出现Include path not found (packages ixdais) ${XDAIS_CG_ROOT}/packages/ti/xdais警告
解决方法:直接删掉 ${XDAIS_CG_ROOT}/packages/ti/xdais路径
Type Product ‘XDAIS’ v1.0.0 is not currently installed and no compatible version is available.
主要原因:这次我们打开的工程有可能引用了XDAIS,而CCS没有安装XDAIS,所以会出现下面的错误。 XDAIS解释:“XDAIS (eXpress DSP Algorithm Interoperability Standard) provides the rules and guidelines necessary to enable integration and execution of algorithms (including codecs). It provides C compatible headers for defined interfaces which can algorithms implement and application invoke.”