { status = PROC_load(Processor_ID, "./dsplib_server.out", numArgs, args); } if (DSP_FAILED(status)) { LOCAL_dsplinkFail("PROC_load() failed. Status = 0x%X ", status); } status = PROC_start(Processor_ID); if (DSP_FAILED(status)) { LOCAL_dsplinkFail("PROC_start() failed. Status = 0x%X ", status); } // Open the remote transport mqtAttrs.poolId = POOL_makePoolId(Processor_ID, Sample_POOL_ID); status = MSGQ_transportOpen(Processor_ID, &mqtAttrs); if (DSP_FAILED(status)) { LOCAL_dsplinkFail("MSGQ_transportOpen() failed. Status = 0x%X ", status); } // Locate the DSP's message queue // At this point the DSP must open a message queue named "DSPMSGQ" syncLocateAttrs.timeout = WAIT_FOREVER; status = DSP_ENOTFOUND; while ((status == DSP_ENOTFOUND) || (status == DSP_ENOTREADY)) { status = MSGQ_locate("dsplib_arm2dsp", &arm2dsp_msgq, &syncLocateAttrs); if ((status == DSP_ENOTFOUND) || (status == DSP_ENOTREADY)) usleep(100000); else if (DSP_FAILED(status)) { LOCAL_dsplinkFail("MSGQ_locate() failed. Status = 0x%X ", status); } } return status; } 其中:  ❶PROC_setup() 采用ARM 端应用程序载入DSP程序到DSP中运行的方法启动DSP,由于PROC组件被用物模拟DSP,首先要针对PROC进行创建和初始化。 ❷PROC_attach(processorId,NULL) 在DSP端运行之前,需要建立与GPP端通信的DSP的关联,其中指定的processorId为与之通信的DSP的编号,防止ARM与多DSP通信时造成连接混乱。
❸POOL_open(POOL _makePoolId(processorId,POOL_ID),&SamplePoolAttrs),打开共享内存池,内存缓冲区同样需要一个ID来进行不同的分工,SamplePoolAttrs用来指定缓冲区大小,buffer个数等属性。
❹MSGQ_open(SampleGppMsgqName,&SampleGppMsgq,NULL) 在进行MSGQ通信之前的一个前提是处理器双方都需要各自打开一个消息队列,每个消息队列拥有各自的name,只有当连接方提出的name与消息队列的name相吻合的时候,消息队列才得到建立。利用此API打开消息队列,SampleGppMsgqName 指代的是GPP 端消息队列的name。 ❺PROC_load(processorId,(Char8 *)&imageInfo,numArgs,args) 将编译好的DSP程序载入DSP中,相关参数为DSP的编号、DSP可运行程序名字、参数的个数和运行参数。
❻PROC_start(processorId) 开始运行编号为processorId 的DSP。
