DSP Study Notes Period 1

2019-07-13 11:08发布


  • Central Dvice of a multi chip Micro Computer System
  • Two basic architectures:
    • ”von Neumann”-Architecture
      • Shared memory space between code and data
      • Shared memory busses between code and data
      • Example:Intel’s x86 Pentiun Processor family
    • “Harvard”-Architecture:
      • Two independent memory spaces for code and data
      • Two memory bus systems for code and data
  • A μP needs additional external devices to operate properly

Microprocessor block diagram


Microprocesser exectution flow


CPU of a microprocessor

CPU=Central Processing Unit
  • Consists of:
    • few internal memory cells (“Register“)for operands
    • calculation unit:”Arithmetic Logic Unit”(ALU)
    • instruction register(IR) and instruction decoder
    • address unit

Address unit:

- read data and instruction from memory - write data into memory


- analyses current instruction and controls subsequent actions of other modules


- store data for instantaneous instruction and computation Note:today’s microprocessors have a much finer granularity and sometimes parallel units.However,the basics are still the very same.

ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit of a microprocessor)

calculates arithmetical and / or logical function:
  • At least:
    - arithmetical: Addition(ADD)
    - logical: Negation(NEG) Conjunction(AND)
  • Typical:
    - arithmetical: Subtraction(SUB) Multiplication(MUL)
    - logical: Comparison(CMP) Disjunction(OR) Antivalence(EXOR)
    - miscellaneous: Right-and Left Shift(ASR,ASL)                
     Rotation(ROL,ROR)   Register-Bit-anipulation(set,clear,toggle,test)
  • a ALU is able to process two binary values with equal length(N)->N-Bit ALU with N=4,8,16,32 or 64
  • most ALU’s process Fixed Point Numbers
  • a few ALU’s,used especially in Digital Signal Processors and desktop processors,are capable to operate on Floating Point Numbers or on both formats.

Our Desktop - PC


  • Micro Computer = microprocessor(μP) + memory + peripherals
  • Example: your Desktop-PC
  • Peripherals Include:
    • Digital Input / Output Lines
    • Analogue to Digital Converter (ADC)
    • Digital to Analogue Converter (DAC)
    • Timer / Counter units
    • Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Digital Output Lines
    • Digital Capture Input Lines
    • Network Interface Units:
      • Serial Communication Interface (SCI) -UART
      • Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
      • Inter Integrated Circuit (I2C) - Bus
      • Controller Area Network (CAN)
      • Local Interconnect Network (LIN)
      • Universal Serial Bus (USB)
      • Local / Wide Area Networks (LAN,WAN)
    • Graphical Output Devices
    • and more …

System on Chip

  • Nothing more than a Microcomputer as a single silicon chip!
  • All computing power and input/output channels that are required to design a real time control system are “on chip”!
  • Guarantee cost efficient and powerful solution for embedded control applications
  • Backbone for almost every type of modern product
  • Over 200 independent families of μC
  • Both μP - Architectures(“Von Neumann” and “Harvard”) are used inside Microcontrollers

Digital Signal Processor

A Digital Signal Processor (DSP) is:
  • Similar to a micro processor (μP), e.g. core of a computing system
  • Additional Hardware Units to speed up computing of sophisticated mathematical operations:
    • Additional Hardware Multiply Unit(s)
    • Additional Pointer Arithmetic Unit(s)
    • Additional Bus Systems for parallel access
    • Additional Hardware Shifter for scaling and / or multiply / divide by 2n

What are typical DSP algorithms?

An equation,called”Sum of Products”(SOP) is the key element in most DSP algorithms: