楼主去去哪里的ti,我在深圳工作。ti的华南总部在科技园深南大道的康佳大厦。由于工作原因经常和ti的fae联系。那里工作气氛比较轻松,技术支持的业务水平还是很高的,可能比一般小公司的DSP工程师都高不少。如果是跑市场的那种,就需要对他们的产品线和具体对象客户有一点了解了。不怎么要求口头的英文,但是书面英文要很强,还要有个英文名字,好多工程师都叫tony alan什么的。我看他们给美国总部的工作邮件都能很明了的把一个问题描述清楚。
"“We have a audio data sampling project.We want to tansfer the data which be the removal of echo to pc through usb.
FAE suggest us to use The USB On-The-Go Host and Device Library which provides a gencric usb protocol.
So we choose the Audio (OUT) example.we aim to change this example to Audio(in) case. we get such achievement as follow by far,
modify the device descriptor .the pc can recongize the usb device as recorder device now
modify the interfaces and callbacks in usbd_core_audio.c
but we find no data be detected by oscilloscope, there is no trigger in usbd_audio_DataIn function.
We have no idea which step we have to take and nessary modifcations we should follow.
The project which been modifyed and the demo project can be download in attchments
"“We have a audio data sampling project.We want to tansfer the data which be the removal of echo to pc through usb.
FAE suggest us to use The USB On-The-Go Host and Device Library which provides a gencric usb protocol.
So we choose the Audio (OUT) example.we aim to change this example to Audio(in) case. we get such achievement as follow by far,
modify the device descriptor .the pc can recongize the usb device as recorder device now
modify the interfaces and callbacks in usbd_core_audio.c
but we find no data be detected by oscilloscope, there is no trigger in usbd_audio_DataIn function.
We have no idea which step we have to take and nessary modifcations we should follow.
The project which been modifyed and the demo project can be download in attchments
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