codec engine , codec server,dsplink

2019-07-13 15:04发布

  • cmem_1_02 - Contiguous memory allocator for Linux
  • codec_engine_1_10_01 - The Codec Engine provides a framework forcreating andinteracting with A/V codecs running on the DSP via a reflection of theXDMinterfaces on the ARM through a Linux C-callable API.
  • codec_servers_1_23 - A/V codec combinations for both encoding anddecoding,constructed using the Codec Engine framework.
  • data - contains A/V clips and other data files needed by the demoapplications.
  • demos - DVEVM  demo applications
  • dsplink_1_30_08_02- DSP/BIOS Link provides a GPP - DSP interfaceutilized bythe Codec Engine to control and communicate with the DSP from Linux.
  • examples - Web examples and setup files.
  • xdais_5_10 - The XDAIS interface standard header files.

codec server是针对编解码的音频/视频组合,主要是如何使用codec Engin框架.
codec engine是在ARM端提供的c函数库接口,这个接口提供了调用在DSP端运行的XDM算法
dsplink     是提供来GPP-GSP接口,能使linux端(arm 端)通过codec engine控制或与DSP交互