The record for a starter making a printed circuit

2019-07-14 09:52发布

大家好,欢迎来到我的博客。今天是第一次在实验室有着学长指导下制作PCB版,当然,自己还是新手,还有很多的需要做的、需要学的。这一次也是第一次开始在用CSDN记录的我实验室生活的一部分。话不多说,先把重点流程走一边,再把个人心得记录一遍吧。 Hi guys, welcome to my blog. Today it was the very first time making a PCB(printed circuit board) in the NUEDC lab under the guidance with two very helpful seniors. Of course I'm still a BEGINNER at this point. There's so much I need to learn and catch up. And this is the first time that i use CSDN to record  a part of my life in the lab. No need to talk much, let's go thru these steps and tell you all what's on my mind.
流程: Procedure: 一、打印 Print on paer (1)将制作好的PCB板打开在PCB页面,选择File--Print Setup,打开看到Scaling中的Scale Mode,选择“Scaled Print”,设置Scale为1.00;设置Color Set为“Mono”。 再点在左下角的“Advanced”,看到“Printouts & Layers”,修改打印的图层。再打印单面板时,图层我们只需要Bottom Layer,所以我们把多出来的层删除,并且在右侧“Printout Options”勾选“Holes”。千万别选“Mirror”。 After getting your PCB file done and stay at the PCB edit page, choose File--Print Setup, then you'll see "Scale Mode" in the Scaling section, choose "Scale Print", set the Scale to 1.00, and the Color Set to "Mono". Then choose  "Advance" in the lower-left corner, you'll see "Printouts & Layers", edit the layers you want to print out,. When you wanna print single sided board, you just need to keep Bottom Layer and delete all the other layers; next, choose "Holes" in the right side "Printout Option". Do Not choose "Mirror" unless you want your PCB to mirror. (2)选择File--Print Preview,在检查无误后,点击"Print"打印。 Choose File--Print Preview, after checking everything's right, click "Print". (3)第一遍打印先用A4实验,可以将元件放在A4上试一试布局,如有理论布局和实际布局有差别,可以再度进行PCB修改,避免菲林纸浪费。A4是要比菲林纸便宜的。 Use an normal A4 paper to print in the first time so that you can arrange your components on that paper to check  if there's anything that doesn't fit, and you can fix it on your laptop easily.  In this way you can reduce the waste of film paper, 'cause normal A4 is cheaper than film paper .LOL
二、印版Print on board (1)预热热打印仪器至165°C左右,不超过170°C。 Preheat the thermal printer to 160 degree or so, not over 170 degree. (2)印板子用的铜板切割时,先找准位置,等刀口和板子相贴,精准发力。尽量别多切到不需要的地方,养成良好的实验习惯。 When cut the copper board, make sure you find its right position, blade connecting the board, then push down the blade real quick. Try not  to outcut the range you need, it saves. Keep a good habit. (3)铜板先要经过砂纸手工打磨至光亮后才利于后期洗板。制作大板子可以先切板子后根据使用部分打磨,小板子则反之。打磨后清理表面灰。 Sand the board surface. Polish it real good because it does help to the  corrosion later. Cut first polish second when making a large board, small-size board otherwise. Clean the ashes on the surface after polishing. (4)裁剪菲林纸至略小于铜板,使用热胶带封劳四周。 Cut film paper to make it slightly smaller and longer than the board size, and use to adhesive tapes to seal each side. (5)板子放在打印仪边缘,调节进出开关,轻推板子进行打印。当来回两个周期后即可完成打印。.
Put the board in the printer, adjust the In/Out switch. Gently push the  board into the printer. When the board goes in and out for two cycles, finish printing.
三、洗板Corrosion (1)印好的板子放进盆子,放入腐蚀剂,加入热水,并且轻摇容器进行洗板。当表面铜褪去则为完毕。
Put the board in a small basin, add some corrodent, pour some hot water over the surface of the board, then shake it till the copper cover fully dissolve in the water. (2)在(1)的盆子外边加一个水浴保温。
Tip: use a bigger basin to keep the smaller basin in a warm temperature. (3)铜褪去后,取出板子用清水冲洗。废液严禁随意处理,带回实验室回收桶。 After copper dissolved, take the board to clean water to  wash. DO NOT pour out the waste solution , take it back to the lab and pour it in the recycle bin. (4)洗净的板子用布蘸取少量桐油?,朝一个方向擦去表面的墨。 Dip a little tung oil with a cloth, wipe out the ink on the surface in the same direction.
最后的步骤就是打孔了!制版部分告一段落。 Next step is punching or called "holing??"!  The making of a  printed circuit board was kinda over now!!! And this is my first time writing these in public. If there's any better idea or just something you wanna say to me, pls comment down below.  And I hope my blog can help you, even if it's just a little bit. peace