2019-07-14 10:20发布


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PCB单项检查:Tools -->  Quick Reports

1,Unconnected Pins Report 2,   Unplaced Components Report 3,  Design Rules Check(DRC) Report 等。


Shape---> Global Dynamic  Params


Setup --> Cross-section   Database Check:  Tools --> Database Check 再次查看status状态: Display -->Status         ALLEGRO使用(V16.2)-DRC错误代码对照
  代码 相关对象 说明 单一字符代码 L Line 走线 P Pin 元件脚 V Via 贯穿孔 K Keep in/out 允许区域/禁止区域 C Component 元件层级 E Electrical Constraint 电气约束 J T-Junction 呈现T形的走线 I Island Form 被Pin或Via围成的负片孤铜       错误代码前置码说明     W Wire 与走线相关的错误 D Design 与整个电路板相关的错误 M Soldemask 与防焊层相关的错误       错误代码后置码说明     S Shape/Stub 与走线层的Shape或分支相关的错误 N Not
Allowed 与不允许的设置相关的错误 W Width 与宽度相关的错误       双字符错误代码     BB Bondpad to Bondpad Bondpad之间的错误 BL Bondpad to Line Bondpad与Line之间的错误 BS Bondpad to Shape Bondpad与Shape 之间的错误 CC Package to Package Package之间的 Spacing 错误 Symbol Soldermask to Symbol Soldermask零件防焊层之间的Spacing 错误 DF Differential Pair Length Tolerance 差分对走线的长度误差过长 Differential Pair Primary Max Separation 差分对走线的主要距离太大 Differential Pair Secondary Max Separation 差分对走线的次要距离太大 Differential Pair Secondary Max Length 差分对走线的次要距离长度过长 DI Design Constraint Negative Plane Island 负片孤铜的错误 ED Propagation-Delay 走线的长度错误 Relative-Propagation-Delay 走线的等长错误 EL Max Exposed Length 走线在外层(TOP&BOTTOM)的长度过长 EP Max Net Parallelism Length-Distance Pair 已超过Net之间的平行长度 ES Max Stub Length 走线的分支过长 ET Electrical Topology 走线连接方式的错误 EV Max Via Count 已超过走线使用的VIA的最大数目 EX Max Crosstalk 已超过Crosstalk值 Max Peak Crosstalk 已超过Peak Crosstalk值 HH Hold to Hold Spacing 钻孔之间的距离太近 HW Diagonal Wire to Hold Spacing 斜线与钻孔之间的距离太近 Hold to Orthogonal Wire Spacing 钻孔与垂直/水平线之间的距离太近 IM Impedance Constraint 走线的阻抗值错误 JN T Junction Not Allowed 走线呈T形的错误 KB Route Keepin
to Bondpad Bondpad在Keepin之外 Route keepout
to Bondpad Bondpad在keepout之内 Via Keepout
Bondpad Bondpad在Via Keepout之内 KC Package to Place Keepin Spacing 元件在Place Keepin之外 Package to Place Keepout Spacing 元件在Place Keepout之内 KL Line to Route Keepin Spacing 走线在Route Keepin之外 Line to Route Keepout Spacing 走线在Route Keepout之内 KS Shape to Route Keepin Spacing Shape在Route Keepin之外 Shape to Route Keepout Spacing Shape在Route Keepout之内 KV BBVia to Route Keepin Spacing BBVia在Route Keepin之外 BBVia to Route Keepout Spacing BBVia在Route Keepout之内 BBVia to Via Keepout Spacing BBVia在Via Keepout之内 Test Via to Route Keepin Spacing Test Via在Route Keepin之外 Test Via to Route Keepout Spacing Test Via在Route Keepout之内 Test Via to Via Keepout Spacing Test Via在Via Keepout之内 Through Via to Route Keepin Spacing Through Via在Route Keepin之外 Through Via to Route Keepout Spacing Through Via在Route Keepout之内 Through Via to Via Keepout Spacing Through Via在Via Keepout之内 LB Min Self Crossing Loopback Length 无 LL Line to Line Spacing 走线之间太近 LS Line to Shape Spacing 走线与Shape 太近 LW Min Line Width 走线的宽度太细 Min Neck Width 走线变细的宽度太细 MA
Soldermask Alignment Error Pad Soldermask Tolerance太小 MC Pin/Via Soldermask to Symbol Soldermask Pad与Symbol Soldermask之间的错误 MM Pin/Via Soldermask to Pin/Via Soldermask Pad
Soldermask之间的错误 PB Pin to Bondpad Pin与Bondpad之间的错误 PL Line to SMD Pin Spacing 走线与SMD元件脚太近 Line to Test Pin Spacing 走线与Test元件脚太近 Line to Through Pin Spacing 走线与Through元件脚太近 PP SMD Pin to SMD Pin Spacing SMD元件脚与SMD元件脚太近 SMD Pin to Test Pin Spacing SMD元件脚与Test元件脚太近 Test Pin to Test Pin Spacing Test元件脚与Test元件脚太近 Test Pin to Through Pin Spacing Test元件脚与Through元件脚太近 Through Pin to SMD Pin Spacing Through元件脚与SMD元件脚太近 Through Pin to Through Pin Spacing Through元件脚与Through元件脚太近 PS Shape to SMD Pin Spacing Shape与SMD元件脚太近 Shape to Test Pin Spacing Shape与Test元件脚太近 Through Pin to Shape Spacing Through元件脚与Shape太近 PV BBVia to SMD Pin Spacing BBVia与SMD元件脚太近 BBVia to Test Pin Spacing BBVia与Test元件脚太近 BBVia to Through Pin Spacing BBVia 与Through元件脚太近 SMD Pin to Test Via Spacing SMD Pin与Test Via太近 SMD Pin to Through Via Spacing SMD Pin与Through Via太近 Test Pin to Test Via Spacing Test Pin与Test Via太近 Test Pin to Through Via Spacing Test Pin与Through Via太近 Test Via to Through Pin Spacing Test Via与Through Pin太近 Through Pin to Through Via Spacing Through Pin与Through Via太近 RC Package to Hard Room 元件在其他的Room之内 RE Min Length Route End Segment at 135Degree 无 Min Length Route End Segment at 45/90Degree 无
SB 135Degree Turn to Adjacent Crossing Distance 无 90Degree Turn to Adjacent Crossing Distance 无 SL Min Length Wire Segment 无 Min Length Single Segment Wire 无 SN Allow on Etch Subclass 允许在走线层上 SO Segment Orientaion 无 BB Bondpad to Bondpad Bondpad之间的错误 SS Shape to Shape Shape之间的错误 TA Max Turn Angle 无 VB Via to Bondpad Via 与Bondpad之间的错误 VG Max BB Via Stagger Distance 同一段线的BB Via之间的距离太长 Min BB Via Gap BB Via之间太近 Min BB Via Stagger Distance 同一段线的BB Via之间的距离太近 Pad/Pad Direct Connect Pad 在另一个Pad 之上 VL BB Via to Line Spacing BB Via与走线太近 Line to Through Via Spacing 走线与Through Via太近 Line to Test Via Spacing 走线与Test Via太近 VS BB Via to Shape Spacing BB Via与Shape太近 Shape to Test Via Spacing Shape 与Test Via太近 Shape to Through Via Spacing Shape与Through Via太近 VV BB Via to BB Via
Spacing BB Via之间太近 BB Via to Test Via Spacing BB Via与Test Via太近 BB Via to Through Via Spacing BB Via与Through Via太近 Test Via to Test Via Spacing Test Via之间太近 Test Via to Through Via Spacing Test Via与Through Via太近 Through Via to Through Via Spacing Through Via之间太近 WA Min Bonding Wire Length Bonding Wire 长度太短 WE Min End Segment Length 无 Min Length Wire End Segment at 135Degree 无 Min Length Wire End Segment at 45/90Degree 无 WI Max Bonding Wire Length Bonding Wire 长度太长 WW Diagonal Wire to Diagonal Wire Spacing 斜线之间太近 Diagonal Wire to Orthogonal Wire Spacing 斜线与垂直/水平线之间的距离太近 Orthogonal Wire to Orthogonal Wire Spacing 垂直/水平线之间的距离太近 WX Max Number of Crossing 无 Min Distance between Crossing 无 XB 135 Degree Turn to Adjacent Crossing Distance 无 90 Degree Turn to Adjacent Crossing Distance 无 XD Externally Determined Violation 无 XS Crossing to Adjacent Segment Distances 无         参考: