lwip -telnet移植

2019-07-14 10:24发布

//注:telnet命令在超级终端输入字符,是需要远程回显字符才能看到(即要软件自己实现)   /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "helloworld.h"
#include "lwip/tcp.h"

/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define GREETING "Hello. What is your name? "
#define HELLO "Hello "
#define MAX_NAME_SIZE 32

/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
struct name 
  int length;
  char bytes[MAX_NAME_SIZE];

/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
static err_t HelloWorld_recv(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p, err_t err);
static err_t HelloWorld_accept(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *pcb, err_t err);
static void HelloWorld_conn_err(void *arg, err_t err);

/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/

  * @brief  Called when a data is received on the telnet connection
  * @param  arg        the user argument
  * @param  pcb        the tcp_pcb that has received the data
  * @param  p        the packet buffer
  * @param  err        the error value linked with the received data
  * @retval error value
static err_t HelloWorld_recv(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p, err_t err)
  struct pbuf *q;
  struct name *name = (struct name *)arg;
  int done;
  char *c;
  int i;

  /* We perform here any necessary processing on the pbuf */
  if (p != NULL) 
        /* We call this function to tell the LwIp that we have processed the data */
        /* This lets the stack advertise a larger window, so more data can be received*/
        tcp_recved(pcb, p->tot_len);

    /* Check the name if NULL, no data passed, return withh illegal argument error */
      return ERR_ARG;

    done = 0;
    for(q=p; q != NULL; q = q->next) 
      c = q->payload;
      for(i=0; ilen && !done; i++) 
        done = ((c[i] == ' ') || (c[i] == ' '));
        if(name->length < MAX_NAME_SIZE) 
          name->bytes[name->length++] = c[i];
      if(name->bytes[name->length-2] != ' ' || name->bytes[name->length-1] != ' ') 
        if((name->bytes[name->length-1] == ' ' || name->bytes[name->length-1] == ' ') && (name->length+1 <= MAX_NAME_SIZE)) 
              name->length += 1;
            else if(name->length+2 <= MAX_NAME_SIZE) 
          name->length += 2;
          name->length = MAX_NAME_SIZE;

        name->bytes[name->length-2] = ' ';
        name->bytes[name->length-1] = ' ';
      tcp_write(pcb, HELLO, strlen(HELLO), 1);

      tcp_write(pcb, name->bytes, name->length, TCP_WRITE_FLAG_COPY);
      name->length = 0;
        /* End of processing, we free the pbuf */
  else if (err == ERR_OK) 
    /* When the pbuf is NULL and the err is ERR_OK, the remote end is closing the connection. */
    /* We free the allocated memory and we close the connection */
    return tcp_close(pcb);
  return ERR_OK;


  * @brief  This function when the Telnet connection is established
  * @param  arg  user supplied argument 
  * @param  pcb         the tcp_pcb which accepted the connection
  * @param  err         error value
  * @retval ERR_OK
static err_t HelloWorld_accept(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *pcb, err_t err)
  /* Tell LwIP to associate this structure with this connection. */
  tcp_arg(pcb, mem_calloc(sizeof(struct name), 1));        
  /* Configure LwIP to use our call back functions. */
  tcp_err(pcb, HelloWorld_conn_err);
  tcp_recv(pcb, HelloWorld_recv);
  /* Send out the first message */  
  tcp_write(pcb, GREETING, strlen(GREETING), 1); 

  return ERR_OK;

  * @brief  Initialize the hello application  
  * @param  None 
  * @retval None 
void HelloWorld_init(void)
  struct tcp_pcb *pcb;                                    
  /* Create a new TCP control block  */
  pcb = tcp_new();                                                 

  /* Assign to the new pcb a local IP address and a port number */
  /* Using IP_ADDR_ANY allow the pcb to be used by any local interface */
  tcp_bind(pcb, IP_ADDR_ANY, 23);       

  /* Set the connection to the LISTEN state */
  pcb = tcp_listen(pcb);                                

  /* Specify the function to be called when a connection is established */        
  tcp_accept(pcb, HelloWorld_accept);   

  * @brief  This function is called when an error occurs on the connection 
  * @param  arg
  * @parm   err
  * @retval None 
static void HelloWorld_conn_err(void *arg, err_t err)
  struct name *name;
  name = (struct name *)arg;
