2019-07-20 07:36发布
正点原子 发表于 2018-5-31 01:29 说明你的 FATFS写坏了SD卡
正点原子 发表于 2018-6-3 01:02 就是有问题了。 正常不会出现电脑读SD卡要格式化的
FATFS version R0.12c
Function Parameters:
FS_READONLY (Read-only mode) Disabled
FS_MINIMIZE (Minimization level) Disabled
USE_STRFUNC (String functions) Enabled with LF -> CRLF conversion
USE_FIND (Find functions) Disabled
USE_MKFS (Make filesystem function) Enabled
USE_FASTSEEK (Fast seek function) Enabled
USE_EXPAND (Use f_expand function) Disabled
USE_CHMOD (Change attributes function) Disabled
USE_LABEL (Volume label functions) Enabled *
USE_FORWARD (Forward function) Disabled
Locale and Namespace Parameters:
CODE_PAGE (Code page on target) Simplified Chinese (DBCS) *
USE_LFN (Use Long Filename) Enabled with dynamic working buffer on the STACK *
MAX_LFN (Max Long Filename) 255
STRF_ENCODE (Character encoding) UTF-8
FS_RPATH (Relative Path) Disabled
Physical Drive Parameters:
VOLUMES (Logical drives) 1
MAX_SS (Maximum Sector Size) 512
MIN_SS (Minimum Sector Size) 512
MULTI_PARTITION (Volume partitions feature) Disabled
USE_TRIM (Erase feature) Disabled
FS_NOFSINFO (Force full FAT scan) 0
System Parameters:
FS_TINY (Tiny mode) Disabled
FS_EXFAT (Support of exFAT file system) Enabled *
FS_NORTC (Timestamp feature) Dynamic timestamp
NORTC_YEAR (Year for timestamp) 2015
NORTC_MON (Month for timestamp) 6
NORTC_MDAY (Day for timestamp) 4
FS_REENTRANT (Re-Entrancy) Disabled
FS_TIMEOUT (Timeout ticks) 1000
SYNC_t (O/S sync object) osSemaphoreId
FS_LOCK (Number of files opened simultaneously) 2
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