
2019-07-13 17:19发布

快乐虾 http://blog.csdn.net/lights_joy/ lights@hb165.com    本文适用于 ADI bf561 DSP 优视BF561EVB开发板 uclinux-2008r1.5-rc3(smp patch) Visual DSP++ 5.0(update 5)    欢迎转载,但请保留作者信息 本文讨论链接:http://www.bfin-tools.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=20&extra=   在之前的处理中,只是简单地给B核一条idle指令,并让它先于A核运行,现在要开始使用B核了,自然这种方式就不好使了。 还记得ADI那个经典的Set_PLL吗?呵呵,看看: void Set_PLL(short CoreCLOCK_multiplier, short SCLK_divider) { short previous_PLL= *pPLL_CTL;   short previous_SICA_IWR = *pSICA_IWR0;   short previous_SICB_IWR = *pSICB_IWR0;   short new_PLL= (previous_PLL & 0x81ff) | ((CoreCLOCK_multiplier & 0x3f) <<9);      if (new_PLL != previous_PLL) {            // skip if multiplier has not changed                     if ((int)(*pSRAM_BASE_ADDRESS) == 0xFF800000 ) {                            // do things for Core A             *pSICB_SYSCR |= 0x0080;              // Raise Core B Supplemental-Int0          ssync();             while((*pSICB_SYSCR & 0x080)) {      // Wait: Core B Acknowledge SUP-B0               asm volatile ("nop;nop;nop;nop;");          }                           *pSICA_IWR0 = (previous_SICA_IWR | 0x1); // enable PLL Wakeup Interrupt          *pPLL_CTL = new_PLL;          ssync();                   idle();                                // put in idle            *pSICA_IWR0 = previous_SICA_IWR;       // continue here after idle, restore previous IWR content          ssync();        }      else{                                           // do things for Core B            while(!(*pSICB_SYSCR & 0x0080))  {        // Wait: For Core A to raise SUP-B0               asm volatile ("nop;nop;nop;nop;");          }                   *pSICB_SYSCR = 0x0800;      // Acknowledge Supplemental Interrupt          ssync();               *pSICB_IWR0 = (previous_SICB_IWR | 0x1); // enable PLL Wakeup Interrupt          ssync();                   idle();                                // put in idle            *pSICB_IWR0 = previous_SICB_IWR;       // continue here after idle, restore previous IWR content          ssync();          }    // if (&_CORE == 0)            }   // if (new_PLL != previous_PLL)     *pPLL_DIV = (*pPLL_DIV & 0xFFF0) | SCLK_divider;   ssync();   } 这段代码无非就是撇开SICA_SYSCR中的CoreB_SRAM_INIT这一位,改用SICB_SYSCR进行核间通信。因为在VDSPCoreB_SRAM_INIT这一位总是为0的,也就是说B核总是运行的。既然如此,我们干脆大方点,一开始就把这一位清0 看看SICB_SYSCR SICB_SYSCR 再看看它的使用: Core A can write “1” to Bit 6 of SICB_SYSCR to interrupt itself or to Bit 7 to interrupt Core B. Similarly, Core B can write “1” to Bit 8 of SICB_SYSCR to interrupt Core A or to Bit 9 to interrupt itself. Writing “1” to Bits 10, 11, 12, 13, respectively, would clear these interrupts. 现在我们学习它的这种方式,在B核启动的时候调用这个函数: void wait_pll_setup() {      /* 等待A核进行PLL配置*/     short previous_SICB_IWR = *pSICB_IWR0;      while(!(*pSICB_SYSCR & 0x0080))       {                 // Wait: For Core A to raise SUP-B0          asm volatile ("nop;nop;nop;nop;");      }               *pSICB_SYSCR = 0x0800;      // Acknowledge Supplemental Interrupt      ssync();           *pSICB_IWR0 = (previous_SICB_IWR | 0x1); // enable PLL Wakeup Interrupt      ssync();               idle();                                // put in idle        *pSICB_IWR0 = previous_SICB_IWR;       // continue here after idle, restore previous IWR content      ssync();        // 等待真正的启动信号      while(!(*pSICB_SYSCR & 0x0080))       {                 asm volatile ("nop;nop;nop;nop;");      } } 这段代码将首先等待A核的一个中断,然后进入IDLE状态,这样A核进行的PLL设置就可以生效了。然后进入第二次等待,等待真正的启动信号,这样B核才真正开始执行,这个启动信号将在A核启动完成后给出,也就是原来要将SICA_SYSCR中的CoreB_SRAM_INIT这一位清0的位置。 A核中,原来进行PLL配置是由这几行代码实现的:        //p0.h = hi(PLL_CTL);        //p0.l = lo(PLL_CTL);              /* Load the address                */        //cli r2;                          /* Disable interrupts              */        //ssync;        //w[p0] = r0.l;                    /* Set the value                   */        //idle;                            /* Wait for the PLL to stablize    */        //sti r2;                          /* Enable interrupts               */ 我们现在改用这个函数来完成: void notify_pll_setup(unsigned int pll_value) {      short previous_SICA_IWR = *pSICA_IWR0;      unsigned int mask;           /* The default startup code does not include any functionality to allow core         A to enable core B. A convenient way to enable core B is to use the         'adi_core_b_enable()' function. */      adi_core_b_enable();           *pSICB_SYSCR |= 0x0080;              // Raise Core B Supplemental-Int0      ssync();        while((*pSICB_SYSCR & 0x080))      {                 // Wait: Core B Acknowledge SUP-B0          asm volatile ("nop;nop;nop;nop;");      }                      *pSICA_IWR0 = (previous_SICA_IWR | 0x1); // enable PLL Wakeup Interrupt      ssync();           *pPLL_CTL = pll_value;      ssync();               idle();                                // put in idle        *pSICA_IWR0 = previous_SICA_IWR;       // continue here after idle, restore previous IWR content      ssync(); } 这段代码将启用B核,然后给它一个中断,再等待B核的确认,最后再写入PLL_CTL 这样在VDSP下调试的时候,只要先运行B核就可以了。 搞定!     PS:突然想起某君的一篇论文,其实通篇就一句话:“用SICB_SYSCR进行核间通信”,居然也可以包装出一篇论文来,不得不让人感叹包装的力量,哈哈!!

1       参考资料

uclinux-2008R1.5-RC3(bf561)VDSP5的移植(63)_NSIG_WORDS_is_unsupported_size(2009-2-11) uclinux-2008R1.5-RC3(bf561)VDSP5的移植(64)__ebss_b_l1(2009-02-12) uclinux-2008R1.5-RC3(bf561)VDSP5的移植(65)B核启动(2009-2-13) uclinux-2008R1.5-RC3(bf561)VDSP5的移植(66)_ebss_l1(2009-02-13) uclinux-2008R1.5-RC3(bf561)VDSP5的移植(67)li1240(2009-2-14)