
2019-07-14 01:10发布


“General description:
It needs about 1s to lock screen when press power key again to awake phone after set “”Immediately”” in screen lock.
1.Main menu->Settings->Security->Screen lock settings->Turn off Power button instantly locks->Press Automatically lock->Select “”Immediately”“->Press power key twice quickly->Check.
2.Press power key to enter sleep->About 1s->Press power key again->Check.
Actual result:
Step 1:It don’t lock screen when press power key twice quickly to awake phone after set “”Immediately”” in screen lock.
Step 2:It needs about 1s to lock screen when press power key again to awake phone after set “”Immediately”” in screen lock.
Expect result:
Phone should be locked immediately when press power key to enter sleep after set “”Immediately”” in screen lock.
Reference phone result:
Phone is locked immediately when press power key twice after set “”Immediately”” in security. android可以设置,按下电源键后一段时间不锁屏,这样对于那些手机控来说是一件很好的事,不需要频繁的在keyguard中解锁。这个bug意思是说当设定按下电源后立刻锁屏,结果自己操作时却没有立刻锁屏,而是要等大约一秒钟后在按电源键,才属于锁屏状态。


show keyguard有两个触发点。
screen off 这里写图片描述
systemReady这里写图片描述 我们发现会通过KeyguardViewMediator.java处理。实际上,详细的流程是这样的 private void doKeyguardLaterLocked(long timeout) { // Lock in the future long when = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + timeout; Intent intent = new Intent(DELAYED_KEYGUARD_ACTION); intent.putExtra("seq", mDelayedShowingSequence); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_FOREGROUND); PendingIntent sender = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT); mAlarmManager.setExactAndAllowWhileIdle(AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP, when, sender); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "setting alarm to turn off keyguard, seq = " + mDelayedShowingSequence); doKeyguardLaterForChildProfilesLocked(); } 在doKeyguardLaterLocked方法中,会发送一个广播DELAYED_KEYGUARD_ACTION,广播的注册是在setupLocked() 中注册的 mContext.registerReceiver(mBroadcastReceiver, new IntentFilter(DELAYED_KEYGUARD_ACTION)); 在doKeyguardLaterLocked的参数timeout是从settings.app传过来了,也就是我们设定的按键后隔多长时间锁屏的时间。 public void onStartedGoingToSleep(int why) { ..... long timeout = getLockTimeout(KeyguardUpdateMonitor.getCurrentUser()); } 点进去一看,就知道通过在数据库里查询setting设定的时间 private long getLockTimeout(int userId) { // if the screen turned off because of timeout or the user hit the power button // and we don't need to lock immediately, set an alarm // to enable it a little bit later (i.e, give the user a chance // to turn the screen back on within a certain window without // having to unlock the screen) final ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); // From SecuritySettings final long lockAfterTimeout = Settings.Secure.getIntForUser(cr, Settings.Secure.LOCK_SCREEN_LOCK_AFTER_TIMEOUT, KEYGUARD_LOCK_AFTER_DELAY_DEFAULT, userId); // From DevicePolicyAdmin final long policyTimeout = mLockPatternUtils.getDevicePolicyManager() .getMaximumTimeToLockForUserAndProfiles(userId); long timeout; if (policyTimeout <= 0) { timeout = lockAfterTimeout; } else { // From DisplaySettings long displayTimeout = Settings.System.getIntForUser(cr, SCREEN_OFF_TIMEOUT, KEYGUARD_DISPLAY_TIMEOUT_DELAY_DEFAULT, userId); // policy in effect. Make sure we don't go beyond policy limit. displayTimeout = Math.max(displayTimeout, 0); // ignore negative values timeout = Math.min(policyTimeout - displayTimeout, lockAfterTimeout); timeout = Math.max(timeout, 0); } return timeout; } 接下来看看广播时如何处理的,找到广播接收者 private final BroadcastReceiver mBroadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { String action = intent.getAction(); if (DELAYED_KEYGUARD_ACTION.equals(action)) { final int sequence = intent.getIntExtra("seq", 0); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "received DELAYED_KEYGUARD_ACTION with seq = " + sequence + ", mDelayedShowingSequence = " + mDelayedShowingSequence); synchronized (KeyguardViewMediator.this) { if (mDelayedShowingSequence==sequence) { mSuppressNextLockSound = true; doKeyguardLocked(null); } } } /// @} } }; mDelayedShowingSequence==sequence这两个变量相互控制,最后如果相等的话,就开始调用doKeyguardLocked方法,就是说经过timeout时间的等待,就开始锁屏幕了。看看doKeyguardLocked方法 /** * Enable the keyguard if the settings are appropriate. */ private void doKeyguardLocked(Bundle options) { // if another app is disabling us, don't show if (!mExternallyEnabled || PowerOffAlarmManager.isAlarmBoot()) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "doKeyguard: not showing because externally disabled"); Log.d(TAG, "doKeyguard : externally disabled reason.." + "mExternallyEnabled = " + mExternallyEnabled) ; Log.d(TAG, "doKeyguard : externally disabled reason.." + "PowerOffAlarmManager.isAlarmBoot() = " + PowerOffAlarmManager.isAlarmBoot()) ; } // note: we *should* set mNeedToReshowWhenReenabled=true here, but that makes // for an occasional ugly flicker in this situation: // 1) receive a call with the screen on (no keyguard) or make a call // 2) screen times out // 3) user hits key to turn screen back on // instead, we reenable the keyguard when we know the screen is off and the call // ends (see the broadcast receiver below) // TODO: clean this up when we have better support at the window manager level // for apps that wish to be on top of the keyguard return; } // if the keyguard is already showing, don't bother if (mStatusBarKeyguardViewManager.isShowing()) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "doKeyguard: not showing because it is already showing"); resetStateLocked(); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "doKeyguard: not showing because it is already showing"); } return; } // In split system user mode, we never unlock system user. if (!UserManager.isSplitSystemUser() || KeyguardUpdateMonitor.getCurrentUser() != UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM || !mUpdateMonitor.isDeviceProvisioned()) { // if the setup wizard hasn't run yet, don't show if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "doKeyguard: get keyguard.no_require_sim property before"); } final boolean requireSim = !SystemProperties.getBoolean( "keyguard.no_require_sim", true); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "doKeyguard: get requireSim=" + requireSim); } final boolean provisioned = mUpdateMonitor.isDeviceProvisioned(); boolean lockedOrMissing = false; for (int i = 0; i < KeyguardUtils.getNumOfPhone(); i++) { if (isSimLockedOrMissing(i, requireSim)) { lockedOrMissing = true; break; } } /// M: Add new condition DM lock is not true boolean antiTheftLocked = AntiTheftManager.isAntiTheftLocked(); Log.d(TAG, "lockedOrMissing is " + lockedOrMissing + ", requireSim=" + requireSim + ", provisioned=" + provisioned + ", antiTheftLocked=" + antiTheftLocked); if (!lockedOrMissing && shouldWaitForProvisioning() && !antiTheftLocked) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "doKeyguard: not showing because device isn't provisioned" + " and the sim is not locked or missing"); } return; } if (mLockPatternUtils.isLockScreenDisabled(KeyguardUpdateMonitor.getCurrentUser()) && !lockedOrMissing && !antiTheftLocked) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "doKeyguard: not showing because lockscreen is off"); return; } final boolean otpLock = mOneTimePassLock.launchIfLockActive(); if (mLockPatternUtils.checkVoldPassword(KeyguardUpdateMonitor.getCurrentUser()) && KeyguardUtils.isSystemEncrypted() && !KeyguardSecurity.bootReasonIsCrash() && !otpLock) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Not showing lock screen since just decrypted"); // Without this, settings is not enabled until the lock screen first appears setShowingLocked(false); hideLocked(); mUpdateMonitor.reportSuccessfulStrongAuthUnlockAttempt(); return; } if (otpLock) { boolean relaunchOTP = false; // Wait while property sys.boot_completed is set in order to ensure that // OTPLockscreenActivity will start sucessfully while (!SystemProperties.getBoolean("sys.boot_completed", false)) { relaunchOTP = true; try { // Give some time to get property set if (DEBUG) { Log.i(TAG, "Boot not finished, sleeping..."); } Thread.sleep(KEYGUARD_WAIT_TIME_MS); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "doKeyguard: Exception in sleep"); } } } // Restart Activity if first attempt failed if (relaunchOTP) { // Disable status bar expand if (mStatusBarManager == null) { mStatusBarManager = (StatusBarManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.STATUS_BAR_SERVICE); } if (mStatusBarManager != null) { mStatusBarManager.disable(StatusBarManager.DISABLE_EXPAND); } mOneTimePassLock.launchIfLockActive(); } } } if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "doKeyguard: showing the lock screen"); showLocked(options); } 有兴趣可以详细看看,以后的流程没必要追究了,和这个bug的关系不大。
找bug是一件很麻烦的事,如果对流程不清楚的话就更加麻烦,我通过给这个文件调用的doKeyguardLaterLocked方法的地方前打印日志,发现在我触发关掉屏幕动作时会执行 public void onStartedGoingToSleep(int why) { public void onStartedGoingToSleep(int why) { synchronized (this) { ...... if ((why == WindowManagerPolicy.OFF_BECAUSE_OF_TIMEOUT && timeout > 0) || (why == WindowManagerPolicy.OFF_BECAUSE_OF_USER && !lockImmediately) && !mIsIPOShutDown) { Log日志 doKeyguardLaterLocked(timeout); mLockLater = true; } ...... } 会发现当我的timeout设为0if语句也会成立,也就会执行 doKeyguardLaterLocked(timeout);所以就出现了设置按下按键后立刻锁屏是没有效果的。这就是这个bug的原因。


public void onStartedGoingToSleep(int why) { synchronized (this) { ...... if ((why == WindowManagerPolicy.OFF_BECAUSE_OF_TIMEOUT && timeout > 0) || (why == WindowManagerPolicy.OFF_BECAUSE_OF_USER && !lockImmediately) && !mIsIPOShutDown) { Log日志 if(timeout>0){ doKeyguardLaterLocked(timeout); mLockLater = true; }else{ doKeyguardLocked(null); } } ...... }