
2019-07-13 19:14发布

执行./arm-2009q1-203-arm-none-linux-gnueabi.bin命令时,出现如下提示: The installer has detected that your system uses the dash shell
as /bin/sh.  This shell is not supported by the installer.
You can work around this problem by changing /bin/sh to be a
symbolic link to a supported shell such as bash.
For example, on Ubuntu systems, execute this shell command:
   % sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow dash
   Install as /bin/sh? No
Please refer to the Getting Started guide for more information,
or contact CodeSourcery Support for assistance。   解决办法: 在命令行下下列命令: chmod +x arm-2009q1-203-arm-none-linux-gnueabi.bin sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow dash 在出现的对话框中选择NO,然后就可以执行“./arm-2009q1-203-arm-none-linux-gnueabi.bin”来安装了。