关于C编译器,主要存在两个BUG,都和优化有关。1、__builtin_expect这个本来是个好东西,可惜有时它会引起编译器的崩溃,而且其提示让人不知所云!2、inline这个也是个好东西,但当内联超过多层的时候(不确定是否这个原因),也会引起编译器的崩溃!就像这样的:../../mm/filemap.cAt end of source: : internal error: Uncaught exception Assertion failed raisedat ../../../bril/optimiser/dominators.c:910 (in passcleanup_scalar_stores_nonopt during compilation of_find_or_create_page). Please submit a bug report with this message,the command line used, type of machine and the output of thecompiler when you add -ED -v to the command line. Please also sendus the pre-processed file that is generated by the -ED option (thefile generated is named .i)1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "../../mm/filemap.c".Compilation aborted.cc3089: fatal error: Compilation failed