Pic in Mao style
To me, the Batman vs Superman has just reaped off the reward as the worst movie of the year. I jumped out of the theater the moment the cast started to rolling, not even bothering to ...
[图片来自Nathan Barry的Instagram,
import media
path = media.choose_file()
pic = media.load_picture(path)
for p in media.get_pixels(pic):
new_blue = i...
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use LWP::Simple;
binmode STDOUT,':encoding(UTF-8)';
my $imgurl = "http://imgsrc.baidu.com/forum/pic/item/0ff41bd5ad6eddc43453f36739dbb6fd536633f1.jpg";
my $geturl=undef;
$geturl ...
/* At this point the application doesn't actually associate the images with a portfolio. This just saves the file to the filesystem */
private void addImage ( File pic, String fileName, String fileSystemHome ) throws...
function pic(upload){
var file = document.getElementById("up1");
var browser_agent = navigator.userAgent;
if (browser_agent.indexOf("Firefox")!=-1||browser_agent.indexOf("Chrome")!=-1) ...