
2019-07-13 11:46发布


置顶 2013年05月04日 10:13:38 syh63053767 阅读数:10061  原因十:dsp已经出现异常。 从所提交上来的log来看,在录音出现异常之前,playback已经出错,也就是说dsp已经出现异常。但是,从这份log,无法判断dsp出现异常的原因。
Line 38946: 09-23 11:15:32.152  5748  5857 E alsa_pcm: cannot open device '/dev/snd/pcmC0D0c', errno 16
Line 38947: 09-23 11:15:32.152  5748  5857 E ALSADevice: open: Failed to initialize ALSA device 'hw:0,0'
Line 38948: 09-23 11:15:32.152  5748  5857 E AudioHardwareALSA: Error opening pcm input device
是因为点启动录音的时候,在打开PCM设备时发现所要打开的PCM设备已经打开。而之所以一直这样,是因为某一次操作后,已经无法从dsp读取上行的录音数据,然后有一个进程或线程不停的在尝试恢复(见附件图片),导致/dev/snd/pcmC0D0c设备一直没有关闭。从而错误发生后,每次点击录音,都会报16号错误,并提示其他程序正在使用录音机。 Line 38724: 09-23 11:15:31.442  5748  9068 E MPEG4Extractor: sunrain  2 MPEG4Extractor:0
Line 38725: 09-23 11:15:31.462  5748  9068 E MPEG4Extractor: sunrain  MEPG4Extractor-->  MPEG4Source::read
Line 38726: 09-23 11:15:31.462  5748  9068 E MPEG4Extractor: sunrain  MEPG4Extractor-->  getMetaDataForSample
Line 38727: 09-23 11:15:31.462  5748  9068 E MPEG4Extractor: sunrain  2 MPEG4Extractor:0
Line 38835: 09-23 11:15:32.122  8933  8933 E SR/RecConfigFile: ,mVolumePathList is not null,mExternalStorageState = removed
Line 38946: 09-23 11:15:32.152  5748  5857 E alsa_pcm: cannot open device '/dev/snd/pcmC0D0c', errno 16
Line 38947: 09-23 11:15:32.152  5748  5857 E ALSADevice: open: Failed to initialize ALSA device 'hw:0,0'
Line 38948: 09-23 11:15:32.152  5748  5857 E AudioHardwareALSA: Error opening pcm input device
Line 38950: 09-23 11:15:32.152  5748  5857 E AudioRecord: Could not get audio input for record source 1
Line 38952: 09-23 11:15:32.152  5748  5857 E StagefrightRecorder: audio source is not initialized
Line 38953: 09-23 11:15:32.152  8933  8933 E MediaRecorder: start failed: -2147483648
Line 38954: 09-23 11:15:32.152  8933  8933 E SR/MediaRecorderWrapper: ,MediaRecorder start error,RuntimeException = java.lang.RuntimeException: start failed.
Line 39022: 09-23 11:15:32.833   724   860 D StateMachine: handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
Line 39119: 09-23 11:15:35.445  8933  8933 E SR/RecConfigFile: ,mVolumePathList is not null,mExternalStorageState = removed
Line 39229: 09-23 11:15:35.466  5748  5857 E alsa_pcm: cannot open device '/dev/snd/pcmC0D0c', errno 16
Line 39230: 09-23 11:15:35.466  5748  5857 E ALSADevice: open: Failed to initialize ALSA device 'hw:0,0'
Line 39231: 09-23 11:15:35.466  5748  5857 E AudioHardwareALSA: Error opening pcm input device
Line 39233: 09-23 11:15:35.466  5748  5857 E AudioRecord: Could not get audio input for record source 1
Line 39235: 09-23 11:15:35.466  5748  5857 E StagefrightRecorder: audio source is not initialized
Line 39236: 09-23 11:15:35.466  8933  8933 E MediaRecorder: start failed: -2147483648
Line 39237: 09-23 11:15:35.466  8933  8933 E SR/MediaRecorderWrapper: ,MediaRecorder start error,RuntimeException = java.lang.RuntimeException: start failed.
Line 39282: 09-23 11:15:35.836   724   860 D StateMachine: handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
Line 39479: 09-23 11:15:38.258  5748  5763 E AudioStreamOutALSA: pcm_write returned error -5, trying to recover
Line 39480: 09-23 11:15:38.258  5748  8459 E alsa_pcm: Arec: error5
Line 39578: 09-23 11:15:38.849   724   860 D StateMachine: handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
Line 39638: 09-23 11:15:39.780  1162  9146 E RenderScript: rsi_ScriptIntrinsicCreate 5
Line 39686: 09-23 11:15:41.862   724   860 D StateMachine: handleMessage: E msg.what=131155
Line 39749: 09-23 11:15:44.234   251   795 E Diag_Lib: Diag_LSM_Msg: Write failed in msg_sprintf, bytes written: -1, error: 12
Line 39750: 09-23 11:15:44.234   251   795 E Diag_Lib: Diag_LSM_Msg: Write failed in msg_sprintf, bytes written: -1, error: 12
Line 39751: 09-23 11:15:44.234   251   795 E Diag_Lib: Diag_LSM_Msg: Write failed in msg_sprintf, bytes written: -1, error: 12
原因九:录音的底层设备被占用,框架层改变了录音设备,导致框架层和录音底层设备不一致,导致上层AP无法获得 input 导致无法录音 Search "getInput()" (23 hits in 1 file)
  G:workuglistB130830-109-1227T100-出现-2mtklogmobilelogAPLog_2013_0916_165944main_log (23 hits)
    Line 10252: 09-16 17:00:05.575   148   500 D AudioMTKStreamManager: AudioMTKHardware getInputBufferSize
    Line 10668: 09-16 17:00:08.653   148   148 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: getInput() inputSource 1, samplingRate 44100, format 1, channelMask c, acoustics 0
    Line 10669: 09-16 17:00:08.653   148   148 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: getInput, mInputs.size:0
    Line 19386: 09-16 17:00:59.402   148   642 D AudioMTKStreamManager: AudioMTKHardware getInputBufferSize
    Line 19397: 09-16 17:00:59.407   148   642 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: getInput() inputSource 1, samplingRate 48000, format 1, channelMask c, acoustics 0
    Line 19398: 09-16 17:00:59.407   148   642 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: getInput, mInputs.size:1
    Line 19399: 09-16 17:00:59.407   148   642 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: getInput() inputTemp->mDevice = 0x80000004,inputDesc->mDevice = 0x80000010
    Line 19401: 09-16 17:00:59.408   148   642 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: getInput() inputTemp->mDevice = 0x80000004,input=14,
    Line 19402: 09-16 17:00:59.415   148   642 D AudioRecord: getInput(): fail retry 0
    Line 19405: 09-16 17:00:59.416   148   642 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: getInput() inputSource 1, samplingRate 48000, format 1, channelMask c, acoustics 0
    Line 19406: 09-16 17:00:59.416   148   642 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: getInput, mInputs.size:1
    Line 19407: 09-16 17:00:59.417   148   642 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: getInput() inputTemp->mDevice = 0x80000004,inputDesc->mDevice = 0x80000010
    Line 19409: 09-16 17:00:59.417   148   642 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: getInput() inputTemp->mDevice = 0x80000004,input=14,
    Line 19410: 09-16 17:00:59.422   148   642 D AudioRecord: getInput(): fail retry 1
    Line 19413: 09-16 17:00:59.423   148   642 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: getInput() inputSource 1, samplingRate 48000, format 1, channelMask c, acoustics 0
    Line 19414: 09-16 17:00:59.423   148   642 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: getInput, mInputs.size:1
    Line 19415: 09-16 17:00:59.423   148   642 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: getInput() inputTemp->mDevice = 0x80000004,inputDesc->mDevice = 0x80000010
    Line 19417: 09-16 17:00:59.423   148   642 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: getInput() inputTemp->mDevice = 0x80000004,input=14,
    Line 19418: 09-16 17:00:59.429   148   642 D AudioRecord: getInput(): fail retry 2
    Line 19421: 09-16 17:00:59.429   148   642 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: getInput() inputSource 1, samplingRate 48000, format 1, channelMask c, acoustics 0
    Line 19422: 09-16 17:00:59.429   148   642 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: getInput, mInputs.size:1
    Line 19423: 09-16 17:00:59.429   148   642 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: getInput() inputTemp->mDevice = 0x80000004,inputDesc->mDevice = 0x80000010
    Line 19425: 09-16 17:00:59.429   148   642 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: getInput() inputTemp->mDevice = 0x80000004,input=14,
Search "setDeviceConnectionState" (9 hits in 1 file)
  G:workuglistB130830-109-1227T100-出现-2mtklogmobilelogAPLog_2013_0916_165944main_log (9 hits)
    Line 17063: 09-16 17:00:38.046   148  2468 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: setDeviceConnectionState() device: 4, state 1, address
    Line 17066: 09-16 17:00:38.047   148  2468 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: setDeviceConnectionState() checkOutputsForDevice() returned 1 outputs
    Line 17148: 09-16 17:00:38.066   148  2468 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: setDeviceConnectionState, is_input:1
    Line 17149: 09-16 17:00:38.066   148  2468 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: setDeviceConnectionState1, mAvailableInputDevices:4
    Line 17150: 09-16 17:00:38.066   148  2468 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: setDeviceConnectionState1, AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BUILTIN_MIC:-2147483644
    Line 17151: 09-16 17:00:38.066   148  2468 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: setDeviceConnectionState2, mAvailableInputDevices:20
    Line 17152: 09-16 17:00:38.067   148  2468 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: setDeviceConnectionState2, AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_WIRED_HEADSET:-2147483632
    Line 17153: 09-16 17:00:38.067   148  2468 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: setDeviceConnectionState, activeInput:0
    Line 17156: 09-16 17:00:38.068   148  2468 D AudioMTKPolicyManager: setDeviceConnectionState, need check input device mediatekplatformcommonhardwareaudioAudioMTKPolicyManager.cpp的setDeviceConnectionState函数中加入如下代码即可验证设备没切换回来问题 ALOGD("setDeviceConnectionState, is_input:%d", audio_is_input_device(device)); ALOGD("setDeviceConnectionState1, mAvailableInputDevices:%d", mAvailableInputDevices);
    if (mAvailableInputDevices & AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_WIRED_HEADSET) {
    } else if (mAvailableInputDevices & AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BUILTIN_MIC) {
    }  // handle input devices
    if (audio_is_input_device(device)) {
        switch (state)
        // handle input device connection
        case AudioSystem::DEVICE_STATE_AVAILABLE: {
            if (mAvailableInputDevices & device) {
                ALOGW("setDeviceConnectionState() device already connected: %d", device);
                return INVALID_OPERATION;
            mAvailableInputDevices = mAvailableInputDevices | (device & ~AUDIO_DEVICE_BIT_IN);

        // handle input device disconnection
        case AudioSystem::DEVICE_STATE_UNAVAILABLE: {
            if (!(mAvailableInputDevices & device)) {
                ALOGW("setDeviceConnectionState() device not connected: %d", device);
                return INVALID_OPERATION;
            mAvailableInputDevices = (audio_devices_t) (mAvailableInputDevices & ~device);
            } break;

            ALOGE("setDeviceConnectionState() invalid state: %x", state);
            return BAD_VALUE;

        ALOGD("setDeviceConnectionState2, mAvailableInputDevices:%d", mAvailableInputDevices);
        if (mAvailableInputDevices & AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_WIRED_HEADSET) {
        } else if (mAvailableInputDevices & AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BUILTIN_MIC) {
            ALOGD("setDeviceConnectionState2, AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BUILTIN_MIC:%d", AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BUILTIN_MIC);
        } 100%出现步骤为:未插入耳机进入i Mic录制一段录音,暂停录音后插入耳机home键退出,再进入录音机就能出现设备被占用(或者插入耳机时录制,暂停时拔插耳机类似操作,或者切换mic后类似操作) a. 原因分析:iMic中创建AudioRecord进行录音会在驱动策略层新建对应的输入设备管理,如果另外的应用需要开启输入设备,输入设备需要和已有的输入设备是同一个,否则不能开启,分析Log发现iMic使用的是手机麦输入设备,停止录音后有插入耳机,此时如果AudioRecord仅仅是停止而不是release的话对应在驱动策略层的输入设备管理是不会被删除的,而系统在插入耳机时不会重新针对应用端进行底层输入设备的路由,导致此时系统内还是iMic对应的输入设备还是手机麦,此时再开启录音机录音就会提示设备被占用
b. 修改方法:凡是iMic内停止录音应用的AudioRecord一律release掉,重开其它应用的输入设备就无需在驱动策略层重新对比,避免设备被占用的情况 原因八:DSP打开失败造成,DSP内部ADM模块打开超时。导致无法录音,kernel log有报错,这个错误是读取adm copp状态时超时产生的。 Line 11: <6>[32947.646270] [(2013-07-12 11:13:39.091021236 UTC)] [cpuid: 2] binder: 24666:28566 transaction failed 29189, size 92-0
Line 136: <3>[32952.457275] [(2013-07-12 11:13:43.902025876 UTC)] [cpuid: 0] adm_multi_ch_copp_open_v2 ADM open failed for port 16385
Line 214: <3>[32962.527252] [(2013-07-12 11:13:53.972002683 UTC)] [cpuid: 0] adm_multi_ch_copp_open_v2 ADM open failed for port 16384
Line 1103: <3>[32981.621032] [(2013-07-12 11:14:13.065783200 UTC)] [cpuid: 0] diag: proc 1, msg mask update fail -12, tried 419 原因七:MIC硬件坏掉,导致无法录音 原因六:找不到编码库的时候,MediaRecord:error(1,,-2147483648), 05-07 22:23:18.924 E/OMXCodec(  251): ---hd%--- componentName=OMX.google.aac.decoder, matchComponentName=(null), index=20, matchIndex=19
05-07 22:23:18.924 E/OMXCodec(  251): ---hd%--- componentName=AACDecoder, matchComponentName=(null), index=21, matchIndex=20
05-07 22:23:18.924 E/OMXCodec(  251): ---hd%--- componentName=OMX.qcom.audio.decoder.multiaac, matchComponentName=(null), index=43, matchIndex=42
05-07 22:23:18.924 D/OMXCodec(  251): JB Attempting to allocate OMX node 'OMX.google.aac.decoder'
05-07 22:23:18.924 E/SoftOMXPlugin(  251): unable to dlopen libstagefright_soft_aacdec.so
05-07 22:23:18.924 E/OMXMaster(  251): can't make instance for OMX.google.aac.decoder
05-07 22:23:18.924 D/OMXCodec(  251): JB Attempting to allocate OMX node 'AACDecoder'
05-07 22:23:18.924 E/OMXMaster(  251): can't find plugin for AACDecoder
05-07 22:23:18.924 D/OMXCodec(  251): JB Attempting to allocate OMX node 'OMX.qcom.audio.decoder.multiaac'
05-07 22:23:18.924 E/OMXMaster(  251): can't make instance for OMX.qcom.audio.decoder.multiaac
05-07 22:23:18.924 E/MediaRecorder(29153): error (1, -2147483648)
05-07 22:23:18.924 E/MediaRecorder_JAVA(29153): Error (1,-2147483648)
  Z:gt-projectgt-framworkjb_rel-A8064AAAAANLYA161032-8064V4ioniclinkerlinker.cpp (4 hits)
 Line 54: #define SO_MAX 128
 Line 80:  *   having a hard limit (SO_MAX)
 Line 87: static soinfo sopool[SO_MAX];
 Line 286:         if (socount == SO_MAX) {
  G:workuglist[B130508-199]-PD1225bklog-时间点:5月8号12点发现异常app_logapp_log_2013_5_7app_log_2013_5_7_17_18_0 (8 hits)
 Line 1759083: 05-08 08:20:50.591 E/C2DColorConvert(  251): FATAL ERROR: could not dlopen libc2d2.so: Cannot load library: soinfo_alloc(linker.cpp:287): too many libraries when loading "libC2D2.so"
Search "E/SoftOMXPlugin" (127 hits in 1 file)
  G:workuglist[B130508-199]-PD1225bklog-时间点:5月8号12点发现异常app_logapp_log_2013_5_7app_log_2013_5_7_17_18_0 (127 hits)
 Line 925923: 05-07 22:23:10.546 E/SoftOMXPlugin(  251): unable to dlopen libstagefright_soft_aacdec.so
 Line 926690: 05-07 22:23:18.924 E/SoftOMXPlugin(  251): unable to dlopen libstagefright_soft_aacdec.so 原因五:MIC和底层录音设备没打开,导致无法录音 MTK的MIC是否打开: AUDADC_CON0 = 0xb4,ADC都没打开 从贵司reg值来看是b4,ADC left/right power down
请贵司提供audiomachinedevice.cpp分析 高通的MIC是否打开: /sys/kernel/debug/asoc/apq8064-tabla-snd-card/tabla_codec 原因四:modem死亡,或者modem发生异常时,导致无法录音 mtk判断modem是否正常的方式: adb shell cat /sys/class/BOOT/BOOT/boot/md  确认下Modem状态:0, or 1, or 2, or 3
0,1 表示还没有ready
2   表示正常
3   表示有exception qcom判断modem是否正常的方式: 如果modem起不来或者modem死掉,adb shell ls /dev/efs_hsic_bridge后会显示什么?
曾庆明(曾庆明) 14:37:36
No such file or directory 如果modem正常工作,adb shell ls /dev/efs_hsic_bridge后会显示什么?
C:UsersAdministrator>adb shell ls /dev/efs_hsic_bridge
/dev/efs_hsic_bridge 原因三:单路录音中,其它AP无法获得input,导致无法录音 11-29 09:10:52.891   116   346 D AudioRecord: getInput(): fail retry 0
11-29 09:10:52.891   116   346 D AudioYusuPolicyManager: getDeviceForInputSource()input source 1, device 00040000
11-29 09:10:52.891   116   346 D AudioYusuPolicyManager: getInput() inputSource 1, samplingRate 48000, format 1, channelMask c, acoustics 7
11-29 09:10:52.891   116   346 D AudioStreamHandler: +openInputStream devices = 40000 format = 1 channelCount = 12 samplerate = 48000
11-29 09:10:52.891   116   346 D AudioStreamHandler: openInputStream :: no free stream available
11-29 09:10:52.891   116   346 V AudioFlinger: openInput() openInputStream returned input 0x0, SamplingRate 48000, Format 1, Channels c, status 1098266528
11-29 09:10:52.891   116   346 D AudioYusuPolicyManager: getInput() failed opening input: samplingRate 48000, format 1, channelMask 12
11-29 09:10:52.896   116   346 D AudioRecord: getInput(): fail retry 1
11-29 09:10:52.896   116   346 D AudioYusuPolicyManager: getDeviceForInputSource()input source 1, device 00040000
11-29 09:10:52.896   116   346 D AudioYusuPolicyManager: getInput() inputSource 1, samplingRate 48000, format 1, channelMask c, acoustics 7
11-29 09:10:52.896   116   346 D AudioStreamHandler: +openInputStream devices = 40000 format = 1 channelCount = 12 samplerate = 48000
11-29 09:10:52.896   116   346 D AudioStreamHandler: openInputStream :: no free stream available
11-29 09:10:52.896   116   346 V AudioFlinger: openInput() openInputStream returned input 0x0, SamplingRate 48000, Format 1, Channels c, status 1098266528
11-29 09:10:52.896   116   346 D AudioYusuPolicyManager: getInput() failed opening input: samplingRate 48000, format 1, channelMask 12
11-29 09:10:52.901   116   346 D AudioRecord: getInput(): fail retry 2
11-29 09:10:52.901   116   346 D AudioYusuPolicyManager: getDeviceForInputSource()input source 1, device 00040000
11-29 09:10:52.901   116   346 D AudioYusuPolicyManager: getInput() inputSource 1, samplingRate 48000, format 1, channelMask c, acoustics 7
11-29 09:10:52.901   116   346 D AudioStreamHandler: +openInputStream devices = 40000 format = 1 channelCount = 12 samplerate = 48000
11-29 09:10:52.901   116   346 D AudioStreamHandler: openInputStream :: no free stream available
11-29 09:10:52.901   116   346 V AudioFlinger: openInput() openInputStream returned input 0x0, SamplingRate 48000, Format 1, Channels c, status 1098266528
11-29 09:10:52.901   116   346 D AudioYusuPolicyManager: getInput() failed opening input: samplingRate 48000, format 1, channelMask 12
11-29 09:10:52.901   116   346 E AudioRecord: Could not get audio input for record source 1
11-29 09:10:52.901   116   346 E StagefrightRecorder: audio source is not initialized
11-29 09:10:52.901   116   346 D StagefrightRecorder: start done status=-2147483648
11-29 09:10:52.901   612   612 E MediaRecorder: start failed: -2147483648
11-29 09:10:52.902   612   612 E MediaRecorderWrapper: MediaRecorder start errorjava.lang.RuntimeException: start failed. 原因二:录音的底层设备被占用,上层AP无法获得 input 导致无法录音 04-30 11:26:00.369 D/ALSADevice(  254): close: handle 0x42fd8b10 h 0x0
04-30 11:26:00.369 D/ALSADevice(  254): open: handle 0x42fd8b10, format 0x2, usecase
04-30 11:26:00.369 D/ALSADevice(  254): Device value returned is hw:0,0
04-30 11:26:00.369 E/alsa_pcm(  254): cannot open device '/dev/snd/pcmC0D0c', errno 16
04-30 11:26:00.369 E/ALSADevice(  254): open: Failed to initialize ALSA device 'hw:0,0'
04-30 11:26:00.369 E/AudioHardwareALSA(  254): Error opening pcm input device
04-30 11:26:00.369 E/AudioRecord(  254): Could not get audio input for record source 1
04-30 11:26:00.369 D/AudioSource(  254): Start autoramp from 192000
04-30 11:26:00.369 E/StagefrightRecorder(  254): audio source is not initialized
04-30 11:26:00.369 E/MediaRecorder( 4147): start failed: -2147483648
04-30 11:26:00.369 I/MPEG4Writer(  254): Received total/0-length (545/0) buffers and encoded 544 frames. - audio
04-30 11:26:00.369 I/MPEG4Writer(  254): Audio track drift time: 0 us
04-30 11:26:00.369 E/SR/MediaRecorderWrapper( 4147): MediaRecorder start errorjava.lang.RuntimeException: start failed.
04-30 11:26:00.369 D/SR/MediaRecorderWrapper( 4147): setError(7)
04-30 11:26:00.369 D/SR/SoundRecorder( 4147): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~onError: 7 原因一:Audio相关的音频服务死亡,导致无法录音。举例如下:卸载sdcard卡有问题,强行杀掉了如下服务,导致无法录音。 04-19 10:37:21.967   124   545 E ProcessKiller: Process /system/bin/mediaserver (145) has open file /mnt/secure/staging/录音/.上午 10时37分 .ogg
04-19 10:37:21.968   124   545 E ProcessKiller: Sending SIGKILL to process 145
04-19 10:37:21.988   123   123 I ServiceManager: service 'media.audio_policy' died
04-19 10:37:21.988   123   123 I ServiceManager: service 'media.audio_flinger' died
04-19 10:37:21.988   123   123 I ServiceManager: service 'media.player' died
04-19 10:37:21.988   123   123 I ServiceManager: service 'memory.dumper' died
04-19 10:37:21.988   123   123 I ServiceManager: service 'media.camera' died
04-19 10:37:21.989   987   987 D SR/MediaRecorderWrapper: getSampleLength() = 13680
04-19 10:37:21.989  1254  2218 W AudioSystem: AudioPolicyService server died!
04-19 10:37:21.989  2371  2381 W AudioSystem: AudioPolicyService server died!
04-19 10:37:21.989  1452  1903 W AudioSystem: AudioPolicyService server died!
04-19 10:37:21.989   799   809 W AudioSystem: AudioPolicyService server died!
04-19 10:37:21.989   602   910 W AudioSystem: AudioPolicyService server died!
04-19 10:37:21.990  7347  7358 W AudioSystem: AudioFlinger server died!
04-19 10:37:21.990   987  3796 W AudioSystem: AudioFlinger server died!
04-19 10:37:21.990   924  1384 W AudioSystem: AudioFlinger server died!
04-19 10:37:21.990  7347  7357 W IMediaDeathNotifier: media server died
04-19 10:37:21.991   924  1100 W IMediaDeathNotifier: media server died
04-19 10:37:21.991   987  1000 W IMediaDeathNotifier: media server died
04-19 10:37:21.991   799  1304 W IMediaDeathNotifier: media server died
04-19 10:37:21.991  1254  1268 W IMediaDeathNotifier: media server died
04-19 10:37:21.991   602   617 W IMediaDeathNotifier: media server died
04-19 10:37:21.991   602   961 D PowerManagerService: handleWakeLockDeath: lock=1107194768
04-19 10:37:22.000  1254  1268 E MediaPlayer: error (100, 0)
04-19 10:37:22.000   799   810 W AudioSystem: AudioFlinger server died!
04-19 10:37:22.001  1254  1266 W AudioEffect: IEffect died
04-19 10:37:22.001  1452  1466 W AudioSystem: AudioFlinger server died!
04-19 10:37:22.001   602   798 D AudioService:  Enter AudioSystem.AUDIO_STATUS_SERVER_DIED callback:true
04-19 10:37:22.001  1254  4499 W AudioSystem: AudioFlinger server died!
04-19 10:37:22.002   987   987 D SR/MediaRecorderWrapper: setState(3)
04-19 10:37:22.003  1254  1268 W MediaMetadataRetriever: MediaMetadataRetriever server died!
04-19 10:37:22.003  1254  1254 E MediaPlayer: Error (100,0)
04-19 10:37:22.003  1254  1254 D MultiPlayer: Error: MediaPlayer.MEDIA_ERROR_SERVER_DIED
04-19 10:37:22.003   602   961 D PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x1
04-19 10:37:22.004  7347  7357 E MediaPlayer: error (100, 0)
04-19 10:37:22.004   987   987 D SR/MediaRecorderWrapper: notifyClientStateChanged 3
04-19 10:37:22.004   987   987 D SR/SoundRecorder: onStateChanged(3)
04-19 10:37:22.006   987   987 D SR/SoundRecorder: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~RECORDER_STOPED
04-19 10:37:22.006  1254  1254 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service media.audio_flinger...
04-19 10:37:22.006   987   987 D SR/SoundRecorder: updateTimerView(),mState = 3
04-19 10:37:22.006   987   987 D SR/MediaRecorderWrapper: getSampleLength() = 13694
04-19 10:37:22.007   987   987 D SR/MediaRecorderWrapper: getSampleLength() = 13694
04-19 10:37:22.007   987   987 D SR/SoundRecorder: ,releaseWakeLock 2
04-19 10:37:22.013  1162  5637 W MediaMetadataRetriever: MediaMetadataRetriever server died!