
2019-07-13 16:57发布

1. EG3
关于嵌入式开发的站点,提供非常多关于嵌入式开发的资料。包括开发公司,技术文档,免费资源等等。版面包括busses & boards,embedded software,dsp,embedded systems,open source,rtos,embedded chips,system-on-a-chip 等等。

http://www.eg3.com/ - 外文 2. The First Stop for the Latest ICs and Components
http://www.eeproductcenter.com/ - 外文 3. 利尔达单片机
http://www.lierda.com/ - 中文 4. 美国Cornell University课程ECE476所完成的项目。

http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/courses/ee476/FinalProjects/ - 外文 5. Programmers Heaven - Assembler programming zone
http://www.programmersheaven.com/zone5/index.htm - 外文 6. Build Your Own Microcontroller Projects
This page provides schematic and software for hobbyists to practice "learn by doing", build a simple microcontroller projects at home. For those who would like to contribute projects, please prepare HTML files whatever you like to see but keep all files small and informative. I shall provide for others. DIY的好地方,强烈推荐.
http://www.kmitl.ac.th/~kswichit/ - 外文 7. The GCC toolchain for the Texas Instruments MSP430 MCUs
Here you will find a port of the GCC toolchain for the Texas Instruments MS4P430 family of ultra low power MCUs, This includes the GNU C compiler (GCC), the assembler and linker (binutils), the debugger (GDB), and some other tools needed to make a complete development environment for the MSP430. These tools can be used on Windows, Linux, BSD and most other flavours of Unix. However, the full debug environment is currently limited to Windows, Linux and BSD. MSP430 development is no longer limited to Windows!
http://mspgcc.sourceforge.net/ - 外文 8. TI的MSP430的官方网站.强烈推荐
http://focus.ti.com/mcu/docs/overview.tsp?familyId=342&templateId=5246&navigationId=11466&path=templatedata/cm/mcuovw/data/msp430_ovw - 外文 9. Texas Instruments MSP430 home page (TI的官方网站)
http://msp430.com/ - 外文 10. 微控制器:MSP430 MCUs,TI的中文网站,核心资料都是链接到英文
http://ti.com.cn/mcu/msp430/msp430_ovw.asp - 中文 11. 利尔达单片机msp430资料下载中心
http://www.lierda.com/file/ - 中文 12. Universal Bootloader
Universal Bootloader project provides firmware with full source code under GPL. Many CPU architectures are supported: PowerPC(MPC5xx, MPC8xx, MPC82xx, MPC7xx, MPC74xx, 4xx), ARM(ARM7, ARM9, StrongARM, Xscale), MIPS(4Kc,5Kc), x86, ...
http://sourceforge.net/projects/u-boot - 外文 13. MSPFET - FREE MSP430 flash programming utility
http://mspfet.hellos.biz/en/main/ - 外文 14. MCUserver
http://www.mcu.cz/modules/news/ - 外文 15. MSP430免费C编译器.推荐
http://www.mikrocontroller.net/en/ - 外文 16. www.msp430.info
http://www.msp430.info/ - 外文 17. MSP430 FREE PROJECTS AND DESIGNS 推荐
MSP430F149 easyWeb - embedded web server with free TCP/IP stack written in C
MSP430 design contest entries from Circuit Cellar magazine
Getting started with MSP430
Selected projects with MSP430
MMC/SD interface to MSP430 by Rolf Freitag
DMX512 project done with MSP430 by Dirk Jagdmann
Open source integer BASIC interpreter for MSP430 by Paul Curtis

http://www.olimex.com/dev/mspprojects.html - 外文 18. PIC,AVR,ARM,MSP430开发DIY
http://www.olimex.com/dev/index.html - 外文 19. CDK4MSP -- MSP430 Cross Development Kit 免费开发工具
http://cdk4msp.sourceforge.net/ - 外文 20. 单片机显示技术网
http://www.mcubbs.net/ - 中文 21. 中国单片机公共实验室.--可以看看.
http://www.bol-system.com/ - 中文 22. www.msp430.de
http://msp430web.de/index.html - 外文 23. 我爱单片机

http://will009.diy.myrice.com/index.htm - 中文 24. 铁匠工作室
http://www.eestudio.net/ - 中文 25. softbaugh 
http://www.softbaugh.com/ - 外文