void USB_Init(void)
pInformation = &Device_Info; //定义了一个实体结构
pInformation->ControlState = 2; //设置了内部变量
pProperty = &Device_Property; //定义了一个实体结构
pUser_Standard_Requests = &User_Standard_Requests; //定义了一个实体结构
/* Initialize devices one by one */
pProperty->Init(); //这个函数我知道是调用 pProperty的init()函数,可这个函数是空的啊,求大家不吝赐教!!!!!!!!!!
以下是上面那个 pProperty的结构体定义
typedef struct _DEVICE_PROP
void (*Init)(void); /* Initialize the device */
void (*Reset)(void); /* Reset routine of this device */
/* Device dependent process after the status stage */
void (*Process_Status_IN)(void);
void (*Process_Status_OUT)(void);
/* Procedure of process on setup stage of a class specified request with data stage */
/* All class specified requests with data stage are processed in Class_Data_Setup
responses to check all special requests and fills ENDPOINT_INFO
according to the request
If IN tokens are expected, then wLength & wOffset will be filled
with the total transferring bytes and the starting position
If OUT tokens are expected, then rLength & rOffset will be filled
with the total expected bytes and the starting position in the buffer
If the request is valid, Class_Data_Setup returns SUCCESS, else UNSUPPORT
Since GET_CONFIGURATION & GET_INTERFACE are highly related to
the individual classes, they will be checked and processed here.
RESULT (*Class_Data_Setup)(uint8_t RequestNo);
/* Procedure of process on setup stage of a class specified request without data stage */
/* All class specified requests without data stage are processed in Class_NoData_Setup
responses to check all special requests and perform the request
Since SET_CONFIGURATION & SET_INTERFACE are highly related to
the individual classes, they will be checked and processed here.
RESULT (*Class_NoData_Setup)(uint8_t RequestNo);
This function is used by the file usb_core.c to test if the selected Interface
and Alternate Setting (uint8_t Interface, uint8_t AlternateSetting) are supported by
the application.
This function is writing by user. It should return "SUCCESS" if the Interface
and Alternate Setting are supported by the application or "UNSUPPORT" if they
are not supported. */
RESULT (*Class_Get_Interface_Setting)(uint8_t Interface, uint8_t AlternateSetting);
uint8_t* (*GetDeviceDescriptor)(uint16_t Length);
uint8_t* (*GetConfigDescriptor)(uint16_t Length);
uint8_t* (*GetStringDescriptor)(uint16_t Length);
/* This field is not used in current library version. It is kept only for
compatibility with previous versions */
void* RxEP_buffer;
uint8_t MaxPacketSize;
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