
2019-07-13 11:00发布

首先了解一下软件名称约定 * project.pjt 工程文件 * program.c C语言源文件 * program.asm 汇编语言源文件 * filename.h C语言头文件 * filename.lib 库文件 * project.cmd 链接命令文件 * program.obj 编译后的目标文件 * program.out 在目标硬件(实验箱)上加载、调试、执行的文件


作用:分配片上存储空间 DSP输出目标文件中的最小单元是Section,section在存储映射上是连续的,各个section块之间相互独立。C语言程序编译后生成三个基本段: .text 执行文件 .data 初始化数据 .ebss 未初始化数据 全部段可分为两种基本类型,未初始化段初始化段
Initialized sections contain executable code or initialized data. The
contents of these sections are stored in the object file and placed in
TMS320C28x memory when the program is loaded. Each initialized section
is independently relocatable and may reference symbols that are
defined in other sections. The linker automatically resolves these
Uninitialized sections reserve space in TMS320C28x memory; they are
usually placed in RAM. These sections have no actual contents in the
object file; they simply reserve memory. A program can use this space
at run time for creating and storing variables.
特定段名: - .text 存储程序代码和常量 - .cinit C全局和静态变量的初始化值 - .pinit 启动时调用的结构表 - switch 存储执行switch的常数表格 - econst 22位const 未初始化段 - .ebss 全局和静态变量存储地址(启动时由_c_int00从cinit复制) - .stack 栈空间 - esystem 堆空间
The general syntax for the MEMORY directive is:
[PAGE 0:] name 1 [( attr )] : origin = expression , length = expression [, fill = constant]
PAGE: 标识存储页,通常PAGE 0为程序空间,PAGE 1为数据空间;如果一个存储块没有指明PAGE,链接器将其当做PAGE 0。 name: 存储区间名称 attr: 属性 R:可读 W:可写 X:包含可执行代码 I:可被初始化 origin: 起始地址 length: 区间长度 fill: 以字符填充该区间 MEMORY { PAGE 0 : /* BEGIN is used for the "boot to SARAM" bootloader mode */ BEGIN : origin = 0x000000, length = 0x000002 RAMM0 : origin = 0x000002, length = 0x0003fe RAML0 : origin = 0x008000, length = 0x001200 ... PAGE 1 : FLASH : origin = 0x3F0000, length = 0x007F7F BOOT_RSVD : origin = 0x000400, length = 0x000080 /* Part of M1, BOOT rom will use this for stack */ RAMM1 : origin = 0x000480, length = 0x000380 /* on-chip RAM block M1 */ RAML1 : origin = 0x03F9200, length = 0x000D00 } SECTION
name : [property [, property] [, property] … ]
每个section段都定义了out输出文件的一个输出块,一个段可能的属性有 load:段的存储地址 load = 地址 or load > 地址 run:段的运行地址 run = 地址 or run > 地址 Input section:输入段 {input_sections} fill value:填充未初始化区域 RamFuncs : LOAD = FLASH_ABCD, PAGE = 0 /* Used by InitFlash() in SysCtrl.c */ { Encoder_IncEnc.obj(.text) } RUN = L0SARAM, PAGE = 0 /*相当于把地址值赋给runstart*/ LOAD_START(_RamFuncs_loadstart), LOAD_END(_RamFuncs_loadend), RUN_START(_RamFuncs_runstart)