one pre-built static library: SCD algorithm.
one algorithm with source files: SWOSD algorithm.
one link with soure: algLink,
one link with same source code on M3: IPCFrameIn,
Building: building links-> linking with bios, static library and TI utilities such XDC lib.
links: IPCFrameIn, IPCFrameOut, IPCBitsIn, IPCBitOut, capture, NF, DEI, merge, dup, mosaic, capture, display, encode, decode.
utility library, contains source code such as memory allocation, mapping.
system components: many, most important is syslink.
Building: compile links->linking with bios.
links:IPCFrameIn, IPCFrameOut, IPCBitsIn, IPCBitOut, MCFW components.
utility library, this is the ARM version,
system components: it have ARM version of syslink, which contains two version: kernel mode and user mode.
Building: compile links->linking all.