
2019-07-13 21:24发布

#include /* for printf */ #include #include "StdAfx.h" #include"powertest.h" #include "C:Program FilesIVI FoundationVISAWin64agvisaincludevisa.h" #pragma comment(lib,"C:\Program Files\IVI Foundation\VISA\Win64\agvisa\lib\msc\agvisa32.lib") int n=10000; char dc[40]; char rms[40]; char max[40]; char min[40]; char hig[40]; char low[40]; ViStatus powertest(void) { ViSession defRM, instrumentHandle; ViStatus err; ViReal64 measvoltage, meascurrent; //ViReal64 resultDC, resultRMS, resultMIN, resultMAX, resultHIGH, resultLOW; double resultDC, resultRMS, resultMIN, resultMAX, resultHIGH, resultLOW; //char dc[10]; ViReal64 currArray[100]; ViInt32 i, numReadings ; /* initialize the VISA session */ err = viOpenDefaultRM(&defRM); if (err) { printf("viOpenDefaultRM error, check your hardware connections "); exit (-1); } /* Open the instrument at address 5 for Communication */ err = viOpen(defRM, "GPIB0::16::INSTR", VI_NULL, 5000, &instrumentHandle); if (err) { viClose(defRM); printf("viOpen error, check the device at address 5 "); exit (-1); } /* Reset the instrument */ //viPrintf(instrumentHandle, "*RST "); /* turn on the output */ viPrintf(instrumentHandle, "OUTP 1 "); /* Set output voltage (2V) and current (1A) levels, turn output on*/ //viPrintf(instrumentHandle, "VOLT %.5lg;:CURR %.5lg ", 5.0, 1.0); /* Measure the dc voltage level at the output terminals */ //viQueryf(instrumentHandle, "MEAS:VOLT? ", "%lf", &measvoltage); /* Measure the dc current level at the output terminals */ //viQueryf(instrumentHandle, "MEAS:CURR? ", "%lf", &meascurrent); //printf ("Output Voltage = %f; Output Current = %f ",measvoltage,meascurrent); /* configure dc source for dynamic measurements */ /* change sweep parameters */ viPrintf(instrumentHandle, "SENS:SWE:TINT %.5lg;POIN %ld;OFFS:POIN %ld ", 980.2E-6,/* sampling rate = 20us*/ 2048, /* sweep size = 256 points */ -4); /* pre-trigger offset = 4 points (~125us) */ /* setup the voltage sensing triggered measurement parameters */ /* voltage trigger level to 2.75V */ /* hysteresis band to +/- 0.1V */ /* positive slope */ /* trigger count */ /* acquisition triggered by measurement */ viPrintf(instrumentHandle, "SENS:FUNC "CURR" "); viPrintf(instrumentHandle, "TRIG:ACQ:LEV:CURR %.5lg ", 0.092); viPrintf(instrumentHandle, "TRIG:ACQ:HYST:CURR %.5lg ", 0.001); viPrintf(instrumentHandle, "TRIG:ACQ:SLOP:CURR POS "); viPrintf(instrumentHandle, "TRIG:ACQ:COUN:CURR %ld ", 1); viPrintf(instrumentHandle, "TRIG:ACQ:SOUR INT "); /* initiate the acquisition system for measurement trigger */ printf ("Arm acquisition system... "); viPrintf(instrumentHandle, "INIT:NAME ACQ "); /* must allow time for pre-triggered samples */ printf ("Pre-trigger delay... "); //while(n*10) // n--; /* trigger the acquisition by changing the output voltage level to 5V */ printf ("Trigger acquisition... "); //viPrintf(instrumentHandle, "VOLT %.5lg ", 5.0); /* fetch dynamic measurements from the same measurement data */ viQueryf(instrumentHandle, "FETCH:CURR? ", "%lf", &resultDC); viQueryf(instrumentHandle, "FETCH:CURR:ACDC? ", "%lf", &resultRMS); viQueryf(instrumentHandle, "FETCH:CURR:MAX? ", "%lf", &resultMAX); viQueryf(instrumentHandle, "FETCH:CURR:MIN? ", "%lf", &resultMIN); viQueryf(instrumentHandle, "FETCH:CURR:HIGH? ", "%lf", &resultHIGH); viQueryf(instrumentHandle, "FETCH:CURR:LOW? ", "%lf", &resultLOW); /* display measurement results */ printf("Dynamic voltage measurements: "); printf("dc=%f A rms=%f A max=%f A min=%f A high=%f A low=%fA ",resultDC, resultRMS, resultMAX, resultMIN, resultHIGH, resultLOW); /* fetch first 10 data points from the measurement */ numReadings = 100; viQueryf(instrumentHandle, "FETCH:ARR:CURR? ", "%,#lf%*t", &numReadings, &currArray[0]); for (i=0; iVs2010写的通过gpib调用visa库控制安捷伦电源66309 d的代码,这段代码是读取一段电流波形的平均值,最大值,最小值等,适用于模块的功率测试。