Just a backup for this introduction, the GFW, you know.
November 8th, 2012 • 22:11
Lots of discussion on the mailing list lately on how to get the DSP working using the new yocto build system. This works for me…
Start with the
standard instructions and make sure you can build gumstix-console-image.
I’m using 64-bit (AMD64) Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, so I needed to also install ia32-libs for the TI installer. You may not need this, depending on your build host.
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
Now, add the meta-ti layer:
cd ~/yocto/poky
git clone git://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-ti
cd meta-ti
git checkout denzil
Then edit ~/yocto/build/conf/bblayers.conf to add the meta-ti layer so that it looks something like this:
Edit ~/yocto/build/conf/local.conf and add the following line to ignore some of the meta-ti recipes:
BBMASK ?= ".*/meta-ti/recipes-(misc|bsp/formfactor)/"
Fix up the toolchain_path env variable by editing ~/yocto/poky/meta-gumstix/conf/machine/overo.inc and adding the line below. This fixes the problem finding the compiler when building dsplink.
Then edit ~/yocto/poky/meta-gumstix/conf/machine/include/omap3.inc and just before the tune-cortexa8.inc line, add the line below. This fixes the problem building the DMAI recipe.
require conf/machine/include/soc-family.inc
Now, download ti_cgt_c6000_7.2.7_setup_linux_x86.bin from TI and place in your ~/yocto/build/downloads directory. Touch ti_cgt_c6000_7.2.7_setup_linux_x86.bin.done in the same directory.
Ok! You should now be able to “bitbake gstreamer-ti”. It will take a bit of time.
If this works, you can build an image that has gstreamer-ti along with other gstreamer-plugins. Here is one such image recipe:
Once the image is built, create your sd card. When booting for the first time, stop the u-boot countdown and change the env vars to leave a memory hole for cmemk.
setenv mem 'mem=96M@0x80000000 mem=384M@0x88000000'
setenv mpurate 800
setenv mmcargs 'setenv bootargs console=${console} mpurate=${mpurate} vram=${vram} omapfb.mode=dvi:${dvimode} omapfb.debug=y omapfb.vram=${fbvram} omapdss.def_disp=${defaultdisplay} ${mem} root=${mmcroot} rootfstype=${mmcrootfstype}'
Go ahead and boot into linux, then edit /lib/systemd/system/gstti-init.service and remove the line which starts “ConditionKernelCommandLine=”. This condition causes the modules to only get loaded if the memory hole is very specific.
Now reboot one more time.
Once booted, check your modules and make sure cmemk loaded for you:
root@overo:~# lsmod
Module Size Used by
mt9v032 7237 4294967295
omap3_isp 131955 0
v4l2_common 8933 2 mt9v032,omap3_isp
videodev 99128 3 mt9v032,omap3_isp,v4l2_common
media 12714 3 mt9v032,omap3_isp,videodev
ads7846 10488 0
sdmak 4076 0
lpm_omap3530 6797 0
dsplinkk 131408 1 lpm_omap3530
cmemk 22005 0
rfcomm 56119 0
hidp 16251 0
bluetooth 258745 4 rfcomm,hidp
rfkill 17524 1 bluetooth
ipv6 249350 16
Test out the dsp with a simple pipeline:
gst-launch videotestsrc num-buffers=5 ! TIVidenc1 codecName=mpeg4enc engineName=codecServer ! fakesink
Good luck.