
2019-07-13 12:59发布

main_ram.c //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // file    main.c
// rief   implementation of main() to test bsl drivers.
#include "stdio.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "evmc6748.h"
#include "evmc6748_timer.h"
#include "evmc6748_i2c.h"
#include "test_ram.h"
// Private Defines and Macros
// uncomment this define if running without gel initialization.
// #define NO_GEL    (1)
// Static Variable Declarations
// Private Function Prototypes
// Public Function Definitions
// rief   entry point for bsl test code.
// param   none.
// eturn  none.
int main(void)
   uint32_t results = 0;
#if NO_GEL
   // init the us timer and i2c for all to use.
   I2C_init(I2C0, I2C_CLK_400K);

   // TEST RAM
   results = TEST_ram();
   printf(" ");

   if (results != ERR_NO_ERROR)
      printf(" ********** C6748 TEST FAILED ********** ");
      printf(" ********** C6748 TEST PASSED ********** ");
test_ram.c //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // file    test_ram.c // rief   implementation of C6748 ram test. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "stdio.h" #include "types.h"
#include "evmc6748.h"
#include "evmc6748_ddr.h"

#include "test_ram.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private Defines and Macros //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Static Variable Declarations //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private Function Prototypes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint32_t verifyAddrDataBus(uint32_t in_begin_addr); uint32_t verifyPattern(uint32_t in_begin_addr, uint32_t in_num_bytes); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public Function Definitions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // rief   tests the external ddr. this test assumes the code is not being //          executed from external ddr, so makes not attempt to maintain data. // // param   none. // // eturn  uint32_t //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint32_t TEST_ram(void) {    uint32_t rtn = 0;
   printf("------------------------------------------------------------ ");    printf("                     C6748 RAM Test ");
   printf("Test Description ");    printf("---------------- ");    printf("this code verifies the mDDR address bus and writes/verifies ");    printf("data patterns to the mDDR. ");    printf("------------------------------------------------------------ ");    //-------------------------------------    // initialize the required bsl modules.    //-------------------------------------    // nothing to init for this test. ram was taken care of in gel or main.        //--------------    // execute test.    //--------------    printf(" Execute Test ");    printf("------------ ");     /*    printf("--- Test address and data bus --- ");    rtn = verifyAddrDataBus(DDR_MEM_BASE);    if (rtn != ERR_NO_ERROR)    {       return (rtn);    }    else    {       printf(" address/data bus test passed ");    } */    printf("--- Test data pattern --- ");    rtn = verifyPattern(DDR_MEM_BASE, DDR_MEM_SIZE / 2);    if (rtn != ERR_NO_ERROR)    {       return (rtn);    }    else    {       printf(" data pattern test passed ");    }    return (ERR_NO_ERROR); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private Function Definitions //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // tests the address and data lines. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint32_t verifyAddrDataBus(uint32_t in_begin_addr) {    uint32_t offset;    uint32_t test_data = 0;    uint32_t *test_addr = (uint32_t *)in_begin_addr;
   for (offset = 1; offset <= 0x8000; offset <<= 1)    {       // write test data to the test address.       *test_addr = test_data;       *(test_addr + offset) = ~test_data;
      // verify the data is correct.       if ((*test_addr != test_data) ||          (*(test_addr + offset) != ~test_data))       {          printf("addr/data bus test failed at address: %08X ", test_addr);          printf("test_data: %08X ", test_data); printf("*test_addr: %08X ", *test_addr);          return (ERR_FAIL);       }              // bump test data for next loop.       test_data++;    }
   return (ERR_NO_ERROR); } uint32_t verifyPattern(uint32_t in_begin_addr, uint32_t in_num_bytes) {    uint32_t rtn = ERR_NO_ERROR;    uint32_t offset;    uint32_t *test_addr = (uint32_t *)in_begin_addr;        // write ram under test to all 5's.    for (offset = 0; offset < in_num_bytes; offset += sizeof(uint32_t))    {       *test_addr++ = 0x55555555;    }    // verify ram under test is 5's.    test_addr = (uint32_t *)in_begin_addr;    for (offset = 0; offset < in_num_bytes; offset += sizeof(uint32_t))    {       if (*test_addr++ != 0x55555555)       {          printf("data pattern (5) test failed at address: %08X ", test_addr);          rtn = ERR_FAIL;       }    }        // write ram under test to all A's.    test_addr = (uint32_t *)in_begin_addr;    for (offset = 0; offset < in_num_bytes; offset += sizeof(uint32_t))    {       *test_addr++ = 0xAAAAAAAA;    }
   // verify ram under test is A's.    test_addr = (uint32_t *)in_begin_addr;    for (offset = 0; offset < in_num_bytes; offset += sizeof(uint32_t))    {       if (*test_addr++ != 0xAAAAAAAA)       {          printf("data pattern (A) test failed at address: %08X ", test_addr);          rtn = ERR_FAIL;       }    }    return (rtn); } test_ram.h //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // file    test_ram.h // rief   . //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "types.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public Function Prototypes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint32_t TEST_ram(void);
linker_dsp.cmd /***************************************************************************** * linker command file for C6748 test code. * © Copyright 2009, Logic Product Development Company. All Rights Reserved. ******************************************************************************/ -l rts67plus.lib //-l ........sllibevmc6748_bsl.lib -stack           0x00000800 -heap            0x00000800 MEMORY {    dsp_l2_ram:      ORIGIN = 0x11800000  LENGTH = 0x00040000    shared_ram:      ORIGIN = 0x80000000  LENGTH = 0x00020000    external_ram:    ORIGIN = 0xC0000000  LENGTH = 0x08000000    arm_local_ram:   ORIGIN = 0xFFFF0000  LENGTH = 0x00002000 } SECTIONS {    .text       > shared_ram    .const      > shared_ram    .bss        > shared_ram    .far        > shared_ram    .switch     > shared_ram    .stack      > shared_ram    .data       > shared_ram    .cinit      > shared_ram    .sysmem     > shared_ram    .cio        > shared_ram }