IBM P系列小型机更换电池步骤

2019-07-14 00:40发布

1.查看电池信息 命令:smitty pxdam 选择“ Diagnostics and Recovery Options” 选择“Controller Rechargeable Battery Maintenance” 回车,可以看到电池信息 电池信息各参数含义如下: battery state:显示电池当前具体状态,有以下几个可能的值 No battery warning/error:No warning or error condition currently exist 这种是电池的正常状态 Warning condition:A warning condition currently exists and an error has been logged 出现了一个警告并被记录在日志中 Error condition:An error condition currently exists and an error has been logged 电池已经出错 Unknow:Information is not available to determine whether a warning or error condition currently exists 无法判断 Power-on time(days):电池持续使用的天数 Adjusted power-on time(time): Indicates the adjusted (prorated) power-on time, in units of days ,of the rechargeable Cache Battery Pack Note:Some rechargeable Cache Battery Packs are negatively affected by higher temperatures and thus are prorated based on the amount of time that they spend at various ambient temperatures Estimated(估算的) time to warning(days): Estimated time, in units of days, until a message is issued indicating that the replacement fo the rechargeable Cache Bettery Pack should be scheduled Estimated time to error(days):当值为0时,此时Cache被自动禁用,必须更换电池 Estimated time , in units of days ,until an error is reported indicating that the rechargeable Cache Bettery Pack must be replaced Concurrently maintainable battery pack:该电池是否可以在线更换 Indicates that the rechargeable Cache Battery Pack can by replaced while the adapter continues to operate Battery pack can be safely replaced:当值为YES时,该电池可以安全地更换,不会造成Cache数据丢失 Indicates that the adapter's write cache has been disabled and the rechargeable Cache Battery Pack can be safely replaced 2.强制将电池置为Error状态,使写Cache禁用,清空Cache内缓存的数据 命令:smittty pxdam 选择“Force Controller Rechargeable Battery Error” 最好再检查一次,电池信息中“Battery pack can be safely replaced”一项为YES 3.更换电池 注意:必须将旧电池拆下来至少15秒后,再安装新电池,否则PCI-X SCSI RAID卡将不能正常识别电池已更换。 注意:必须确保电池已处于Error状态,才能更换电池,以免Cache中缓存的数据丢失。 根据PCI-X SCSI RAID卡的不同类型,选择Concurrent方式或Non-Concurrent方式更换:   Non-Concurrent方式更换 更换电池必须将卡从机器中拔出 A Battery Pack Casing B Cache Directory Card Concurrent方式更换: 更换电池可以在线进行,只需单独将电池拔出,不需要把卡从机器中拔出     4.重新激活写Cache smitty pxdam 5.清理黄灯告警 输入:diag   回车确认 FUNCTION SELECTION                                                                                         801002

Move cursor to selection, then press Enter.

  Diagnostic Routines
    This selection will test the machine hardware. Wrap plugs and
    other advanced functions will not be used.
  Advanced Diagnostics Routines
    This selection will test the machine hardware. Wrap plugs and
    other advanced functions will be used.
  Task Selection (Diagnostics, Advanced Diagnostics, Service Aids, etc.)
    This selection will list the tasks supported by these procedures.
    Once a task is selected, a resource menu may be presented showing
    all resources supported by the task.
  Resource Selection
    This selection will list the resources in the system that are supported
    by these procedures. Once a resource is selected, a task menu will
    be presented showing all tasks that can be run on the resource(s). 选择“Task Selection (Diagnostics, Advanced Diagnostics, Service Aids, etc. )” TASKS SELECTION LIST                                                                                       801004

From the list below, select a task by moving the cursor to
the task and pressing 'Enter'.
To list the resources for the task highlighted, press 'List'.

  Change Hardware Vital Product Data
  Configure Reboot Policy
  Delete Resource from Resource List
  Disk Maintenance
  Display Configuration and Resource List
  Display Firmware Device Node Information
  Display Hardware Error Report
  Display Hardware Vital Product Data
  Display Multipath I/O (MPIO) Device Configuration
  Display Previous Diagnostic Results 
  Display Resource Attributes 
  Display Service Hints
  Display Software Product Data
  Display USB Devices
  Display or Change Bootlist
  Format Media
  Gather System Information
  Hot Plug Task 
  Identify and Attention Indicators
  Load ISO Image to USB Mass Storage Device
  Local Area Network Analyzer
  Log Repair Action
  Microcode Tasks
  RAID Array Manager
  Update Disk Based Diagnostics
  Update and Manage System Flash 找到“Log Repair Action”,回车 LOG REPAIR ACTION                                                                                          801016

Select a resource if it has been replaced recently or has had
corrective actions performed against it. This will update the error
log to prevent diagnostics from performing Error Log Analysis on the
obsolete error log entries for the resource.

To select a resource, move the cursor to the resource and press 'Enter'.
To cancel the selection, press 'Enter' again.
Once all selections have been made, press 'Commit'.
To avoid selecting a resource, press 'Previous Menu'.

  sys0                                 System Object
  sysplanar0                           System Planar
  sisscsia0        P1                  PCI-X Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI Adapter
  scsi0            P1-T10              PCI-X Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI Adapter
  hdisk0           P1-T10-L3-L0        16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive (300000 MB)
  hdisk17          P1-T10-L8-L0        16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive (73400 MB)
  ses0             P1-T10-L15-L0       SCSI Enclosure Services Device
  scsi1            P1-T11              PCI-X Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI Adapter
                                       bus 选择“sys0”,回车确认 To select a resource, move the cursor to the resource and press 'Enter'.
To cancel the selection, press 'Enter' again.
Once all selections have been made, press 'Commit'.
To avoid selecting a resource, press 'Previous Menu'.

+ sys0                                 System Object
  sysplanar0                           System Planar
  sisscsia0        P1                  PCI-X Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI Adapter
  scsi0            P1-T10              PCI-X Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI Adapter
  hdisk0           P1-T10-L3-L0        16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive (300000 MB)
  hdisk17          P1-T10-L8-L0        16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive (73400 MB)
  ses0             P1-T10-L15-L0       SCSI Enclosure Services Device
  scsi1            P1-T11              PCI-X Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI Adapter
  usbhc2           P1                  USB Enhanced Host Controller (3310e000)
  usbhc0           P1                  USB Host Controller (33103500)
  usbhc1           P1                  USB Host Controller (33103500)
  ent0             P1-T5               2-Port 10/100/1000 Base-TX PCI-X Adapter
  ent1             P1-T6               2-Port 10/100/1000 Base-TX PCI-X Adapter
  fcs0             P1-C4-T1            FC Adapter
  fscsi0           P1-C4-T1            FC SCSI I/O Controller Protocol Device
  L2cache0                             L2 Cache
  mem0                                 Memory
  oppanel                              Operator panel

F1=Help                     F4=List                     F7=Commit                   Esc+0=Exit
F3=Previous Menu 此时,sys0前面出现了一个“+”符号,表示已选中该项 按F7(或ESC+7)提交确认 ESC+0退出 告警清除!