
2019-07-13 14:53发布

http://www.dsprelated.com/ - 外文   2.非常优秀的关于数字信号处理有关算法的网站,提供代码与例子。 To design/analyze digital/analog filters, FIR, IIR, FFT, DSP, VHDL source code, step/impulse response, Bode/Nyquist diagram, mixed signal, polynomial roots... 强烈推荐 http://digitalfilter.com/ - 外文   3.Numerical Recipes in C book On-Line(在线数值计算教程,推荐) http://library.lanl.gov/numerical/bookcpdf.html - 外文   4.A DSP-based decompressor unit for high-fidelity MPEG-Audio over TCP/IP networks http://www.sparta.lu.se/~bjorn/whitney/thesis.htm - 外文   5.musicdsp.org Musicdsp.org is a collection of data, gathered for the music dsp community 许多其它链接,推荐 http://musicdsp.org/links.php http://musicdsp.org/ - 外文   6.Kiss FFT A Fast Fourier Transform based up on the principle, "Keep It Simple, Stupid." Kiss FFT is a very small, reasonably efficient, mixed radix FFT library that can use either fixed or floating point data types. http://sourceforge.net/projects/kissfft - 外文   7.BruteFIR BruteFIR is a software for applying long FIR filters to multi-channel digital audio, either offline or in realtime. Its basic operation is specified through a configuration file, and filters and attenuation can be changed in runtime through a simple command line interface. The FIR filter algorithm used is an optimised frequency domain algorithm, partly implemented in hand-coded assembler, thus throughput is extremely high. In realtime, a standard computer can typically run more than 10 channels with more than 60000 filter taps each. 说明文档:http://www.ludd.luth.se/~torger/brutefir.html http://freshmeat.net/projects/brutefir/ - 外文   8.TI 的DSP开发网站,强烈推荐. DSP (digital signal processing) development tools, Code Composer Studio, application software, C6000, C5000, C2000 http://www.dspvillage.com/ - 外文   9.Programmers Heaven - Assembler programming zone 大量的源代码,分类清晰,强烈推荐。但是有很多好像已经不再更新了。 http://www.programmersheaven.com/zone5/index.htm - 外文   10.上海迅特电子科技有限公司的DSP资料下载区域 号称为中国最大的DSP下载基地,确实也不错,里面有大量的下载资料,推荐访问 http://www.imdsp.com/down/ - 中文   11.INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL FILTERS WITH AUDIO APPLICATIONS http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/filters/ - 外文   12.Texas Instruments DSP - Laboratory Hands on TMS320F243/LF2407 http://www.fh-zwickau.de/tutorial/dsp/ - 外文   13.DSP算法代码 http://musicdsp.org/archive.php?classid=2#82 - 外文   14.数字图像(数字图象)中国图像图形网 http://www.image2003.com/ - 中文   15.www.mpeg.org MPEG.ORG is the most complete and comprehensive index of MPEG resources on the Internet. MPEG.ORG is mostly focussing on the MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 standards http://www.mpeg.org - 外文   16.FFT实现的免费C代码库 http://fftw.org/ - 外文   17.Digital Image Processing http://ct.radiology.uiowa.edu/~jiangm/courses/dip/html/dip.html - 外文   18.中国人工智能网 关于 人工智能,模式识别,数字图像处理 http://www.chinaai.org/ - 中文   19.Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) 原理与应用 http://sss-mag.com/dds.html - 外文   20.银杏科技 许多DSP开发资源.推荐 特别是TMS320C54x的开发支持资源:http://www.dspsolution.com/html/resource/54x_support.htm http://www.dspsolution.com/ - 中文   21.TI的DSP开发网站,强烈推荐 http://dspvillage.ti.com/ - 外文   22.Vorbis.com - Open, Free Audio Ogg Vorbis is a completely open, patent-free, professional audio encoding and streaming technology with all the benefits of Open Source. http://www.vorbis.com/ - 外文   23.DSP Algorithms 研究DSP算法的,在其下载区域有些算法代码可以下载 http://www.dspalgorithms.com/ - 外文   24.dSP专业资讯网 - 客观、全面的DSP专业资讯 个人网站!网站设计的比较清晰,对于想了解DSP信息,dsp动态的工程师,这里是个不错的地方。 http://dsp.blueidea.com/ - 中文   25.Andraka Consulting Group Home 包含了大量的算法比如FFT,FIR以及它们的DSP与FPGA实现等等。 http://www.andraka.com/toc.htm - 中文   26.The Wavelet Digest 一个专业的关于小波的网站. http://www.wavelet.org/ - 外文   27.Digital Signal Processing Central 专业性的关于DSP开发的站点,有DSP的FAQ。 http://www.dspguru.com/ - 外文   28.FreqTweak FreqTweak is a tool for FFT-based realtime audio spectral manipulation and display. It provides several algorithms for processing audio data in the frequency domain and a highly interactive GUI to manipulate the associated filters for each. It also provides high-resolution spectral displays in the form of scrolling-raster spectrograms and energy vs frequency plots displaying both pre- and post-processed spectra. http://freqtweak.sourceforge.net/ - 外文   29.Berkeley Design Technology, Inc 大量的关于DSP技术的分析报告,了解DSP动态,推荐. http://www.bdti.com/bdti_products.html - 外文   30.21IC 的DSP 设计文档中心 http://dsp.21ic.com/ - 中文   31.DSP Development Corporation Home of DADiSP - The Ultimate Engineering Spreadsheet http://www.dadisp.com/ - 外文   32.Stephan M. Bernsee's Audio DSP Pages http://www.dspdimension.com/data/index.html - 外文   33.思恒科技-DSP、ARM、FPGA等开发的电子综合网站 公司网站,资料还不是很多,有时间可以看看。 http://www.siheng.cn/ - 中文   34.DSP资料,书籍下载 http://eel.iust.ac.ir/Shokouhi/DSP/ - 外文   35.DSP大世界 http://www.dsp123.com/index.asp - 中文   36.合肥工业大学DSP实验室 http://dsplab.hfut.edu.cn/ - 中文   37.Numerit: Mathematical & Scientific Computing - Numerical Programming Numerit is an intuitive programming environment for developing numerical computation programs and producing publication quality documents. If you are a scientist, an engineer, or a student, Numerit is the right tool for you. http://www.numerit.com/