2019-07-13 11:05发布

The Texas Instruments VLIB is an optimizedImage/Video Processing Functions Library for C programmers using c674x devices.It includes many C-callable, assembly-optimized, general-purpose image/videoprocessing routines. 运行这些实例的速度要比用ANSI C编写的同样代码效率高,性能可提高10倍,可以大大减少开发时间。 可供用于:
  • 背景建模&相减
  • 物体特征提取
  • 跟踪与检测
  • 低级像素处理(low-levelpixel processing
安装之后,预编译的库有: vlib.lib : Main optimized vlib libraryvlib_cn.lib : C Natural Implementation of vlib librarycommon.lib : Common functions required for testing kernels.   Integration 对于单核或者多核系统,集成时需要以下步骤: 在系统代码中调用API         需要包含vlib.h 编译代码         编译时,编译器需要能够搜索packages目录,以找到kernelheaders 链接VLIB         -lvlib库所在的目录     支持的函数: Exponentially-Weighted Running Mean of a VideoExponentially-Weighted Running Variance of a VideoUniformly-Weighted Running Mean of a VideoUniformly-Weighted Running Variance of a VideoStatistical Background SubtractionMixture of Gaussians Background Modeling for Grayscale VideoImage Extraction From Background Models (8-Bit)Packing and Unpacking of Binary Mask ImagesMorphological DilationMorphological ErosionConnected Components LabelingCanny Edge DetectionImage PyramidGaussian 5x5 Pyramid KernelGradient 5x5 Pyramid KernelRecursive IIR Filter: Horizontal, First-OrderRecursive IIR Filter: Vertical, First-OrderIntegral ImageHough Transform for LinesHarris Corner ScoreNon-Maximal Suppression (mask output)Non-Maximal Suppression (list output)Lucas-Kanade Feature Tracking (Sparse Optical Flow)Normal FlowKalman FilterNelder-Mead SimplexLegendre MomentsHistogramBhattacharya DistanceL1 DistanceColor Space ConversionsSAD Based DisparityImage RescalingHistogram EqualizationHog CellGood Features to TrackL2_normalizationGradients, Magnitude, and OrientationHysteresis ThresholdingGrayscale Morphology 参考:VLIB User's Manual (c674x) 本人从事DM8168 DSP开发,欢迎加QQ:917581001讨论