
2019-07-13 16:04发布

该课程已经在Coursera新的课程平台上发布(https://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning),在线的课程资源依然会得到保留,这里分享的百度 {MOD}资源包含两个版本,来自于之前大家的分享: 链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1miMZHQo 密码: aeck 2、面向机器学习的神经网络(Neural Networks for Machine Learning)by Geoffrey Hinton Geoffrey Hinton大神在Coursera上的这门课程只在2012年开过一轮,这次应该不会进行迁移了:
“Deep learning必修课” “宗派大师+开拓者直接讲课,秒杀一切二流子”
看看上面的点评,对深度学习感兴趣的同学赶紧保存,本次分享包含两个版本,均为之前大家的分享: 链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1sk9cgK9 密码: ndm9 3、Daphne Koller教授的“概率图模型公开课(Probabilistic Graphical Models)” 这次应该也不会迁移了,想当年多少大神在Coursera上开课。。。本次分享为之前一个朋友的共享: 链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kVpRMKn 密码: 244s 4、Michael Collins大神的“自然语言处理公开课(Natural Language Processing)” NLP大神的课程,必须备份,来自之前一个朋友的分享: 链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kV72IhT 密码: fxjw 5、斯坦福大学Dan Jurafsky和Christopher Manning两位大牛的“自然语言处理公开课(Natural Language Processing)” 这门课程的授课老师是斯坦福教授Dan Jurafsky和Christopher Manning,两位都是NLP领域的大大牛,其他不说,仅仅是他们写的书应该是很多NLPer的入门书:前者写了《自然语言处理综论》,后者写了《统计自然语言处理基础》。 我用coursera-dl下载了一份并上传到百度 {MOD}备份,需要的同学尽快保存: 链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1hrGMbkg 密码: a2w5 附Coursera邮件内容:
Save course materials for some courses by June 30 Dear XXX, We wanted to inform you of an update to our technology platform that will affect access to some courses you previously joined. In 2014, Coursera began developing a new technology platform to improve your learning experience, and to allow courses to run more frequently. The majority of our courses are now offered on the new platform.
This month, we are closing the old platform. One or more courses you joined are on the old platform.
Effective June 30, 2016, courses on the old platform will no longer be available. You should use this opportunity to save any relevant course materials or assignments. How does this affect my courses? Any courses and course materials on our old platform will no longer be accessible after June 30. Until that date, we encourage you to save any content you need for personal use and reference.
Any courses on the new platform will not be affected by this change. Will this affect earned Certificates?
All Statements of Accomplishment (SoA) and Verified Certificates will remain accessible in your Accomplishments page, as long as you do not unenroll from courses you have completed on the old Cplatform. You are also welcome to download a copy for your records at any time. Statements and Certificates that you have shared to LinkedIn will also be maintained on your LinkedIn profile after June 30. How do I know if a course is on the “old platform”? If you aren’t sure which platform a course is on currently, navigate to the course and check the URL in the browser bar – courses on the old platform have URLs that begin with class.coursera.org (rather than then new platform, which uses the URL coursera.org/learn.) How do I save course materials? To save course materials from the old platform for reference:
• Download any lecture slides or videos that you would like to save for reference
• Save a record of your quizzes and other assignments by taking screenshots More questions? If you have a technical issue with your account, please visit our Help Center.
Thank you for being a part of our learning community, and for your patience and understanding through this product transition! We are excited to continue to improve the learning experience on Coursera, and we look forward to bringing you more great courses on the new platform.
