
2019-07-13 17:25发布

快乐虾 http://blog.csdn.net/lights_joy/ lights@hb165.com    本文适用于 ADI bf561 DSP 优视BF561EVB开发板 uclinux-2008r1.5-rc3(smp patch) Visual DSP++ 5.0(update 5)   欢迎转载,但请保留作者信息 若您对本文有兴趣,欢迎到http://www.bfin-tools.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=19&extra=进行讨论。       有一个错误: ----------------Configuration: uclinux - Debug---------------- Linking...   [Error li1240] "./uclinux.ldf":545 The value assigned to LDF symbol '__text' in the context of processor 'p1' is different from the value assigned in the context of processor 'p0' [Error li1240] "./uclinux.ldf":546 The value assigned to LDF symbol '_text' in the context of processor 'p1' is different from the value assigned in the context of processor 'p0' [Error li1240] "./uclinux.ldf":547 The value assigned to LDF symbol '__stext' in the context of processor 'p1' is different from the value assigned in the context of processor 'p0' [Error li1240] "./uclinux.ldf":558 The value assigned to LDF symbol '___sched_text_start' in the context of processor 'p1' is different from the value assigned in the context of processor 'p0' [Error li1240] "./uclinux.ldf":560 The value assigned to LDF symbol '___sched_text_end' in the context of processor 'p1' is different from the value assigned in the context of processor 'p0' [Error li1240] "./uclinux.ldf":564 The value assigned to LDF symbol '___lock_text_start' in the context of processor 'p1' is different from the value assigned in the context of processor 'p0' [Error li1240] "./uclinux.ldf":566 The value assigned to LDF symbol '___lock_text_end' in the context of processor 'p1' is different from the value assigned in the context of processor 'p0' [Error li1240] "./uclinux.ldf":588 The value assigned to LDF symbol '___start_rodata' in the context of processor 'p1' is different from the value assigned in the context of processor 'p0' [Error li1240] "./uclinux.ldf":594 The value assigned to LDF symbol '___start___param' in the context of processor 'p1' is different from the value assigned in the context of processor 'p0' [Error li1240] "./uclinux.ldf":596 The value assigned to LDF symbol '___stop___param' in the context of processor 'p1' is different from the value assigned in the context of processor 'p0' [Error li1240] "./uclinux.ldf":598 The value assigned to LDF symbol '___end_rodata' in the context of processor 'p1' is different from the value assigned in the context of processor 'p0'   FATAL ERROR: exception 'class EWin32Exception' ()cc3089: fatal error: Link failed 从出错的链接符号看,它们都源于LDF文件中定义的一些公共符号。想查一下li1240,居然在help里面没有,在网上也没搜到相关的资料。ADI到底在搞么事??BS!!! 由于这些符号都是用以表示段的起始位置,故此直接将段的绝对地址赋给他们。比如这样的:                __text = .; 就变成了                __text = 0x10000; 虽然这种手工方式比较笨,但总算能解决问题,呵呵!  

1       参考资料

uclinux-2008R1.5-RC3(bf561)VDSP5的移植(63)_NSIG_WORDS_is_unsupported_size(2009-2-11) uclinux-2008R1.5-RC3(bf561)VDSP5的移植(64)__ebss_b_l1(2009-02-12) uclinux-2008R1.5-RC3(bf561)VDSP5的移植(65)B核启动(2009-2-13) uclinux-2008R1.5-RC3(bf561)VDSP5的移植(66)_ebss_l1(2009-02-13)