OpenStack HA

2019-07-14 03:21发布

一 高可用最小停机时间最小的数据丢失
二 可用性级别
三 收益与投入成本
四 如何实现消除单点(SPOFs)
  •  网络冗余,比如:交换机、路由器
  •  应用服务冗余和自动服务迁移
  •  存储冗余
  •  基础设施冗余,比如:电源

五 高可用概念1 无状态服务(stateless services)
  • 请求之间没有依赖
  • 比如:Nova API,Nova Scheduler,etc.
2 有状态服务(Stateful services)
  • 一次操作需要多个关联请求完成
  • 比如:MySQL,Qpid,etc.
3 Active/Passive
  • Redundant instances of stateless services are load balanced
  • For Stateful services a replacement resource can be brought online.
这种方式是一个节点是主,一个节点是备,主节点挂掉后,备节点起来工作。4 Active/Active
  • Redundant instances of stateless services are load balanced
  • Stateful services are managed in such a way that services are redundant, and that all instances have an identical state.
  • Updates to one instance of a database would also update all other instances.
这种方式是所有节点都是活动的,没有主备之分,但每个节点的数据库状态必须保持一致,因此开销比较大。5 Failover
  • Migration of a service from the “primary” to the “secondary”
6 Failback
  • Migration of service back to the “primary”

六 HA for Openstack1 Compute HA
  • Instance HA
2 Controller HA
  • MySQL
  • Qpid
  • OpenStack APIs (keystone, nova-api etc.)
  • Nova, Neutron, Cinder, Swift, and so on

七 Server EvacuationWithout Shared Storage
  • The instance will be booted from a new disk, but will preserve the configuration, e.g. id, name, uid, ip...etc.
With Shared Storage
  • The instance will be booted from same disk and data will be preserved

八 Instance Migration
九 Application implement
十 HA on Openstack
  • 非常重要的一个组成
  • 每个Openstack的组件都用到了数据库
  • 需要使用数据库记录相当多的信息
1 Master/Master Replication2 Pacemaker,Corosync and DRBDPacemaker
  • high availability and load balancing stack for the Linux platform.
  • Interacts with applications through Resource Agents (RA)
  • Totem single-ring ordering and membership protocol
  • UDP and InfiniBand based messaging, quorum, and cluster membership to Pacemaker.
DRBD (Distributed Replication Block Device)
  • Synchronizes Data at the block device
  • Uses a journaling system (such as ext3 or ext4)
3 GaleraSynchronous multi-master cluster technology for MySQL/InnoDB
  • MySQL patched for wsrep (Write Set REPlication)
  • Active/active multi-master topology
  • Read and write to any cluster node
  • True parallel replication, in row level
  • No slave lag or integrity issues
4 比较
十二 Qpid HA
  • Pacemaker managed without clustering
  • Clustered without pacemaker
  • Pacemaker managed with clustering

十三 Qpid和Corosync的工作模式1 Client连接一个Broker2 Client failover
十四 Openstack APIs HA
  • keystone
  • glance-api
  • nova-api
  • cinder-api
  • neutron-api
  • Swift-proxy
一般都是用HA with keepalived and HAProxy
十五 Keepalived,HAProxy and VRRPHAProxy
  • Load Balancing and Proxying for HTTP and TCP Applications
  • Works over multiple connections
  • Used to load balance API services
VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol)
  • Eliminates SPOF in a static default routed environment
  • Based on Linux Virtual Server (IPVS) kernel module to provide layer 4 Load Balancing
  • Implements a set of checkers to check service status and to maintain health
  • Leverage the VRRP Protocol to remap VIPS in event of failure

十六 Openstack multi-host service
  • Nova-schedule
  • Nova-compute
  • Cinder-schedule

十七 keystone的HA1 keystone是整个openstack的关键。2 负责用户管理和权限控制。3 Openstack每个组件都和keystone有交互。4 单个keystone压力比较大。5 单点6 不同部署
十八 Glance的HA1 Glance负责整个Openstack的image管理,上传和下载操作多,对后端压力大。2 Image文件丢失与损坏3 Glance API接受所有的外部请求,压力比较大4 Glance的HA部署
十九 Swift,cinder以及Neutron的HA1 Swift本身就自带HA2 只需要对多个Proxy-Server做负责均衡即可。3 Neutron HA功能暂时还不是特别完善。4 Swift的HA部署
二十 Nova的HA1 Nova支持MutiHost模式部署2 可以做HA的包括nova-api和nova-scheduler,其中,nova-scheduler本身支持HA3 MutilHost模式部署4 对Nova-api进行负载5 Nova的HA部署
二十一 Neutron HAActive/active
  • dhcp-agent / openvswitch-agent/neutron-server
support active/ passive
  • L3-agent and metadata-agent

二十二 Sample Openstack HA Architecture
