今天 在飞凌官网下载了OK6410的原理图和PCB,如果想做一块Mini的底板。如何能最快地利用上飞凌原来画好的板,是我想解决的问题。
2、切换到PCB库,粘贴(注意,要在编辑区粘贴,不要在PCB LIBRARY那里粘贴,如果在那里粘贴的话会分开成5个封装的。)效果见下图:
Formula Tab
This tab provides for more advanced modification, allowing you to apply a specific expression to the selected string objects. The expression can include any built-in arithmetic operators and functions that apply to strings
(found in Pascal). Once again, if you wish to use the current value for the attribute as part of the expression, you will need to make reference to this original value, either by using the full name of the attribute, or by using the exclamation character (the
supported substitute for the name of the attribute currently being modified). When using attribute names, if any names contain spaces, these must be replaced by the underscore character. So, for example, use of the
Component Comment field
within a formula should be entered as Component_Comment.
Consider for example three selected memory components specified in a design, with designators U1, U3 and U5. You might want to extend the designators of these components by including some indication of their role. Using
the addition operator, you could write an expression to add to the existing string value of the
Name attribute. This would take the existing (original) string value and concatenate it with a specified new string, as illustrated below:
Name + '_MEM'
or, in shortened form:
! + '_MEM'
Note that the spaces are optional. When you press
ENTER the designators of the components will be updated to U1_MEM, U3_MEM and U5_MEM respectively.
To illustrate the use of string-based functions consider the Copy function, which can be used to take a portion of an original string and place it within an expression to create a new string. Take again the Comms Port example
Batch Replacement of String-based Attributes), where strings of the form CommPortx_8 need to be changed to IOPortx_32.
In this case you could select the four free string objects, access the
Smart Edit dialog for the
String attribute and write the following expression on the
Formula tab:
'IO' + Copy(String,5,6) + '32'
or, in shortened form:
'IO' + Copy(!,5,6) + '32'
这里就不翻译了,直接上如何操作:用鼠标选中一个底座的引脚,打开PCBLIB Inspector点击Name 右边 的三点,打开Smart Edit 如图那样填写,确定后再放大那底座你会发现,那底座所有的引脚前都加上A了。用同样的方法给另外的底座分别加上BCD。
转到原理图库,在SCH Library 那里粘贴,注意,在编辑区域是粘贴不了的。
上面只是演示了一个抄原理图封装的一些技巧,如果 不想自己弄的可以到