* How to use this driver
* ===================================================================
* 1. Enable peripheral clock using CLK_PeripheralClockConfig(CLK_Peripheral_SPIx,
* ENABLE) function (Refer to the product datasheet for the available SPI
* peripherals)
* 2. Enable the external Pull-up on the used SPI Pins using the
* GPIO_ExternalPullUpConfig() function or an eternal pull-up equivalent resistor
* (RPU = 45 KOhm typical value).
谢谢你的回答 ,我现在问题找到了 是硬件这边原理图IO口有改动 PCB没改,现在都好了 ,但是还有一个问题 如果我没接外设 直接循环SPI 发送数据 不管是时钟 还是数据线都看不到信号? 如果外接2.4G 循环给2.4G寄存器写数据 读数据 ,那么三条线都有信号,是不是SPI 必须是要和外设通信才能输出信号?
* How to use this driver
* ===================================================================
* 1. Enable peripheral clock using CLK_PeripheralClockConfig(CLK_Peripheral_SPIx,
* ENABLE) function (Refer to the product datasheet for the available SPI
* peripherals)
* 2. Enable the external Pull-up on the used SPI Pins using the
* GPIO_ExternalPullUpConfig() function or an eternal pull-up equivalent resistor
* (RPU = 45 KOhm typical value).
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