root@dm814x-evm:/opt/c6accel_app/c6accel_opencv_testapp# ls
c6accel_opencv_testapp opencv_images
cmemk.ko syslink.ko
go.sh ti814x.xe674
root@dm814x-evm:/opt/c6accel_app/c6accel_opencv_testapp# ./c6accel_opencv_testap
Sample application for testing kernels in C6Accel started.
Test for OpenCV Functions in C6accel
Called ARM cvCanny function 1 times (average time: 105.791000 ms)
Called DSP cvCanny function 1 times (average time: 70.645000 ms)
Difference (L2 norm) between ARM and DSP outputs: 0.000000
Test for Canny edge detection done
Called ARM get Affine transform matrix 1 times (average time: 12.956000 ms)
Called DSP get Affine transform matrix 1 times (average time: 0.608000 ms)
Difference (L2 norm) between ARM and DSP outputs: 0.000000
Called ARM Affine transform function 1 times (average time: 75.894000 ms)
Called DSP Affine transform function 1 times (average time: 59.631000 ms)
Difference (L2 norm) between ARM and DSP outputs: 7926.342031
Called ARM 2D Rotation Matrix function 1 times (average time: 0.263000 ms)
Called DSP 2D Rotation Matrix function 1 times (average time: 0.541000 ms)
Difference (L2 norm) between ARM and DSP outputs: 0.000000
Called ARM Rotation using Affine function 1 times (average time: 89.467000 ms)
Called DSP Rotation using Affine function 1 times (average time: 67.128000 ms)
root@dm814x-evm:/opt/c6accel_app/c6accel_opencv_testapp# ./c6accel_opencv_testap
Sample application for testing kernels in C6Accel started.
Test for OpenCV Functions in C6accel
cvHaarDetectObjects Test (opencv_images/faces_320x240.png, opencv_images/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml)
(Overhead time is 0.004000 ms.)
Memory for images,cascade and
Memory allocation for images and storage done
Reading of Cascade complete
top= 40027010
bottom= 40027010
Called ARM HaarDetectObjects function (time: 4097.659000 ms)
ARM sequence contains 5 elements:
0: 46, 48 (42x42)
1: 174, 48 (37x37)
2: 240, 51 (38x38)
3: 110, 48 (40x40)
4: 92, 37 (131x131)
Memory allocation for images and storage done
Called DSP HaarDetectObjects function (time: 832.643000 ms)
DSP sequence contains 5 elements:
0: 46, 48 (41x41)
1: 175, 49 (35x35)
2: 240, 52 (37x37)
3: 17, 198 (34x34)
4: 110, 48 (39x39)
C6accel_cvHaarDetectObjects test completed successfully
All tests done.
人脸识别的时间,怎么那么长??dsp 和a8都不怎么理想啊