
2019-07-13 11:10发布

❤ 2019.3.6     今天开始学习DSP,over。     我用的版本是德州仪器的TMS320F28335,用的开发板是研旭的TMS320F28335至尊开发板,到底有多至尊我也不知道,不过看起来教材和资料挺全的。   〇 基础知识 ● DSP的历史     略(自己看书百度去)   ● 数字信号处理特点   ● DSP主要特点   ● TI的芯片系列 F28335系列属于C2000系列,在TI看来不属于DSP,属于MCU,但是我们就当成DSP学(?)   ● C2000系列简介   ● DSP系统开发   ● 如何成为一个优秀的DSP工程师 (真的假的?)   ● 教程总纲     〇 DSP开发环境介绍 ● CCS介绍 ● CCS安装 (略) ● 仿真器 ○ CCS6如何连接仿真器(这个手册上面有) 1、建立target configuration file 2、输入名字 3、选择仿真器、芯片,然后点save ♣ 经常会在工程文件里生成一个target configuration 文件   ❤ 2019.3.22 〇 DSP开发流程       ○ CMD文件(配置文件)     指定DSP内部的硬件存储器的一些相关地址以及长度。     包含两部分:MEMORY以及SECTIONS     MEMORY:指定DSP内部的ram和flash的首地址以及长度     SECTIONS:指定程序组成部分对应内存的储存部分(MEMORY中设定的部分)。   〇 TMS320F28335介绍     〇 时钟与看门狗   ● 内部时钟   ❤ 2019.3.23   ● 外设时钟   ● 看门狗   ● 时钟及看门狗寄存器(英文版System Control and Interrupts Reference Guide P34)(中文版见《手把手》P83) ♣ System Control and Interrupts Reference Guide:官方下载地址   ● 关于看门狗及时钟的初始化例子     打开官方例程的时钟配置文件     观察系统时钟初始化函数 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // InitSysCtrl: //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function initializes the System Control registers to a known state. // - Disables the watchdog // - Set the PLLCR for proper SYSCLKOUT frequency // - Set the pre-scaler for the high and low frequency peripheral clocks // - Enable the clocks to the peripherals void InitSysCtrl(void) { // Disable the watchdog DisableDog(); // Initialize the PLL control: PLLCR and DIVSEL // DSP28_PLLCR and DSP28_DIVSEL are defined in DSP2833x_Examples.h InitPll(DSP28_PLLCR,DSP28_DIVSEL); // Initialize the peripheral clocks InitPeripheralClocks(); } ○    第一个 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Example: DisableDog: //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function disables the watchdog timer. void DisableDog(void) { EALLOW; SysCtrlRegs.WDCR= 0x0068; EDIS; }     可以看到0x0068,转换成二进制就是0000 0000 0110 1000,查看watchdog的寄存器说明(英文版System Control and Interrupts Reference Guide P54)(中文版见《手把手》P88),可以知道其意义。     如果需要启用watchdog,则用这个函数: //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Example: ServiceDog: //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function resets the watchdog timer. // Enable this function for using ServiceDog in the application void ServiceDog(void) { EALLOW; SysCtrlRegs.WDKEY = 0x0055; SysCtrlRegs.WDKEY = 0x00AA; EDIS; } 查看相应寄存器:     可以知道需要启用watchdog的话需要先后写入这两个值。   ○    下面是锁相环初始化     首先看一下两个参数 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Specify the PLL control register (PLLCR) and divide select (DIVSEL) value. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //#define DSP28_DIVSEL 0 // Enable /4 for SYSCLKOUT //#define DSP28_DIVSEL 1 // Disable /4 for SYSCKOUT #define DSP28_DIVSEL 2 // Enable /2 for SYSCLKOUT //#define DSP28_DIVSEL 3 // Enable /1 for SYSCLKOUT #define DSP28_PLLCR 10 //#define DSP28_PLLCR 9 //#define DSP28_PLLCR 8 //#define DSP28_PLLCR 7 //#define DSP28_PLLCR 6 //#define DSP28_PLLCR 5 //#define DSP28_PLLCR 4 //#define DSP28_PLLCR 3 //#define DSP28_PLLCR 2 //#define DSP28_PLLCR 1 //#define DSP28_PLLCR 0 // PLL is bypassed in this mode //----------------------------------------------------------------------------      可以看出DSP28_PLLCR是倍频,DSP28_DIVSEL是分频,然后在看一下倍频与分频设置函数: //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Example: InitPll: //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function initializes the PLLCR register. void InitPll(Uint16 val, Uint16 divsel) { // Make sure the PLL is not running in limp mode if (SysCtrlRegs.PLLSTS.bit.MCLKSTS != 0) { // Missing external clock has been detected // Replace this line with a call to an appropriate // SystemShutdown(); function. asm(" ESTOP0"); } // DIVSEL MUST be 0 before PLLCR can be changed from // 0x0000. It is set to 0 by an external reset XRSn // This puts us in 1/4 if (SysCtrlRegs.PLLSTS.bit.DIVSEL != 0) { EALLOW; SysCtrlRegs.PLLSTS.bit.DIVSEL = 0; EDIS; } // Change the PLLCR if (SysCtrlRegs.PLLCR.bit.DIV != val) { EALLOW; // Before setting PLLCR turn off missing clock detect logic SysCtrlRegs.PLLSTS.bit.MCLKOFF = 1; SysCtrlRegs.PLLCR.bit.DIV = val; EDIS; // Optional: Wait for PLL to lock. // During this time the CPU will switch to OSCCLK/2 until // the PLL is stable. Once the PLL is stable the CPU will // switch to the new PLL value. // // This time-to-lock is monitored by a PLL lock counter. // // Code is not required to sit and wait for the PLL to lock. // However, if the code does anything that is timing critical, // and requires the correct clock be locked, then it is best to // wait until this switching has completed. // Wait for the PLL lock bit to be set. // The watchdog should be disabled before this loop, or fed within // the loop via ServiceDog(). // Uncomment to disable the watchdog DisableDog(); while(SysCtrlRegs.PLLSTS.bit.PLLLOCKS != 1) { // Uncomment to service the watchdog // ServiceDog(); } EALLOW; SysCtrlRegs.PLLSTS.bit.MCLKOFF = 0; EDIS; } // If switching to 1/2 if((divsel == 1)||(divsel == 2)) { EALLOW; SysCtrlRegs.PLLSTS.bit.DIVSEL = divsel; EDIS; } // If switching to 1/1 // * First go to 1/2 and let the power settle // The time required will depend on the system, this is only an example // * Then switch to 1/1 if(divsel == 3) { EALLOW; SysCtrlRegs.PLLSTS.bit.DIVSEL = 2; DELAY_US(50L); SysCtrlRegs.PLLSTS.bit.DIVSEL = 3; EDIS; } }     有点乱,看不懂,但是ti贴心的(真的么?)画了个流程图:     这个流程图配合寄存器说明来看     稍微有点混乱,不过不需要看明白,反正用默认的就行,也就是10倍频,2分频,配合30M晶振,最后得到系统频率150M。   ○    初始化外设时钟     函数代码: //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Example: InitPeripheralClocks: //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function initializes the clocks to the peripheral modules. // First the high and low clock prescalers are set // Second the clocks are enabled to each peripheral. // To reduce power, leave clocks to unused peripherals disabled // // Note: If a peripherals clock is not enabled then you cannot // read or write to the registers for that peripheral void InitPeripheralClocks(void) { EALLOW; // HISPCP/LOSPCP prescale register settings, normally it will be set to default values SysCtrlRegs.HISPCP.all = 0x0001; SysCtrlRegs.LOSPCP.all = 0x0002; // XCLKOUT to SYSCLKOUT ratio. By default XCLKOUT = 1/4 SYSCLKOUT // XTIMCLK = SYSCLKOUT/2 XintfRegs.XINTCNF2.bit.XTIMCLK = 1; // XCLKOUT = XTIMCLK/2 XintfRegs.XINTCNF2.bit.CLKMODE = 1; // Enable XCLKOUT XintfRegs.XINTCNF2.bit.CLKOFF = 0; // Peripheral clock enables set for the selected peripherals. // If you are not using a peripheral leave the clock off // to save on power. // // Note: not all peripherals are available on all 2833x derivates. // Refer to the datasheet for your particular device. // // This function is not written to be an example of efficient code. SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.ADCENCLK = 1; // ADC // *IMPORTANT* // The ADC_cal function, which copies the ADC calibration values from TI reserved // OTP into the ADCREFSEL and ADCOFFTRIM registers, occurs automatically in the // Boot ROM. If the boot ROM code is bypassed during the debug process, the // following function MUST be called for the ADC to function according // to specification. The clocks to the ADC MUST be enabled before calling this // function. // See the device data manual and/or the ADC Reference // Manual for more information. ADC_cal(); SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.I2CAENCLK = 1; // I2C SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.SCIAENCLK = 1; // SCI-A SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.SCIBENCLK = 1; // SCI-B SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.SCICENCLK = 1; // SCI-C SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.SPIAENCLK = 1; // SPI-A SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.MCBSPAENCLK = 1; // McBSP-A SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.MCBSPBENCLK = 1; // McBSP-B SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.ECANAENCLK=1; // eCAN-A SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.ECANBENCLK=1; // eCAN-B SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.TBCLKSYNC = 0; // Disable TBCLK within the ePWM SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.EPWM1ENCLK = 1; // ePWM1 SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.EPWM2ENCLK = 1; // ePWM2 SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.EPWM3ENCLK = 1; // ePWM3 SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.EPWM4ENCLK = 1; // ePWM4 SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.EPWM5ENCLK = 1; // ePWM5 SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.EPWM6ENCLK = 1; // ePWM6 SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.TBCLKSYNC = 1; // Enable TBCLK within the ePWM SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.ECAP3ENCLK = 1; // eCAP3 SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.ECAP4ENCLK = 1; // eCAP4 SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.ECAP5ENCLK = 1; // eCAP5 SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.ECAP6ENCLK = 1; // eCAP6 SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.ECAP1ENCLK = 1; // eCAP1 SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.ECAP2ENCLK = 1; // eCAP2 SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.EQEP1ENCLK = 1; // eQEP1 SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR1.bit.EQEP2ENCLK = 1; // eQEP2 SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR3.bit.CPUTIMER0ENCLK = 1; // CPU Timer 0 SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR3.bit.CPUTIMER1ENCLK = 1; // CPU Timer 1 SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR3.bit.CPUTIMER2ENCLK = 1; // CPU Timer 2 SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR3.bit.DMAENCLK = 1; // DMA Clock SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR3.bit.XINTFENCLK = 1; // XTIMCLK SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR3.bit.GPIOINENCLK = 1; // GPIO input clock EDIS; } ♣ 首先注意的是EALLOW和EDIS语句,关于这两个语句,我找到了一篇介绍:     原文地址:DSP的EALLOW和EDIS指令       先看这段:     我们先找到对应的寄存器说明:     由上可知,这两句的意思是将高速时钟配置为2分频,将低速时钟配置为4分频。   这个是用来控制时钟输出的,可以将时钟供给其他模块,可以省一个晶振(?)   这个是用来控制外设时钟的开关,需要哪个模块就开哪个时钟,不用就关上,可以省电。