
2019-07-13 21:30发布

以前的项目,基本没有考虑排线中电源和地的安排问题。 IPC-2221B中有一段话提到[Page53]:In digital power distribution schemes, the grounding and power should be designed first, not last, as is typically done with some analog circuits. All interfacing, including power, should be routed to a single reference edge, or area. Opposing end interconnections should be avoided. When unavoidable, care should be taken to route the power and ground away from active circuits. At the interconnection reference edge, all ground structures should be made as heavy as possible.
此处应该可以诠释排线中电源和地的位置编排。 又特意查阅了一下USB Type-C的引脚定义,也是电源和地分布在两边,信号位于中间,印证了IPC-2221B的说法。