
2019-07-13 12:02发布

DSP其实本质上讲和ARM差不多,只不过乘法运算能力和浮点运算能力强, 在相同的主频下,有很高的MIPS(每秒百万指令集)运算能力,得益于 DSP的哈佛架构和设计上的优化处理,特别适合做数学运算。 但是DSP的 外设不太友好,调试复杂尤其是TI的DSP芯片手册不适合新手入门, 且GPIO口特别少。 以TMSC5509A开始介绍,初始化程序如下: #include #include #include #include #include "stdio.h" #include "IncDMA.h" #include "IncI2C.h" #include "IncGlobe.h" #include "IncDAC.h" #include "IncDDS.h" #include "IncTimer0.h" /*锁相环的设置*/ PLL_Config myPLLCfg = { 0, //IAI: the PLL locks using the same process that was underway //before the idle mode was entered 采用上一次的锁相配置,按照例子此位应为1 1, //IOB: If the PLL indicates a break in the phase lock, //it switches to its bypass mode and restarts the PLL phase-locking //sequence 重启锁相环 16, //PLL multiply value; multiply 16 times 16倍频 25M*16=200M 1 //Divide by 2 PLL divide value; it can be either PLL divide value //(when PLL is enabled), or Bypass-mode divide value 2分频 //(PLL in bypass mode, if PLL multiply value is set to 1) }; void delay(Uint32 k) { while(k--); } int old_intm; extern void VECSTART(void); extern TIMER_Handle mhTimer1; int main() { int old_intm,i,j; int tmp_data; long int tmp; static unsigned char a[19]={0}; CSL_init(); //设置系统的运行速度为200MHz PLL_config(&myPLLCfg); CHIP_FSET(SYSR,CLKDIV,4); //CLKOUT = 200M/8 = 25M IRQ_setVecs((Uint32)(&VECSTART)); old_intm = IRQ_globalDisable(); //temporarily disable interrupts and clear any peding //初始化DMA IniDMA_CH0(); //ADC MAX121 // IniDMA_CH1(); //AUDIO DAC8830 // IniDMA_CH2(); IniDMAPara(); //初始化McBSP IniADC(); IniAudioDAC(); IniDAC8164D(); SendToDAC8164(DAC_PORTA,AGC.curoutdata); IRQ_globalEnable(); //Enable all maskable interrupts //IRQ_globalRestore(old_intm); //Restore status of global interrupt enable flag IniGlobeValue(); //初始化全局变量 IniTimer0(); //初始化定时器0,为ADC的CONST提供采样间隔时钟 ad9854_int(); AD9854_SetSine_double(455000,4095); dds_flag = 1; while (1) { // a[0] = AD9854_RD_Byte(CTRL1_ADDRESS); // a[1] = AD9854_RD_Byte(CTRL2_ADDRESS); // a[2] = AD9854_RD_Byte(CTRL3_ADDRESS); // a[3] = AD9854_RD_Byte(CTRL4_ADDRESS); // a[4] = AD9854_RD_Byte(OSK_I1_ADDRESS ); // a[5] = AD9854_RD_Byte(OSK_I2_ADDRESS ); // a[6] = AD9854_RD_Byte(OSK_Q1_ADDRESS ); // a[7] = AD9854_RD_Byte(OSK_Q2_ADDRESS ); // a[8] = AD9854_RD_Byte(FTW1_ADDRESS); // a[9] = AD9854_RD_Byte(FTW2_ADDRESS); // a[10] = AD9854_RD_Byte(FTW3_ADDRESS); // a[11] = AD9854_RD_Byte(FTW4_ADDRESS); // a[12] = AD9854_RD_Byte(FTW5_ADDRESS); // a[13] = AD9854_RD_Byte(FTW6_ADDRESS); // a[14] = AD9854_RD_Byte(UNCLOCK1_ADDRESS ); // a[15] = AD9854_RD_Byte(UNCLOCK2_ADDRESS ); // a[16] = AD9854_RD_Byte(UNCLOCK3_ADDRESS ); // a[17] = AD9854_RD_Byte(UNCLOCK4_ADDRESS ); // a[18] = AD9854_RD_Byte(OSK_RAMP_DATE_ADDRESS); } }