
2019-07-13 10:09发布


Error connecting to the target:

Error 0x80000240/-172

Fatal Error during: Initialization, OCS, 

This error was generated by TI's USCIF driver.


The wrong support-logic address value has been used.

A controller cannot be detected even though the

selected port does match the hardware configuration.

The standard 560 ports are 0x0, 0x1, 0x2 and 0x3.

The standard EVM ports are 0x0, 0x1, 0x2 and 0x3.

The standard DSK ports are 0x378, 0x278 and 0x3BC.
The standard 510 ports are 0x240, 0x280, 0x320 and 0x340.

I/O Port = 240

Board Name: C64xx SEEDXDS510USB  Emulator

Cpu Name: TMS320C6400_0

Abort:            Close Code Composer Studio.

Retry:             Try to connect to the target again.

Cancel:           Remain disconnected from the target

Diagnostic:     Run diagnostic utility.


Error connecting to the target:

Error 0x80002240/-121

Fatal Error during: Initialization, OCS, Control, 

This error was generated by TI's USCIF driver.

A bad controller handle has been given to a function,

either before attempting to open the controller, or after

having opened the controller and ignored its error status.

Valid controller handles are generated when attempts

to open the controller return a clean error status.

I/O Port = 240

Board Name: C64xx SEEDXDS510USB  Emulator

Cpu Name: TMS320C6400_0

Abort:            Close Code Composer Studio.

Retry:             Try to connect to the target again.

Cancel:           Remain disconnected from the target

Diagnostic:     Run diagnostic utility.
