MATLAB实验(一)—— 离散时间信号和系统的时域分析

2019-07-13 20:17发布

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熟悉Mat lab中产生信号和绘制信号的基本命令,掌握产生离散时间信号的基本方法;掌握离散时间系统对输入信号的简单运算处理,验证离散时间系统有关特性。


1. 离散时间信号的时域分析:


2. 离散时间系统的时域分析:

(1)修改程序P2.3,其中a=4, b=-6, w1=0.4π,w2=1.6π并绘图,该离散时间系统是线性吗?
(2)修改程序P2.4,其中D=15, w1=0.4π,w2=1.6π并绘图,该离散时间系统是时不变吗?


1. 离散时间信号的时域分析:

(1)实验结果: % Program P1_1 % Generation of a Unit Sample Sequence clf; % Generate a vector from -10 to 20 n = -10:20; % Generate the unit sample sequence u = [zeros(1,21) 1 zeros(1,9)]; % Plot the unit sample sequence stem(n,u); xlabel('Time index n');ylabel('Amplitude'); title('Unit Sample Sequence'); axis([-10 20 0 1.2]); 在这里插入图片描述
(2)实验结果: % Program P1_1 % Generation of a Unit Sample Sequence clf; % Generate a vector from -10 to 20 n = -10:20; % Generate the unit sample sequence u = [zeros(1,3) ones(1,28)]; % Plot the unit sample sequence stem(n,u); xlabel('Time index n');ylabel('Amplitude'); title('Unit Step Sequence'); axis([-10 20 0 1.2]); 在这里插入图片描述
(3)实验结果: % Program P1_4 % Generation of a sinusoidal sequence n = 0:50; f = 0.08; phase = pi/2; A = 2.5; arg = 2*pi*f*n - phase; x = A*sin(arg); clf; % Clear old graph stem(n,x); % Plot the generated sequence axis([0 40 -4 4]); grid; title('Sinusoidal Sequence'); xlabel('Time index n'); ylabel('Amplitude'); axis; 在这里插入图片描述

2. 离散时间系统的时域分析:

(1)实验结果: % Program P2_3 % Generate the input sequences clf; n = 0:40; a = 4;b = -6; x1 = cos(4*pi*0.1*n); x2 = cos(4*pi*0.4*n); x = a*x1 + b*x2; num = [2.2403 2.4908 2.2403]; den = [1 -0.4 0.75]; ic = [0 0]; % Set zero initial conditions y1 = filter(num,den,x1,ic); % Compute the output y1[n] y2 = filter(num,den,x2,ic); % Compute the output y2[n] y = filter(num,den,x,ic); % Compute the output y[n] yt = a*y1 + b*y2; d = y - yt; % Compute the difference output d[n] % Plot the outputs and the difference signal subplot(3,1,1) stem(n,y); ylabel('Amplitude'); title('Output Due to Weighted Input: a cdot x_{1}[n] + b cdot x_{2}[n]'); subplot(3,1,2) stem(n,yt); ylabel('Amplitude'); title('Weighted Output: a cdot y_{1}[n] + b cdot y_{2}[n]'); subplot(3,1,3) stem(n,d); xlabel('Time index n');ylabel('Amplitude'); title('Difference Signal'); 在这里插入图片描述
(2)实验结果: % Program P2_4 % Generate the input sequences clf; n = 0:40; D = 15;a = 3.0;b = -2; x = a*cos(4*pi*0.1*n) + b*cos(4*pi*0.4*n); xd = [zeros(1,D) x]; num = [2.2403 2.4908 2.2403]; den = [1 -0.4 0.75]; ic = [0 0]; % Set initial conditions % Compute the output y[n] y = filter(num,den,x,ic); % Compute the output yd[n] yd = filter(num,den,xd,ic); % Compute the difference output d[n] d = y - yd(1+D:41+D); % Plot the outputs subplot(3,1,1) stem(n,y); ylabel('Amplitude'); title('Output y[n]'); grid; subplot(3,1,2) stem(n,yd(1:41)); ylabel('Amplitude'); title(['Output due to Delayed Input x[n ?, num2str(D),']); grid; subplot(3,1,3) stem(n,d); xlabel('Time index n'); ylabel('Amplitude'); title('Difference Signal'); grid; 在这里插入图片描述
(3)实验结果: %% clf; N = 45; num1 = [0.9 -0.45 0.35 0.002]; den1 = [1 0.71 -0.46 -0.62]; y1 = impz(num1,den1,N); % Plot the impulse response figure(1) stem(y1); xlabel('Time index n'); ylabel('Amplitude'); title('Impulse Response'); grid; 在这里插入图片描述
(4)实验结果 没有差别。对x[n]补零是因为filter函数产生的输出序列和输入序列相等,而两信号卷积得到的序列长度为N1+N2-1,所以要补相应个数的零。