A multilayer printed circuit board is a type of low-cost interconnect structure which commonly includes through via holes and striplines.
Resonance effects due to a stub in a transition from a through via hole to a stripline in multilayer PCBs can significantly worsen electric performance of the transition at higher frequencies.
In particular, it was indicated on this effect in 1 where differential via holes were considered and effectively modeled as a cascade of capacitances and inductances.
In this letter, we present a study of the resonance stub effect in via structures including ground vias embedded in a multilayer PCB by a three-dimensional electromagnetic field simlator based on the time-domain analysis and measurements at frequencies up to 20 GHz.
However, being different in their lengths calls for the establishment of the resonance in the transitions at different frequencies (for the longer stub, the resonance will be shifted to the lower frequencies.)
图1. 两种不同的via stub结构
如图2所示,采用地过孔产生回流路径,保证电流连续,地过孔与信号的距离为l" role="presentation">l。(”this via configuration corresponds to a cell of a high-density via structure under a large-scale integration chip.”)信号过孔焊盘直径dpad=0.5mm" role="presentation">dpad=0.5mm,焊盘厚度tpad=0.055mm" role="presentation">tpad=0.055mm,反焊盘大小dcle=0.8mm" role="presentation">dcle=0.8mm,孔径(rod diameter)drod=0.8mm" role="presentation">drod=0.8mm。地过孔与信号过孔结构一样,只是连接了所有的地平面层。
带状线的尺寸为w=0.127mm,h1=0.23mm,h2=0.13mm,t=0.035mm" role="presentation">w=0.127mm,h1=0.23mm,h2=0.13mm,t=0.035mm。
图2. 过孔和带状线结构示意
Moreover, comparisons of presented data show that ground vias can improve the performance of through hole via to stripline transitions, but outside the stub resonance range.
One can notice that these properities of via structures can be used to control the resonance frequency of the stub. Also, a transition from a through via hole to a stripline or a set of these transitions having effective capacitance and inductance of the stub as small as possible is a way to minimize the stub resonance effect in interconnect circuits at the considered frequency band.