2019-07-14 10:29发布

#include "iostream"    
using namespace std; typedef struct node
 char ID[10];
 struct node *next;
}PCB; void login(char *username)
 cout<<"Please enter your ID:";
 cout<<"Welcome to Little Dog [v1.0]"< cout<<" All Right Receive.   By LG."<{
int check(char* statement)
 switch (*statement)
 case 'C':
  return 1;
 case 'B': 
  return 2;
 case 'T':
  return 3;
 case 'W':
  return 4;
 case 'S':
  return 5;
 case 'c':
  return 1;
 case 'b':
  return 2;
 case 't':
  return 3;
 case 'w':
  return 4;
 case 's':
  return 5;
 case 'q':
  return 6;
 case 'Q':
  return 6;
 case 'h':
  return 0;
 case 'H':
  return 0;
   return -1;
} PCB *pro(void)
 PCB *s,*r,*head;
 head=new PCB;
 for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
  s=new PCB;
 r->next=NULL;  return head;
} int main()
 char username[20];      //用户ID
 char statement[20];      //指令
 int enable;        //校检标示
 PCB *temp;  int null_last=10;
 int ready_last=0;
 int block_last=0;  PCB *execute=new PCB;      //执行块
 PCB *h_block=new PCB;      //阻塞队列
 PCB *h_ready=new PCB;      //就绪队列
 PCB *h_null=new PCB;      //空白PCB
 h_null->next=NULL;  PCB *r_ready=new PCB;
 PCB *r_block=new PCB;
 PCB *r_null=new PCB;
 r_null->next=NULL;  login(username);
 clew(username);  h_null=pro();  while(true)
  enable=check(statement);   if(enable==-1)
   cout<<"Bad command.  ";
   cout<<"Please input h for help."<   clew(username);
  else if(enable==6)
   cout<<"Thank you for using Operation System Little Dog."<   cout<<"E-Mail:gldamao@gmail.com"<   exit(0);
  else if(enable==0)
   cout<<"h Command list for help."<   cout<<"c or C: Creat a new process."<   cout<<"b or B: Block a process."<   cout<<"t or T: Time out."<   cout<<"w or W: Wakeup the block process."<   cout<<"s or S: Show all the process."<   cout<<"q or Q: Exit Operation System LG."<   clew(username);
  }   else if(enable==1)    //Creat
     cout<<"Set the name of this process:";
     cout<<"Creat new process success."<    }     else
     cout<<"Set the name of this process:";
     }      else
     cout<<"Creat new process success."<    }
    continue;    }    else
    cout<<"NO free resource."<    clew(username);
  else if(enable==2)    //Block
    cout<<"No process is running."<    clew(username);
     }      else
    }     else
     r_block->next=NULL;      if(h_ready->next)
    }     cout<<"Block process success."<    clew(username);
  }   else if(enable==3)    //Time out
    cout<<"No process is running."<   }
   else if(ready_last==0)
    cout<<"No ready process."<   }
    r_ready->next=NULL;     h_ready->next=h_ready->next->next;
    cout<<"command success."<   }
  else if(enable==4)    //wake up
    cout<<"No block process."<   else
    block_last--;     if(!execute->next)
    }     else
     }      if(h_block->next->next)
    cout<<"One process has been wake up."<   }     clew(username);
  else if(enable==5)    //show
    cout<<"Waiting process:"<    temp=h_ready->next;
    for(int j=0;j    {
     cout<<"Process ID:"<ID<<"  ";
    cout<   }    else
    cout<<"No waiting process."<next)
    cout<<"Running process:"<    cout<<"Process ID:"<next->ID;
    cout<   }
    cout<<"No running process."<0)
    cout<<"Blocking process:"<    temp=h_block->next;     for(int j=0;j    {
     cout<<"Process ID:"<ID<<"  ";
    cout<   }
    cout<<"No blocking process."<   }
  }  }   return 0;